
  • 网络Nodule;Pars tuberalis;Tuberalis;pars teberalis;pars tuberailis
  1. 研究结果表明,从妊娠60天一直到出生,绵羊胎儿腺垂体中Islet-1的分布主要集中在腺垂体结节部和腺垂体远侧部腹侧区域细胞的细胞核内。

    The results showed that Islet-1 was detected in the cellular nuclei , most of which located in the pars tuberalis and the ventral region of the pars distalis during gestation .

  2. 应用免疫组化ABC法发现羊垂体前叶有降钙素基因相关肽免疫反应神经纤维存在,这些纤维呈串球状分布于结节部及远侧部前2/3区域。

    Calcitonin gene related peptide immunoreactive nerve fibers in the anterior pituitary of the goat were found with ABC method of immunohistochemistry . These fibers occurred in the 2 / 3 front area of pars distalis and pars tuberalis , showed clear moniliform .

  3. 升支上行分布于肱骨头和小结节部。降支有2条分别沿胸大肌止腱内、外侧紧贴骨膜下行,为内侧降支和外侧降支。

    Two descending branches go close against periosteum and along medial or lateral insertion of the pectoralis major muscle .

  4. 结论:经硬腭-唇龈联合路径切除上颌结节部和部分上颌窦后外侧壁及翼突内外板是治疗突入翼腭窝鼻咽纤维血管瘤的有效方法。

    Conclusion : The approach from palatum durum chilogum seems to have a salutary effect on resecting the maxillary tuberosity and part of retrolateral wall of the genyantrum .

  5. 按骨折部位,结节部4例,腰部45例,近段端5例。将骨折分为二型,即单纯型腕舟骨骨折和骨折旋转脱位型。

    According to the position : proximal end 5 , intermediate part 45 , distal end 4 . We divided the fracture into two types : simple scaphoid bone fracture and fracture with rotate dislocation .

  6. 本文报告7例坐骨结节肌腱附着部病变。

    There were 7 patients with the lesions of enthesis ( the bone attachment of thetendons ) of ischial tuberosity .