
  1. 通过深研《灵枢·海论》,笔者认识到颈椎的生理功能有赖于四海而发挥,而颈椎病的形成也与四海空虚、气滞血瘀有关。

    Through the close study of Lingshu · Hailun , the anthor realized that physiological function of cervical vertebrae depended of four seas , and the cervical disease was related also with the deficiency of four seas and stagnancy of Qi and blood stasis .

  2. 海权论与俄罗斯海权地理不利性评析

    The Theory of Sea Power and Russia 's Geography of Sea Power

  3. 北约东扩有着久远的地缘政治理论根基,马汉的海权论、麦金德的陆权论以及历史上德国的战争地缘政治学和法国的地缘政治学理论无不包含了对欧洲权力意义的论证。

    It has long historical linkage with the geopolitical theories , including Mahan 's " Sea-Power Theory ", Mackinder 's " Land-Power Theory ", and German " Geopolitik " and French " Geopolitique ", all of which had demonstrated the significance of European power .

  4. 康海散文复古论刍议

    A Thesis on Kang Hai 's Proposition of Restoring Ancient Ways in Prose

  5. 其答案在于兼容论、主和客论、海和河论。

    The reason lays in compatibility , host and guest theory , and ocean and river theory .

  6. 康海散文复古论,包含不少符合散文发展规律的合理因素。

    Kang Hai 's proposition of restoring ancient ways in prose contained many reasoning factors , which conformed to the law of the development of prose .