
hǎi shànɡ jiāo tōnɡ xiàn
  • sea-lane;sea route
  1. 本文从分析马岛战争中英军交通运输保障的经验入手,着重对我军在未来渡海登岛作战中的运力动员、交通战备、海上交通线斗争等问题进行了探讨。

    This article analyses the experience of the British Army , with emphasis laid on the problems in cross-channel operations for our army .

  2. 一战和二战中保护北大西洋海上交通线的历史实践证明,要达到对海上交通线的保护与控制是困难重重的。

    The scope that such an effort would require is indicated by the difficulty of protecting the North Atlantic SLOCs during World War I and II .

  3. 周三,五角大楼发布的军力报告称中国专注于对南海地区海上交通线和矿藏丰富地区的保护,不断加大对海上国防力量的投入。

    Pentagon report on Wednesday said China is increasingly focused on naval power , as it places a growing priority on securing strategic shipping lanes and mineral-rich areas in the South China Sea .

  4. 而对日本的关注与对海上交通线的保护密切相关,每年中国从海外大量进口的能源主要通过海路运抵中国。

    This concern ties directly to a more general and increasing worry about securing the sea lines of communication ( SLOCs ) upon which increasing amounts of China 's imported energy resources depend .

  5. 在印度洋地区,中国以海上交通线与能源安全为要,保护海上交通安全,发展与沿岸国家的友好关系,在其中一些国家建立港口、铺设管道,以保障海上能源安全。

    In the Indian Ocean region , it is the primary concern for China to keep the sea lines of communication and energy safe , to develop sound relationships with littoral countries , build some wharves in some littoral countries and lay oil pipelines so as to safeguard the energy .