
huāng mò
  • desert;wilderness;desertn
荒漠 [huāng mò]
  • (1) [desert;wilderness]∶植物稀疏及人口密度很低的干旱地区;荒凉的旷野

  • (2) [desertness]∶像沙漠一样的情况

  • 那种令人迷惑的荒漠气氛意味深长地笼罩着这群岛屿

荒漠[huāng mò]
  1. 索马里大部分地区都是荒漠。

    Somalia is mostly desert .

  2. 他也想用这些水灌溉荒漠。

    He also wants to use the water to irrigate barren desert land .

  3. 20世纪70年代中期被视为摇滚乐的文化荒漠。

    The mid 1970s are seen as a cultural wasteland for rock music .

  4. 非洲有三分之一的土地面临荒漠化的威胁。

    A third of Africa is under threat of desertification .

  5. 马达加斯加生态系统类型多样,从雨林到半荒漠等不一而足。

    Madagascar 's ecosystems range from rainforest to semi-desert .

  6. “食品荒漠”是指没有新鲜食品或这种食品价格极贵的地区。看了以上定义,你也许对此还是没啥概念。憋急!

    Food desert refers to an area where fresh food is either non-existent or too expensive .

  7. 什么是“食品荒漠”?“食品荒漠”指某社区居民必须“跋涉”至少一英里的路程才能买到新鲜的肉类、奶制品和蔬菜。

    What is a " food desert " ? A community in which residents must travel at least a mile to buy fresh meat , dairy products , and vegetables .

  8. 开展国土绿化行动,推进荒漠化、石漠化、水土流失综合治理,强化湿地保护和恢复,加强地质灾害防治。

    We will promote afforestation , take comprehensive steps to control desertification , stony deserts , and soil erosion , strengthen wetland conservation and restoration , and better prevent and control geological disasters .

  9. 第三十八条国家鼓励单位和个人按照土地利用总体规划,在保护和改善生态环境、防止水土流失和土地荒漠化的前提下,开发未利用的土地;

    Article 38 The State encourages development of unused land by units or individuals according to the general plans for the utilization of land and under the precondition of protecting and improving the ecological environment , preventing water loss , soil erosion and desertification .

  10. 荒漠生态系统对大气CO2浓度升高响应的干湿年差异

    Difference of Desert Ecosystem Responses to Elevated Atmospheric CO_2 Concentration between Dry and Wet Years

  11. 基于3S技术的黄土高原地区水蚀荒漠化研究

    Study on Waterpower Desertification in Loess Plateau Based on 3S Technology

  12. CBERS-1数据评价及在荒漠化监测中的应用

    Processing and Application Evaluation of CBERS-1 Data in Desertification Monitoring

  13. 宁夏盐池半荒漠风沙区PRED综合研究信息数据库的建立及其管理系统设计

    A study on PRED database and its management system in Yanchi semi-desert area in Ningxia

  14. 高寒干旱荒漠草原移栽鲁梅克斯K-1杂交酸模试验

    Transplant Test of Hybrid Rumex k - 1 in alpine drought desert Pasture

  15. 绿洲的Bowen比大约是周围荒漠戈壁的1/20,相差一个量级,这说明绿洲和周围荒漠的气候特征相差十分明显。

    The Bowen ratio of oasis is about 1 / 20 that of Gobi , showing an obvious difference in climatic features between oasis and Gobi .

  16. 根据2001年8月31日Landsat卫星遥感TM数据,结合现场调查,通过景观熵值、植被覆盖度等指标综合评判,对研究样地荒漠化程度进行划分。

    According to Landsat remote sensing TM statistics on August 31 ~ ( th ), 2001 , together with the local investigation , the desertification level was classified through evaluation of the entropy and vegetation coverage , etc.

  17. 大沙鼠(Rhombomysopimus)是中亚地区典型的荒漠啮齿动物,栖息于荒漠、半荒漠中,是古北区荒漠、半荒漠景观中生物多样性的指示物种之一。

    Great Gerbil ( Rhombomys opimus ) is a typical desert rodent species in the desert and semi-desert habitats in central Asia , so it is regarded as one of the indicator species of Palaearctic desert and semi-desert .

  18. 结果表明:黄河源区近15a来高覆盖度草地、湿地和冰川面积急剧减少,未利用土地面积增加,土地荒漠化程度加剧,土地利用综合程度指数下降。

    The results show that the area with a high coverage of grassland , wetland and glacier decreased in the time period , while the area of barren land increased . The comprehensive land use index decreased remarkably , indicating that desertification worsened .

  19. 从生产饲料的角度,经模糊综合评价,得到景泰荒漠绿洲区最佳玉米牧草立体种植模式为:燕麦与箭舌豌豆混播与玉米套种,带幅150cm。

    From the view of fodder production and analysis of fuzzy , the optimum model in Jingtai Desert Oasis area was oat mixed sowing with vetch and intercropping with maize , and 150 cm between rows .

  20. 依分枝角度的大小可将荒漠植物分为(1)弱分枝角度类型:范围为35o~50o,主要包括爬地柏、黄花草木樨和四种沙拐枣;

    Desert plants are divided into three types according to different branch angle : ( 1 ) small-branch angle type : branch angle of this type ranges from 35o to 50o , including Sabina vulgaris , Melilotus suaveolens and 4 species of Calligonum ;

  21. 我国荒漠化的形成原因和分布特征

    Reasons of formation and characteristics of distribution of desertification in China

  22. 我国北方土地荒漠化形成的地质环境

    Geological Environment of Land Desertification in the Northern Part of China

  23. 祁连山区草原荒漠化的驱动因素及其防治对策

    Driving Factors and Countermeasures of Grassland Desertification in Qilian Mountain Area

  24. 新疆荒漠林下土壤的模糊聚类分析

    Fuzzy Cluster Analysis of the Soil under Desert Forest in Xinjiang

  25. 内蒙古荒漠草原东段啮齿动物群落的聚类分析

    Cluster analysis on Rodents Community in the eastern part of desert-steppe

  26. 浅析安徽省荒漠化土地的治理与开发

    The Analysis of Controlling and Developing Deserted Land in Anhui Province

  27. 黄土堆积的则是水蚀荒漠化最主要的物质基础。

    Loess accumulations are the basic materials of water erosion desertification .

  28. 三个温度下荒漠沙蜥卵的孵化成功率并没有显著差异。

    Hatching success was not significant different among three temperature groups .

  29. 荒漠地区生物土壤结皮的水文物理特征分析

    Hydrophysical characteristics of biological soil crust in an arid desert area

  30. 草原化荒漠带人工固沙植丛区土壤水分动态

    Soil moisture dynamics in an artificially re - vegetated desert area