
  • 网络Live virus vaccine;Live viral vaccines;Attenuated Living Virus Vaccine;M-M-RII;OPV;attenuated live vaccine
  1. 猪伪狂犬病毒(PRV)是一种良好的兽用活病毒疫苗载体。

    Pseudorabies virus ( PRV ), an alpha - herpesvirus , has been used as a vector for live-viral animal vaccines .

  2. 活病毒疫苗有效时间长。

    Live virus vaccines have a long and effective history .

  3. 作者们就如何停止接种活病毒疫苗给出了一些建议。

    The authors make a number of recommendations about how to safely halt vaccination with the live virus .

  4. 本研究为新型重组活病毒疫苗载体和肿瘤治疗载体的研制及基础病毒学相关研究提供了重要的技术平台。

    The reverse genetic system established for VSV provided a useful platform for development of novel recombinant vaccines and cancer therapy vector .

  5. 他们表示,对白老鼠进行的实验表明,这种新的疫苗比活病毒疫苗更加安全,而产生的效果则基本相同。

    They said tests in mice showed that their new vaccines are safer than live-virus vaccines and appear to work just as well .

  6. 沙宾认为,活性不足以致病、但仍可复制的活病毒疫苗,最能够模拟因自然感染所产生的保护作用。

    Sabin believed that live vaccines , which can replicate somewhat but are too weak to trigger disease , best mimic the protection acquired through natural infection .

  7. 灭活病毒疫苗没有此种副作用,要提供保护则需要多剂量,但在流行地区这可能证明是难以解决的。

    The inactivated virus vaccine does not have this side effect , but multiple doses are required in order to provide protection which may prove problematic in endemic areas .

  8. 多数是在鸡胚中生产的灭活病毒疫苗,一些是在细胞培养基中生产的灭活疫苗,还有几个减活病毒疫苗。

    Most will be inactivated virus vaccines made in eggs , some will be killed virus vaccines made in cell cultures and a few will be live attenuated virus vaccines .

  9. 流感疫苗经过五十多年的发展,主要有灭活全病毒疫苗、裂解疫苗、亚单位疫苗、DNA疫苗和减毒活疫苗。

    Though influenza vaccines have been produced for over 50 years , vaccination is still the principal method of prophylaxis . Vaccines can be characterized as whole virus vaccines , split virus vaccines , surface antigen vaccines , DNA vaccines and live attenuated vaccines .

  10. 另一种增加疫苗供应的方法是使用一种活病毒制造疫苗。

    An alternative way of boosting supplies of a vaccine is to make it from a live virus .

  11. 对于含有稀释活病毒的疫苗,通过喷鼻喷剂进行使用。两种疫苗都是预防流感的有效方式。

    Another type of vaccine is made with live viruses , and it is administered by nasal spray .

  12. 目的为了克服灭活口蹄疫病毒疫苗可能存在的传播病毒的潜在危险,构建一种能预防O型口蹄疫病毒感染的VP1表位重组蛋白疫苗。

    Objective To developed a recombinant protein vaccine with epitopes on VP1 protein for prevention of foot-and-mouth disease virus ( FMDV ) spreading by inactive-FMD vaccine .

  13. 在认证全球无脊髓灰质炎之前,必须控制实验室库存,并确保妥善管理灭活脊灰病毒疫苗(IPV)生产地点的野生病毒。

    Laboratory stocks must be contained and safe management of the wild virus in inactivated polio vaccine ( IPV ) manufacturing sites must be assured before the world can be certified polio-free .

  14. 目的:验证重组乙型肝炎疫苗(CHO细胞)生产工艺灭活病毒能力,评价疫苗安全性。

    Objective : To validate the capacity of inactive virus in productive technique of Hepatitis B vaccine ( CHO cell ) and evaluate the vaccine safety of Hepatitis B vaccine ( CHO cell ) .

  15. 经鼻内给活的,减活的病毒的疫苗的老鼠都迅速的死亡了。

    Mice that were given vaccines containing live , attenuated virus intranasally all died very quickly .