
  • 网络Floating Exchange Rate System;floating exchange rate regime;flexible-exchange-rate system
  1. 为了完善社会主义市场经济体制,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的基础作用,建立健全以市场供求为基础的、有管理的浮动汇率制。

    In order to improve socialist market economic structure , to give a full play to the basic role of the market in the allocation of resources , and build up unified and organized Floating Exchange Rates which is based on market supply .

  2. 但难以想象的是,实行浮动汇率制的国家会长期容忍这种转移。

    But it is hard to imagine the countries with floating exchange rates tolerating such a shift for long .

  3. 他和参议院林塞格雷厄姆(LindseyGraham)在2006年一同解释道,自由贸易的基本原则之一就是各国应该实行浮动汇率制。

    Together with Senator Lindsey Graham , he explained in 2006 that one of the fundamental tenets of free trade is that currencies should float .

  4. 管理浮动汇率制下的动态干预边界&基于我国1994~2005年数据的测算

    On the Alterable Intervening Verge in the Managed Floating Exchange Rate Regime

  5. 浮动汇率制实施后的最初两年,运作相当顺利。

    The first two years of the floating regime went fairly well .

  6. 论管理浮动汇率制下的东亚货币合作

    East-Asian Monetary Cooperation under the Managed Floating Exchange Rate Regime

  7. 浮动汇率制下货币贬值对贸易收支的长期影响

    The Long-term Effect of Devaluation on Trade Payment under Floating Exchange Rate

  8. 第二章分析了实行管理浮动汇率制的原因。

    Chapter 2 investigates the reasons of a country adopt managed float regime .

  9. 实行浮动汇率制的货币被迫升至不具竞争力的水平。

    Floating currencies are forced up to uncompetitive levels .

  10. 那么什么是浮动汇率制呢?

    So what is floating rate is made ?

  11. 因此与固定汇率相比,浮动汇率制使货币政策有更大威力。

    So floating rates do make monetary policy more potent than a fixed rate system .

  12. 有管理的浮动汇率制:我国汇率制度改革的科学选择

    Managed Floating Exchange Rate System : A Scientific Choice for China 's Exchange Rate System Reform

  13. 银本位制是国际金融史上最早、最纯粹的浮动汇率制。

    Silver standard is the earliest and sheer floating exchange rate system in the international finance history .

  14. 作为货币学派的领军人物,米尔顿·弗里德曼坚信在浮动汇率制里可以更容易地进行经济调整。

    Milton Friedman , a monetarist economist , argued that adjustments were easier in a floating-rate system .

  15. 主要的汇率制度包括固定汇率制和浮动汇率制等。

    The two main streams of exchange system are fixed exchange rate system and floating exchange system .

  16. 部分国家不敢实施浮动汇率制,这可能是国际货币体系进一步整合所面临的最大威胁。

    Countries ' fear of floating their currencies may be the greatest threat to further international integration .

  17. 若是实行浮动汇率制,汇率可能经常过度调整,超出均衡水平。

    As a result , under a floating regime the exchange rate may frequently overshoot its equilibrium value .

  18. 管理浮动汇率制的一个重要特征是外汇市场压力及外汇市场干预的存在。

    An important feature of managed float regime is that there are exchange market pressure and market intervention .

  19. 并展望了浮动汇率制下我国外汇储备规模管理的发展方向。

    Besides , the author forecasts the prospect of the administration of our country under the floating rate system .

  20. 第一节对2005年7月到2008年8月之间官方宣布实行管理浮动汇率制进行评价。

    The first part provides a evaluation of operation of Renminbi managed float regime from May 2005 to January 2008 .

  21. 欧洲各国和其它实行浮动汇率制的少数国家,对此并不那么热心。

    The Europeans and the small band of nations with currencies that float freely against the dollar are less keen .

  22. 我国经过多年的改革探索于1994年建立起了以市场供求为基础、单一的、有管理的浮动汇率制。

    In the year of 1994 , fluctation exchange rate system has been established over years of reform in China .

  23. 中国从1994年开始实行由市场供求决定的有管理的浮动汇率制。

    China has introduced a system of floating exchange rate determined by market supply and demand with management since 1994 .

  24. 中国实行浮动汇率制后,企业面临着对外汇风险的度量和控制。

    Under floating exchange rate , Chinese enterprises are in an urgent need to measure and control foreign exchange risks .

  25. 在浮动汇率制盛行的今天,欧洲货币联盟在政权分立的情况下通过协商实现货币的统一,不得不说是一种创举。

    Nowadays , although the flexible exchange rate system prevails in the world , EMU has achieved the unification of currency .

  26. 在实行浮动汇率制的新兴市场国家中,普遍存在着害怕浮动的现象。

    Emergent market countries ( EMCs ) are generally experiencing what is called the " fear of floating " of exchange rates .

  27. 我国的有管理的浮动汇率制的选择是符合我国国情的科学的正确的选择。

    The Managed floating exchange rate system is a scientific , correct choice confirming to the realistic situation of China at present .

  28. 人民币汇率制度是有管理的浮动汇率制,但实际运作并未真正实现管理浮动。

    The RMB exchange rate system should be a controlled floating rate , but it is never one in its true sense .

  29. 实行以市场供求为基础的、单一的、有管理的浮动汇率制。外汇储备数量随之大幅度增长。

    The practice of market-based , single and managed floating exchange rate system Substantial growth in the number of foreign reserves followed .

  30. 而对有管理的浮动汇率制的“管理”则要谨慎从事,不能轻易松动,但可以逐渐放宽人民币汇率的浮动幅度。

    The management should not become flexible easily , but the floating range of the exchange rate of RMB can be relaxed gradually .