
  • 网络Doctor Faustus;Dr. Faustus;Doktor Faustus
  1. 这位在HBO奇幻电视剧中饰演雪诺的明星目前正在伦敦约克公爵剧院参演舞台剧《浮士德博士》,在这台剧中,哈灵顿大部分时间都只穿着内裤,到最后还会露得更多。

    The star - who plays Jon Snow in the HBO fantasy series - is currently appearing in Doctor Faustus at the Duke of York Theatre in London , in which he spends most of his time in his pants and eventually shows rather more .

  2. 在《浮士德博士》(1947)中作者将作曲家莱弗金个人的悲剧与民族的悲剧交织为一体。

    In " Doctor Faustus "( 1947 ), the authors composer Lai Fu Jin personal tragedy and national tragedy woven into one .

  3. 西方文学中的神话传统与《浮士德博士的悲剧》

    Myth Tradition in Western Literature and The Tragical History of Dr Faustus ;

  4. 虽然有被文学表述浮士德之前马洛的发挥,浮士德博士是第一个著名的版本的故事。

    Although there had been literary representations of Faust prior to Marlowe 's play , Doctor Faustus is the first famous version of the story .