
  • 网络entamoeba coli;Entamoeba histolytica;E. coli
  1. 易与结肠内阿米巴和其他非致病阿米巴合并感染;

    B.h was often associated with the infection of Entamoeba coli and other intestinal protozoa .

  2. 本次共查见寄生虫15种,其中蠕虫6种,以蛔虫的感染率为最高(43.5%),原虫9种,以结肠内阿米巴感染率为最高(8.3%)。

    The 15 species of parasites detected in the survey included 6 species of helminths with the highest infection rate of 43.5 % for Ascaris lumbricoides , and 9 species of protozoa with the highest infection rate of 8.3 % for Entamoeba coli .