
nóng wù
  • thick fog;smog;pea-soup fog;smoke fog;smother;reek
浓雾[nóng wù]
  1. 浓雾使我们看不到任何东西。

    We were prevented by heavy smog from seeing anything .

  2. 哇塞,烟火给北京带来了太多的浓雾!

    Wow , how much did those fireworks contribute to Beijing 's smog !

  3. 上午十时左右,团团浓雾将散去。

    Patches of fog will clear by mid-morning .

  4. 缕缕阳光穿透了浓雾。

    Shafts of sunlight pierced the heavy mist .

  5. 浓雾严重影响了能见度。

    Fog severely restricted visibility .

  6. 局部浓雾和驾驶员不负责任是罪魁祸首。

    Thick patchy fog and irresponsible driving were to blame

  7. 今天,英格兰大部分地区将被浓雾笼罩。

    Today most of England will be under a cloak of thick mist .

  8. 此时浓雾笼罩着林木,我彻底迷路了。

    With a thick mist now blanketing the trees , I got thoroughly lost .

  9. 他因为浓雾被困伦敦机场。

    He was fog-bound at London airport .

  10. 然后鸽子飞进了浓雾中,其闻名的归巢本能丧失了。

    Then the pigeons flew into thick fog , and the famous homing instinct failed .

  11. 浓雾中发生了撞车。

    The crash happened in thick fog

  12. 浓雾致使无法飞行。

    Thick mist made flying impossible

  13. 交通因浓雾而减缓了速度。

    Traffic was slowed down by a dense fog .

  14. 伦敦过去在冬季常有浓雾。

    London used to have dense fogs in winter .

  15. 浓雾包住了群山。

    The hills were enveloped in dense fog .

  16. 飞机在浓雾上方飞行。

    The aircraft was flying above the density of the fog .

  17. 路上浓雾重重。

    There are patches of thick fog on the road .

  18. 败军乘浓雾的掩护而退走。

    The defeated troops retreated under cover of a fog .

  19. 我们要让小船在浓雾起来之前靠岸。

    We wanted the boat to reach shore before the fog closed in .

  20. 他逐渐消失在浓雾中。

    He melted into the thick fog .

  21. 浓雾遮住了群山。

    The thick mist clouded the mountains .

  22. 机动车组织发出高地将出现浓雾和风雪的警告。

    The motoring organization is warning of thick mist and blowing snow on high ground .

  23. 米兰经常被浓雾笼罩。

    Milan is often covered in a thick blanket of fog .

  24. 登山的人在浓雾中难以确定自己的方位。

    The mountaineers found it difficult to orientate themselves in the fog .

  25. 太阳很快驱散了浓雾

    The sun soon dispelled the thick fog .

  26. 利用地物光谱信息和图像纹理信息作为地物分类识别标志,将分形理论和BP神经网络应用于夜间浓雾的遥感监测,使夜间浓雾的监测精度明显提高。

    In terms of the ground-object spectrum information and the image-grain information as symbols to distinguish the ground-objects , fractal theory and BP neural networks are used to monitor thick fog at night , which increases the monitoring precision of thick fog obviously .

  27. 剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)高能物理学教授、参与了CERN实验的帕克(AndyParker)说,当时的看法就像是在浓雾中看到了一个人,你知道有个人在那里,但不确定他是谁。

    The view back then ' was like seeing a person in a fog ─ you knew there was a person there but you weren 't sure who it was , ' said Andy Parker , a professor of high energy physics at the University of Cambridge who is involved in the CERN experiments .

  28. 1996年南京连续5天浓雾的物理结构特征

    Physical structures of the five-day sustained fog around Nanjing in 1996

  29. 冬季浓雾气象条件下的环境空气质量分析

    Analysis of Environmental Air Quality in Thick Fog Weather in Winter

  30. 一大群海鸥在浓雾里迷了路。

    A large flock of seagulls got lost in a fog .