
jié qiú ɡān lán
  • cabbage
  1. 结球甘蓝cDNA文库的构建和鉴定

    CDNA Library Construction and Identification of Cabbage

  2. 应用RAPD标记鉴定结球甘蓝品种

    Dentification of Cabbage Cultivars with RAPD Markers

  3. 结球甘蓝相对于大白菜的连锁群特异SSR标记建立

    Establishment of Specific SSR from Different Linkage Groups of Cabbage Compared with Chinese Cabbage

  4. CryIA(c)转基因结球甘蓝的抗虫性研究

    Inheritance and Resistance to Insect in CryIA ( c ) Transgenic Cabbage

  5. 结球甘蓝细胞质雄性不育(CMS)类型的分子鉴定

    Molecular Identification of the Cytoplasmic Male Sterile ( CMS ) Type in Common Head Cabbage

  6. 大白菜-结球甘蓝双单体异附加系的SSR鉴定及其特性

    Identification of Chinese Cabbage-Cabbage Double Alien Monosomic Addition Line by SSR and Studies on Its Characters

  7. 菌肥A1对结球甘蓝(BrassicaoleraceaVar.capitata)的肥效及土壤微生物的影响

    Effects of microbial fertilizer A1 on Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea var. capitata ) and on soil microorganisms numbers

  8. 结球甘蓝(BrassicaoleraceaVar.capitata)简称甘蓝,属于十字花科芸薹属,原产于地中海沿岸,是世界上广泛种植的一种重要蔬菜作物。

    Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea var. capitata ) is a worldwide vegetable crop belonging to the Brassica of family Cruciferae , and it originates from the Mediterranean Coast .

  9. 利用结球甘蓝品种间杂交的F1代经自交后得到的F2代为作图群体,采用SSR和AFLP等分子标记方法构建了结球甘蓝分子遗传图谱。

    So , the selection of bolting and flowering characters in cabbage were effective in early generations . 4 . A F2 generation population derived from F1 self-cross from crosses between cabbage varieties was used for constructing a genetic linkage map of SSR and AFLP molecular markers .

  10. 结球甘蓝(B.oleraceavar.capitata)是我国仅次于大白菜的第二大叶用蔬菜。

    Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea var. capitata ) is an important leafy vegetable crop with a widely growing area only second to Chinese cabbage ( Brassica rapa ) in China .

  11. 施用菌肥A1对结球甘蓝具有较明显的肥效,较无肥对照增产18.54%,差异显著;

    The microbial fertilizer A1 was applied to cabbage ( Brassica oleracea var. capitata ) . A1 showed good fertilizer effects : the yield in the treatment with A1 application was 18 . 54 % higher than that in the treatment without fertilizer ( CK ), the difference was significant ;

  12. 另外,不同亲本对子房培养有很大影响,本研究分别以2x大白菜05-58、05-116为母本,4x结球甘蓝为父本杂交,结果只有以05-58为母本的杂交组合子房培养获得了成功。

    Otherwise , different parents could affect the result of ovary culture . Diploid Chinese cabbage 05-58 , 05-116 was respectively selected as female parent , the result showed that ovary culture could get success when 05-58 was selected as female parent .

  13. 大白菜与结球甘蓝杂交衍生后代鉴定不结球白菜子叶原生质体培养再生植株

    Plantlet regeneration from cotyledon protoplast culture of non heading Chinese cabbage

  14. 西双版纳州高海拔地区结球甘蓝品种比较试验

    Comparison Trial of Brassica oleracea in High Altitude Area of Xishuangbanna

  15. 因此,通过品种选育提高结球甘蓝氮素效率是可行的。

    N efficiency can be enhanced by breeding for cabbage .

  16. 同源四倍体结球甘蓝胚胎发育和结实性研究

    Study on embryo development and seed set of autotetraploid cabbage

  17. 结球甘蓝游离小孢子培养胚发生能力的研究

    Efficiency of embryogeny in isolated microspore culture of head cabbage

  18. 结球甘蓝下胚轴培养及植株再生

    Hypocotyl Culture and Plant Regeneration of Brassica oleracea var Capitata

  19. 结球甘蓝种质资源主要品质性状的研究

    The main qualitative characters of 19 common head cabbage materials

  20. 青菜,白菜,豆腐,豆花结球甘蓝[卷心菜-洋白菜]

    Green vegetables , cabbage , beancurd , bean paste .

  21. 结球甘蓝自交不亲和系组织快繁体系研究

    Tissue Rapid Reproduction Technology of Self-incompatible Line in Headed Cabbage

  22. 氮素用量对结球甘蓝生长及产量和品质的影响

    Effects of Nitrogen Amount on the Growth , Yield and Quality of Cabbage

  23. 氮肥用量对结球甘蓝生长、产量及耐寒性的影响

    Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Growth , Yield and Cold-tolerance of Heading Cabbage

  24. 肥料中氮源类型对结球甘蓝产量及生物学产量的效应

    Effect of Nitrogen Sources on the Biomass and Commercial Yield of Heading Cabbage

  25. 结球甘蓝平衡施用氮磷钾肥效应研究

    Response of headed cabbage to NPK balanced fertilization

  26. 结球甘蓝胞质雄性不育系与保持系小孢子发育的比较

    Comparison of microspore development between cytoplasmic male sterile line and container line in cabbage

  27. GB/T14704-1993结球甘蓝贮藏技术

    Round-headed cabbage cold storage technique

  28. 钙对结球甘蓝钙镁硫吸收分配影响的研究

    The effect of calcium on the absorption and distribution of calcium , magnesium and sulfur in Cabbage

  29. 甘蓝蚜取食对结球甘蓝生长和产量的影响

    The influence of feeding by the cabbage aphid , on the growth and yield of the common cabbage

  30. 试验研究了在3个氮处理水平上对12个结球甘蓝自交系的氮效率。

    Pot experiment with 12 cabbage inbred lines was conducted to study the difference in N efficiency at 3 N levels .