
  • 网络Brandenburg
  1. 溺水的GNOME:从奥得河水盖房子在勃兰登堡州的一个花园里,德国与波兰边界附近的星期五。

    DROWNING GNOME : Water from the Oder River covered the garden at a house in Brandenburg , Germany , near the border with Poland Friday .

  2. 无论是在全国立法机构选举中获得12%选票的瑞典民主党(SwedenDemocrats),还是在勃兰登堡州(Brandenburg)和图林根州(Thuringia)议会选举中得票率分别为12.2%和10.6%的德国新选项党(AfD),都谈不上是大获全胜。

    Neither the Sweden Democrats , with 12.9 per cent of the vote in national legislative elections , nor Alternative for Germany ( AfD ) , with 12.2 per cent and 10.6 per cent respectively in elections to the state parliaments of Brandenburg and Thuringia , came anywhere near outright victory .

  3. 德国有关部门表示,该病例在勃兰登堡州德国与波兰边境附近发现,检测结果证实了这种疾病的存在。

    German authorities say the case was found near the German-Polish border in the state of Brandenburg and tests confirmed the presence of the disease .

  4. 波茨坦是勃兰登堡州的首府,邻近柏林。里吉娜•蒂勒曼表示,该市去年因停车罚款入账120万欧元。

    Potsdam , the state capital of Brandenburg just outside Berlin , earned around 1.2 million euros from parking fines in 2011 , she said .