
jié zā
  • ligation;ligature;tie;hypodesmus
结扎 [jié zā]
  • [ligation;ligature;tie] 在外科手术中用特制的线把断裂的血管扎住,制止出血或把输精管、输卵管等扎住,使管腔不畅通,从而达到避孕节育的效果

结扎[jié zā]
  1. 受者术中预置右侧肾脏血管体外结扎线,术后3d结扎。

    Extracorporeal ligation of the native renal vessels was applied 3 days later after transplantation .

  2. 核因子-κB在大鼠门静脉分支结扎后肝细胞凋亡中的作用

    Effects of NF - κ B on hepatocytes apoptosis in rats after ligation of the branches of portal vein

  3. 在胆囊管上的结扎可能滑脱。

    The tie on the cystic duct may slip off .

  4. B组:分离后结扎胸导管。

    In group A , the thoracic ducts were not ligation , group B 's were ligation .

  5. 采用双侧颈总动脉结扎建立SD大鼠暂时性全脑缺血模型,手术后通过尾静脉注射刺五加注射液或生理盐水。

    The temporary cerebral ischemia model was established through common carotid arteries occlusion .

  6. 前三组采用胰管结扎联合胆汁注射的方法制成兔SAP模型。

    SAP model was induced by ligating pancreatic duct and injecting bile .

  7. 睾丸I-1β原位杂交及输精管结扎对IL-1βmRNA表达的影响

    Testis IL 1 in situ hybridization and effect of vasectomy on IL 1 mRNA expression

  8. 方法:运用下腔静脉结扎法制造大鼠血栓形成模型,研究PLC对实验性血栓形成的影响并与尿激酶(UK)比较;

    Methods : The effect of PLC on experimental thrombosis was studied by inferior caval vein ligature thrombosis model and was compared with UK .

  9. C组:受体肝动脉结扎,供肝动脉和门静脉血供均建立,其他手术内容与A组相同。

    Group C : host 's liver artery was ligated , both portal vein supply and arterial blood supply were constructed , other operation procedures being the same with group A.

  10. 应用IHT和ELISA技术检测兔输精管结扎后血清抗精子抗体的动态变化

    Serum antibodies to spermatozoa detected by IHT and ELISA in vasectomized rabbits

  11. 方法以结扎左冠状动脉前降支方法建立大鼠急性心肌缺血模型,缺血6h后分别测定心肌梗死范围,血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力和丙二醛(MDA)含量;

    METHODS Rat myocardial ischaemia model was induced by ligating the anterior descending branch of left coronary artery .

  12. 单侧输尿管梗阻组(U):大鼠行手术剖腹,分离并于肾盂下结扎左侧输尿管,同时术前一天开始每日给以安慰剂生理盐水灌胃处理;

    UUO group rats received an operation with left ureteral obstruction below the renal pelvis and were also gavaged with saline daily ;

  13. 目的分析胆管结扎对SD大鼠肠道双歧杆菌菌群结构组成的影响。

    Objective To analyze the influence of bile duct ligation on the structure and composition of gut Bifidobacteria in SD rats .

  14. AMI组通过结扎左冠状动脉前降支(LAD)制作AMI模型,Sham组只在LAD下穿线不结扎。

    Rats in the AMI group were induced by left anterior descending ( LAD ) branch ligation .

  15. 25例IUD及输卵管结扎与异位妊娠的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 25 Cases of IUD and Tubal Ligation Associated with Ectopic pregnancy

  16. 应用盲肠结扎法制备大鼠败血症休克模型,研究内源性一氧化碳(CO)在败血症休克时低血压发病中的作用。

    A sepsis model induced by cecal ligation and puncture was used to study the role of endogenous carbon monoxide in hypotension pathogenesis of rats during septic shock .

  17. 其中手术组采用双侧髂内动脉结扎的方法制备动脉性勃起功能障碍(ED)大鼠模型,假手术组作为对照组只切开腹腔不结扎髂内动脉。

    Operated group was made a rat model of arterial erectile dysfunction by ligating bilateral internal iliac arteries of rats .

  18. 盲肠结扎穿孔(CLP)术后每组随机取6只大鼠观察生存时间。

    Six rats in each group were observed the survival time after CLP .

  19. 目的评价经导管封堵外科结扎术后再通的动脉导管未闭(PDA)的效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of transcatheter closure of recanalized patent ductus arteriosus ( PDA ) after surgical ligation .

  20. 方法:采用麻醉开胸结扎犬的冠状动脉左前降支制备急性心肌梗死模型,取血测心肌三酶(AST、CPK、LDH);

    An acute myocardial infarction model was made by ligating left anterior descending branch in anesthetic dog .

  21. 输精管结扎家兔外周血淋巴细胞丝裂原反应性、IL-2及巨噬细胞IL-1活性的动态研究

    Dynamic Observation of the Influence of Vasectomy on Mitogenesis of T Lymphocytes 、 IL-2 and IL-1 Activity of Peripheral Blood from Vasectomized Rabbits

  22. 结果:坐骨神经结扎后6h可诱发出大鼠机械性触诱发痛和热痛觉过敏;

    Results : Mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia developed at 6 h after sciatic nerve ligation ;

  23. 方法:对88例肝静脉闭塞型布加综合征患者采用人工血管肠系膜上静脉下腔静脉C形架桥联合门奇断流术、脾动脉结扎或脾大部切除术进行治疗。

    Methods : A total of 88 cases of B CS with hepatic venous occlusion underwent combined mesocaval C shunt with artificial vascular graft , pericardial devascularization , ligation of splenic artery or subtotal splenectomy .

  24. T1期乙状结肠癌淋巴结转移的分布:是否结扎肠系膜下动脉?

    Distribution of lymph node metastasis in T1 sigmoid colon carcinoma : Should we ligate the inferior mesenteric artery ?

  25. 结果如下:结扎右冠状动脉后,20只动物的AH间期14只出现增加(A组),6只未出现增加(B组)。

    Of 20 cats , 14 showed prolongation of AH interval ( Group A ), while not in 6 cats ( Group B ) after ligation of right coronary artery .

  26. 方法:盲肠结扎穿孔术制作大鼠CLP模型。

    Methods : CLP model was prepared and the perforation of cecum of rats was made .

  27. 结扎LAD所造成的心肌缺血范围占左心室(LV)重量的35.2±1.4%。

    The myocardial ischemic size made by LAD ligation amounted to 35.2 ± 1.4 % of left ventricular ( LV ) mass .

  28. 方法:采用盲肠结扎穿孔(CLP)法制作白兔脓毒症模型。

    Materials and Methods Septic rabbit model was made by standard cecal ligation and puncture ( CLP ) .

  29. 目的探讨用结扎冠状动脉前降支(LAD)后快速右室心内膜起搏的方法尝试建立急性心功能不全动物模型的可行性。

    Objective To establish a canine model of acute cardiac insufficiency ( ACI ) by coronary artery occlusion and right ventricular pacing .

  30. 方法应用改良式可拆除膀胱颈荷包缝合法,将荷包缝线在膀胱外交叉后从腹壁穿出,再以鞋带式活结结扎的方法行前列腺摘除,治疗20例BPH患者,观察其疗效。

    Methods 20 cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia were treated with modified removable bladder neck pursestring suture , and the curative effect was observed .