
  • 网络liquid insulating material
  1. 植物绝缘油的生物降解性大于97%,是一种环保清洁的液体绝缘材料;

    The biological degradability is greater than 97 % , therefore , it is a clean liquid insulating material which has slightly pollution to environment ;

  2. 植物油中提取的环保液体绝缘材料

    Environment Friendly Dielectric Fluid Refined from Vegetable Oil

  3. GB/T5654-1985液体绝缘材料工频相对介电常数、介质损耗因数和体积电阻率的测量

    " Measurement of relative permittivity , dielectric dissipation factor at power frequency and volume resistivity of insulating liquids "

  4. 植物绝缘油具有高燃点和高闪点,几乎可完全生物降解以及良好的电气性能,是目前国际上重点研究的环保型液体绝缘材料。

    As a new environmental friendly dielectric liquid , vegetable insulating oil has high fire point and flash point , almost fully biodegradable , excellent electric properties .

  5. GB/T7196-1987用液体萃取测定电气绝缘材料离子杂质的试验方法

    Methods of test for the determination of ionic impurities in electrical insulating materials by extraction with liquids