
  • 网络Mont Blanc;Mont-Blanc;Mount Blanc;Montblanc;Chamonix Mont-Blanc
  1. 勃朗峰于1786年被征服。

    Mont Blanc was conquered in 1786 .

  2. 而玩十柱戏和爬勃朗峰就算是娱乐。

    While rolling ten-pins or climbing Mont Blanc is only amusement .

  3. 参与者是徒步绕勃朗峰,然后攀登北非最高峰托布卡尔山

    These range from treks around Mont an ascent of North Africa 's highest mountain , Mount Toubkal .

  4. 勃朗峰是阿尔卑斯山脉中最高的山峰。

    Mont Blanc is the highest peak in the Apls .

  5. 勃朗峰是西欧最高的山峰。

    Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in Western Europe .

  6. 1784年的今天米歇尔帕卡德和雅克巴尔马博士登上了勃朗峰峰顶。

    On this day in1784 , Dr Michel paccard and Jacques Balmat reached the summit of Mont blanc .

  7. 欧洲最高的山是阿尔卑斯山的勃朗峰,比利牛斯山脉则终年白雪覆盖。

    The highest mountain in Europe is Mount Blanc in the Alps and the Pyrenees are covered with snow .

  8. 参与者是徒步绕勃朗峰,然后攀登北非最高峰托布卡尔山。

    These range from treks around Mont Blanc to an ascent of North Africa 's highest mountain , Mount Toubkal .

  9. 阿尔卑斯山脉雄据瑞士的中部和南部。山脉的勃朗峰,欧洲的最高峰,就在此。

    The Alps dominate the central and southern part of the country and are home to Europe 's highest mountain , Mont Blanc .

  10. 就在几个小时前,我站在坎姆尼克斯的主要大街上,仰望云雾环绕中的阿尔卑斯山最高峰&勃朗峰。

    Hours earlier , I 'd looked up from Chamonix 's main street to see Mont Blanc , the Alps'tallest mountain , shrouded in mist .

  11. 恒久不变的冰河及海拔超过四千七百公尺的阿尔卑斯山第一高峰勃朗峰的景象则令人永生难忘。

    The views of the permanent glaciers or Mount Blanc , the Alps 's highest peak at just over 4,700 meters will last a lifetime .

  12. 日内瓦位于阿尔卑斯山地的最大湖畔,湖周风景如画,在日内瓦可以看到欧洲最高峰&勃朗峰的顶峰。

    Geneva has an idyllic setting on the biggest alpine lakes and within view of the pinnacle of Mont Blanc , the highest peak in Europe .

  13. 根据英国广播公司消息,法国工程师已经开始为勃朗峰圣热瓦山谷一处冰川下的暗湖“放水”,以消除洪水威胁。

    French engineers have begun to drain a hidden lake under a glacier on Mont Blanc that threatens to flood the Saint Gervais valley , the BBC reported .

  14. 这个道理使他明白了为什么做假花和蹬车轮就算是工作,而玩十柱戏和爬勃朗峰就算是娱乐。

    And this would help him to understand why constructing artificial flowers or performing on a tread-mill is work , while rolling ten-pins or climbing Mont Blanc is only amusement .

  15. 世界经济论坛总部位于国际城市日内瓦,与欧洲最高山峰勃朗峰神秘的雪顶隔湖相望,常年享受着日内瓦湖水的滋润与呵护。

    The headquarters of the World Economic Forum is located in Geneva , an international city , overlooking the mysterious snow-capped peak of Mount Blanc at the other side of Geneva Lake .

  16. 攀登数天之后,他们到达安纳布尔纳峰高处某个宽敞且无任何遮掩的地方,这座山几乎比勃朗峰高出一倍,这是爆发了一场风暴,两人于是决定下山。

    After several days of climbing , high on a huge , exposed face of Annapurna , a mountain almost double the height of Mont Blanc , a storm erupted and the two men decided to descend .

  17. 北京门店的规模将会比目前全球最大门店上海旗舰店扩大一倍,而且还会展示一件原创的6米高的法国勃朗峰模型意在给触摸它的顾客带去好运。

    The shop will be double the size of the Shanghai outlet , currently its biggest shop in the world , sporting an original six-metre high piece of the French Mont Blanc mountain , meant to bring luck to those customers who touch it .