
  • 网络The Custom House
  1. 此外,百老汇大街还有着纽约市最著名的一些地方,比如中央公园,以及伍尔沃斯大厦、美国亚历山大·汉密尔顿海关大楼、摩根士丹利大厦、中央大酒店和三一教堂等重要建筑物。

    Moreover , the street runs along famous New York City sections like Central Park and is studded with important buildings like the Woolworth Building , Alexander Hamilton US Custom House , Morgan Stanley Building , Grand Central Hotel , and Trinity Church .

  2. 他被关在利物浦海关大楼的一间屋子里。他得在那儿过一夜,等明天押往伦敦。

    He had been shut up in the Custom House , and he was to be transferred to London the next day .

  3. 我跟着她进了海关大楼。

    I followed her into the customs building .

  4. 京晶:我朋友说他们的办公室窗外看出去就是海关大楼。

    My friend said their office windows look out on the Customs House .

  5. 两个男子把这个包裹从飞机上取下,提着进了海关大楼。

    Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House .

  6. 海关大楼与东方明珠电视塔可以说是划分两个不同时代的标志。

    Customs house 's building and Oriental Pearl TV tower can be landmark buildings in two different ages .

  7. 探索公共建筑室内设计中母题、构成手法运用&福州海关办公大楼室内设计方案构思

    Exploration of subject and constitution design techniques in the indoor design of public buildings & Indoor design plan of Fuzhou customs office block

  8. 以福州海关办公大楼室内设计为实例,探索母题设计手法和构成设计手法在室内方案造型构思中的作用,以创造具有统一感和新颖性的现代化办公空间。

    Using indoor design plan of Fuzhou customs office block as an instance , the role of subject and constitution design techniques in the conceiving of indoor modelling design was explored to create modernized official working space with a sense of unity and novelty .

  9. 安排建造新的海关船只;以及筹划兴建海关总部大楼等。

    Arrangements have been made for the building of new customs launches and your Customs Headquarters building is on the drawing board .