
  • 网络Salinity;The Salinity of Ocean Waters
  1. 通过海水盐度获得相似的流场分布趋势

    The similar distribution tendency of current field obtained by salinity

  2. 海水盐度为0.8%~1.0%时,随着盐度升高,向有利于提高光合作用强度的方向发展;

    In the range of 0.8 % ~ 1.0 % , the salinity is favorable for photosynthesis .

  3. 不同海水盐度和pH对文昌鱼精子寿命的影响

    Effects of different seawater salinity and pH on sperm lifespan of lancelet

  4. CTD测量系统和STD测量系统是海洋调查中现场测量海水盐度、温度和压力的常规调查设备。

    CTD system and STD system are conventional equipment which are used for measuring salinity , temperature and pressure of sea water in situ in marine investigation .

  5. 针对受诸多因素影响的复杂的海水盐度参数非线性输入输出特性,训练并建立BP神经网络模型,介绍了该模型的结构特点和原理。

    A new BP neural network 's structure , feature and principle are introduced . Aimed at the complex non-linearity affected by many factors , BP neural network model is set up and trained in order to approach the compensation effects .

  6. 结果表明:叶肉细胞的大小和细胞内叶绿素含量与海水盐度的关系都呈倒Z字形,单位体积叶肉组织叶绿素含量与海水盐度的关系呈N字形。

    The results showed that the curve shape of the relationship mesophyll cell size and chlorophyll content in different salinity of seawater is like the reversed shape of " Z ", and that of chlorophyll content in unit volume in different salinity of seawater is " N " .

  7. 三大洋表层海水盐度的分布特征

    Characteristics of salinity distribution in surface sea water of the oceans

  8. 海水盐度对铝阳极电化学性能影响的研究

    Effect of seawater salinity on electrochemical properties of Al-BASIC sacrificial anode

  9. 海水盐度对两种红树植物胚轴萌发的影响

    Effects of seawater salinity on hypocotyl growth in two mangrove species

  10. 海水盐度和温度实时检测的新型光纤传感器研究

    Novel Optical Fiber Sensor for Simultaneous Undersea Temperature and Salinity Measurement

  11. 微波辐射计遥感海水盐度的水池实验研究

    Experimental Study of Microwave Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity

  12. 航空微波遥感海水盐度的研究

    Study on aircraft microwave remote sensing of sea-water surface salinity

  13. 海水盐度的增加和减少都会降低微生物的活性,对微生物膜的附着起到一定的阻碍作用。

    High salinity or desalt of seawater can all reduced bacteria activity .

  14. 利用微波辐射计航空遥测海水盐度的研究

    The Air-borne Remote Sensing of Sea Salinity by Microwave Radiometer

  15. 在热带地区,由于蒸发速率大,海水盐度较高。

    Salinities are higher in the tropics due to high evaporation rates .

  16. 海水盐度对潜流人工湿地系统净化效果的影响

    Influence of Seawater Salinity on Purification Efficiency of Subsurface flow Constructed Wetland

  17. 基于光电传感技术的海水盐度计研究

    Research on seawater salinometer based on photoelectric sensor technology

  18. 海水盐度对A/O生物系统处理效果的影响

    Influence of Seawater Salinity on Processing Effect of A / O Biology System

  19. 海水盐度光纤遥测技术研究&测量原理

    Research on remote seawater salinity measurement technology based on optical fiber fiber system & measurement principle

  20. 悬浮体的遮光效应会限制其生长,海水盐度超出其适宜生长的范围也会对其的生长产生不利影响。

    When salinity of seawater exceeds the adaptable range negative effect would occur on the growth .

  21. 海水盐度

    The Salinity of Ocean Waters

  22. 根据表面等离子共振原理,提出一种具有自参考功能的、可用于测量海水盐度的新型光学传感器。

    A novel optical sensor with self-referencing function , used to measure seawater salinity , has been proposed .

  23. 海水盐度对大型氵蚤的存活和内禀增长率的影响

    Effects of Salinity of Seawater on the Survival and Intrinsic Rate of Increase of Two Populations of Daphnia Magna

  24. 海水盐度对牙鲆仔稚鱼的生长、存活率及白化率的影响

    Effects of salinity on growth , survival rate and albinism rate of the larvae and juveniles of Paralichthys olivaceus

  25. 这些结果表明孢子不同萌发阶段对海水盐度突变的适应性不同。

    The experiment result showed different development stage of Gloiopeltis tenax spores had different adaptability to the salinity change .

  26. 海水盐度对完全混合活性污泥法氨氮去除率的影响研究

    Effects of varying salinity on the removal efficiency of NH_3 & N in the complete - mixing activated sludge process

  27. 而大量造林实践表明,淹水时间和海水盐度是红树林造林成功与否的主要限制因子。

    Lots of forest practices showed that the tide-flooding time and salinity are the major limiting factor for mangrove forestation success .

  28. 由于受降雨、蒸发、生物活动以及放射性衰变等因素的影响,不同的海区海水盐度也不同。

    Variations from place to place are due to factors such as rainfall , evaporation , biological activity and radioactive decay .

  29. 正常海水盐度处理的大叶藻叶绿体结构最为完整,其受低渗影响和高渗影响都比较大。

    The chloroplast structure is most complete in normal sea water salinity . It was worse impacted by hypotonic and hypertonic .

  30. 研究了海水盐度突变对鹿角海萝孢子、孢子发生体和盘状体的影响。

    The experiment was conducted to study the influence of salinity change on spores , germinating spores and discs of Gloiopeltis tenax .