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  • fester
流脓 [liú nóng]
  • [fester] 疖或(因受伤或疾病而引起的)身体上的类似损害破裂而排出脓性坏死物

  • 当脓疮穿头流脓时,痛就会减轻

  1. 他的双腿有多处红肿流脓的伤口。

    His legs were covered with weeping sores .

  2. 在恶劣的条件下,皮肤可能会开裂并流脓。

    In severe cases , the skin can crack and weep .

  3. 伤口不断流脓。

    The wound discharges constantly .

  4. 村子里有一个人,脚上生疮,流血流脓,痛得难以忍受,不停地呻吟着。

    A man in a village had a sore on his foot which bled and oozed1 pus . He couldn 't bear the pain and moaned without stop .

  5. Ⅱ型患者13例,已婚11例,年龄15~33岁,阴道流液、流脓及经期延长为主要临床表现,占69%(9/13),阴道壁肿块占62%(8/13),直径3~10cm;

    13 patients were type ⅱ, among them 11 cases married , from 15 to 33 years old , main clinical signs were that the vagina flowed liquid and purulence and the menstruation prolonged ;

  6. 伤口未真正痊愈,还在流脓。

    The wound had not healed properly and was oozing pus .

  7. 如果聚众学习疯狂英语,流脓也难以阻挡!

    Nothing Can Stop Pus If We learn Crazy English Together !

  8. 伤口已不流脓,渐渐愈合了

    The cut be no longer weeping and be starting to heal

  9. 因我的愚昧,我的伤发臭流脓。

    My wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness .

  10. 我的创痍溃烂流脓,完全由于我的愚蒙。

    Foul and festering are my sores because of my folly .

  11. 污秽及疾病,还有伤口流脓的孩子们。

    The dirt and disease , the children with running sores .

  12. 临床常以鼻塞流脓涕及鼻衄为主要症状。

    The main symptom was prsented as nasal obstruction pus snot and nosebleed .

  13. 结果:该病常见的临床表现为耳流脓和慢性耳钝痛。

    Results : The clinical manifestation usually presented with chronic otorrhoea and dull otalgia .

  14. 急性期主要临床症状是尿道流脓和尿道疼痛。

    Acute period is main and clinical the symptom is urethral suppurate and urethral ache .

  15. 6耳感染难以控制,长期反复耳流脓。

    In 6 ears infections were hard to cure , and recurrent purulent secretion occurred .

  16. 结论:新型泪道探通引流装置治疗由泪道狭窄、阻塞及断裂所致的溢泪、流脓组织创伤小,具有较好的临床效果

    Conclusion : The new lacrimal drainage device is effective in the treatment of chronic dacryocystitis and stenosis of nasolacrimal canal

  17. 在这群妇孺当中,有个小女孩坐在她母亲身边,腿上有一处不断流脓的大伤口。

    Among them , sitting beside her mother , was a young girl with a large oozing sore on her leg .

  18. 现在两兄弟症状不断加重,鼻塞、流脓涕、鼻子内分泌物增多,结脓痂。

    Now the two brothers continue to increase symptoms , nasal congestion , flow Nongti , nose secretions increase , end pus scab .

  19. 条目筛选结果:耳内肿痛或流脓、尿少这两项条目被删除,16项条目的量表削减为14项。

    Result of bolting items : 2 of the items ( swelling or pus in ear , little urine ) were cut out , and there were 14 items left .

  20. 最常见的症状是出现在腹股沟,颈和腋窝的淋巴结肿胀,一旦破裂,就会流脓或出血。

    The most commonly noted symptom was the appearance of swollen lymph nodes on the groin , the neck and armpits , which often wept with pus and blood when they burst .

  21. 流脓的脓包会慢慢长满患者的整张脸,头发也会渐渐掉光。最糟糕的是,最后患者的皮肉都会被腐蚀掉,只剩下骨头。

    Weeping pustules would explode across people 's faces , hair would fall out and - in the worst cases - the flesh would be eaten away right down to the bone .

  22. 评价患者的感染控制情况、骨髓炎愈合时间、植骨到软组织封闭创面时间、治疗周期等。结果:6例感染得到控制并且骨缺损愈合,1例再发骨折伴流脓。

    The results were evaluated with infection control , the time of osteomyelitis and fracture union . Results : 6 patients got infection control and bone defects union ; 1 patient got refracture and refused further treatments .

  23. 结果:临床特征有青年好发(28.6岁),慢性病程(45月),足部软组织肿胀和疼痛(29例),皮肤糜烂、溃疡及反复流脓(16例)。

    Results : The clinical features included : Predilection in the youngster ( 28.6 age ), chronic history ( 45 months ), soft tissue swelling and pain of the foot ( 29 cases ), skin erosion , ulcer and repeatedly flowing pus ( 16 cases ) .