
  • 网络migrant children;floating children;mobile children
  1. 其一,流动儿童的教育利益受到损害;

    Firstly , it violates the education interests of mobile children ;

  2. 流动儿童家庭德育现状的分析研究

    Analytical Research of the Current Moral Education of Mobile Children

  3. 2001年在流动儿童和外来民工子弟学校学生中,开展了MV的强化免疫,共接种56566人,接种率为98.67%。

    Since 2001,56 566 floating children and students were vaccinated with MV , the rate was 98.67 % .

  4. 流动儿童组在父母情感温暖、过分干涉、偏爱被试方而得分显著低于对照组(P0.05)。

    Compared to the urban children , migrant children scored significantly lower in parental emotional warmth , favouring subjects and involvement ( P0.05 ) . 5 .

  5. 鉴于此,本文对流动儿童相对较多的南京市Q区流动儿童高中阶段就学现状进行了调查。

    In consideration of this , this article made a survey of the problems of floating children receiving high school education in Q district of Nanjing city where there are many floating children .

  6. 对于EAST材料的选取,本研究通过查阅相关文献和向流动儿童少年与专家发放问卷得到相关词汇,并经过筛选后经评定得到最后的实验材料。

    To selected the materials of EAST , this study review the related literature and ask the migrant children and experts to finish questionnaire to get related vocabularies . After screening by evaluation , the experiment materials has settled .

  7. 通过一系列标准化的卫生保健指标的计算与比较,估计了流动儿童与常住儿童在卫生保健方面存在的差距,并借助logistic多元回归模型,分析差距产生的主要原因。

    Through a series of standardized indices of children health care , this article estimates the difference between floating children and local children and analyzes the determinants of the difference using a Logistic Multivariate Regression modeling .

  8. 结果流动儿童在正规医院接生、体检率、保健建卡率、接种建证率、四苗接种率、患病后就医等情况均与本地儿童比较,分别经χ2,有显著性差异,P均<0.01。

    Results There were significant differences in the hospital for delivering , physical examination rate , rate of health care card , certification-issuing rate of immunization programmed and the vaccination rate of Four EPI vaccines between mobile children and local children ( tested by x2 , P < 0.01 ) .

  9. 流动儿童的行为、智力与学校情况、躯体外貌与属性、焦虑、合群、幸福与满足和总分得分都显著低于对照组(P0.05)。

    The migrant children had significantly lower behavioral adjustment , intellectual and school status , physical appearance and attributes , freedom from anxiety , popularity , happiness and satisfaction and the total score than the control ( P0.05 ) . 4 .

  10. 2004/2005年度部分地区开展OPV强化免疫活动,第1轮常住儿童接种率96.65%,流动儿童接种率95.37%;

    In 2004 / 2005 national immunization days were carried out in some prefectures . In first round administration , coverage of resident and floating children were 96.65 % and 95.37 % respectively ;

  11. 且BII与消极情感体验存在显著负相关,对其负向预测量为9.4%。(8)不同群体文化启动情境下,流动儿童的文化身份认同存在显著差异。

    In addition , their BII was negative related with negative emotion , and the predictive power is 9.4 % . ( 8 ) Under different group-culture priming conditions , migrant children also identify different identities .

  12. 结果流动儿童、本地儿童麻疹抗体阳性率分别为85.96%、91.75%,几何平均滴度(GMT)分别为1∶727、1∶1211,差异有非常显著的统计学意义。

    The GMT value in the floating children was 1 ∶ 727 and that in native children group 1 ∶ 1211.The IgG positive rates in the floating and native children groups were 85.96 % and 91.75 % , respectively . The differences between the two groups were statistically significant .

  13. 无锡市流动儿童权利保护体制研究

    Study on the System of Floating Children Rights Protection in Wuxi

  14. 影响流动儿童免疫接种的因素及其管理对策

    Influencing Factors of Immunization among Floating Children and Its Management Countermeasures

  15. 影响流动儿童卫生保健服务利用的因素分析

    Analysis of Factors Influencing Health Care Services Utilization of Migrant Children

  16. 我国学龄前流动儿童基本特征和变化趋势研究

    Research on the Main Characteristics and Trend of Before-School-Age Floating Children

  17. 无脊灰疫苗免疫史的占55.55%,均为外来流动儿童;

    55.55 % of the cases were the nonvaccinated floating children .

  18. 强化社会认同,改变流动儿童的弱势地位。

    Strengthening social identity to change migrant children 's vulnerable position .

  19. 流动儿童社会支持状况及其与人格的关系

    The relationships between migrant laborers ' children social support and personality

  20. 重视我国流动儿童少年的教育

    Attach Importance to Education of Our Countries ' Floating Children

  21. 常住和暂住流动儿童的及时接种水平差异已消除。

    Difference of timely immunization coverage level between resident and shack children .

  22. 流动儿童计划免疫管理工作的难点与对策

    Difficulties for administration of planned immunization for floating children and its countermeasures

  23. 湖州市流动儿童接种率及其影响因素调查

    Immunization coverage rate of floating children and its affecting factors in Huzhou

  24. 北京市流动儿童免疫接种率抽样调查

    Investigation on Immunization Coverage Rate of Floating Children in Beijing

  25. 关注流动儿童实现义务教育机会均等化

    Concerned about the floating-children to achieve equal opportunities of education

  26. 户籍制度背景下流动儿童的社会认同图景

    The Social Identity Prospect of Floating Children under Household Registration System Background

  27. 留守儿童和流动儿童生活方式的质性研究

    A Qualitative Study on Lifestyles of Unattended and Migrant Children

  28. 上虞市农村外来流动儿童预防接种影响因素研究

    Factors affecting immunization of rural floating children in Shangyu city

  29. 流动儿童心理弹性研究&现状及启示

    Research on the Floating Children 's Resilience : Status Quo and Enlightenment

  30. 计划免疫中流动儿童现状与管理

    Current situation and administration of planned immunization for floating children