
  • 网络active zinc oxide;ZnO;Zinc oxide, activated
  1. 氧化锌、活性氧化锌及它们在橡胶中的减量应用

    Zinc Oxide and Activated ZnO and Their Application to Rubber

  2. 试验结果表明,用25份活性氧化锌替代4份间接法氧化锌,胶料的焦烧时间延长,硫化速度下降;

    The test results showed that the scorch time extended and the curing rate decreased by using 2.5 phr of active ZnO instead of 4 phr of ( indirect methed ) ZnO ;

  3. ZnO脱硫废渣制备活性氧化锌工艺研究

    Study on technology of making active zinc oxide with waste from zinc oxide desulfurizer

  4. 研究了酸浸温度、pH值对锌浸出率的影响,考察了净化工艺中的除杂问题,并用DTA分析了活性氧化锌制备过程中焙烧工艺的影响。

    Effects of acid-leaching temperature and pH value on zinc leaching rate are studied . The impurities removal in the purification process and the effect of calcination process on preparation of activated zinc oxide are also examined .

  5. 用NH3-(NH4)2SO4溶液浸取处理含砷氧化锌尘,可彻底清除砷,制备出合格的活性氧化锌。

    Qualified activated zinc oxide can be obtained by leaching out the arsenic from crude zinc oxide with NH 3 ( NH 4 ) SO 4 solution .

  6. 结果表明:活性氧化锌的粒度分布均匀,形貌为近似球形,其平均粒径为80nm,产品纯度高。

    The results showed that the active zinc oxide powder was in cubic and hexagonal structure with spherical shape , its average particle size was 8 nm and its purity was high .

  7. 试验结果表明,用5份大比表面积活性氧化锌替代8份普通氧化锌,胶料的门尼粘度略有下降,焦烧时间和t10稍有延长,t90缩短;

    The results of test compound using 5 phr of active zinc oxide with large specific surface instead of 8 phr of conventional zinc oxide showed that the Mooney viscosity decreased a little , the scorch time and t 10 increased a little , t 90 reduced ;

  8. 氨配合法制备活性氧化锌的研究

    Study on preparation of active zinc oxide by ammonia complex method

  9. 锌烟灰制取碱式碳酸锌及活性氧化锌

    Preparing Alkali Zinc Carbonate and Active Oxide Zinc from Zinc Smoke Ash

  10. 锌灰制备活性氧化锌新工艺

    New process for the preparation of active zinc oxide from zinc ash

  11. 用废甲醇催化剂制备活性氧化锌和五水硫酸铜

    Preparation of Activated Zinc Oxide and Copper Sulfate from Spent Methanol Catalyst

  12. 锌提纯后用于制活性氧化锌。

    Purify zinc is used to manufacture active zinc oxide .

  13. 活性氧化锌在轮胎内胎胶中的应用

    Application of active zinc oxide to tire tube compound

  14. 喷雾分解法制备高活性氧化锌

    Preparation of high activity zinc oxide by spraying method

  15. 碳酸铵法制备活性氧化锌

    Preparation of active zinc oxide with ammonium carbonate method

  16. 从硫化锌精矿制取活性氧化锌

    Preparation of active zinc oxide from zinc sulfide ores

  17. 活性氧化锌煅烧温度800℃;

    Calcination temperature 800 ℃ for active zinc oxide ;

  18. 活性氧化锌的减量应用试验超细活性氧化锌在轿车子午线轮胎胎面胶中的应用

    Application of super fine active zinc oxide to radial passenger car tire tread

  19. 二氧化碳法制备活性氧化锌的过程研究

    Preparation of active zinc oxide by carbon dioxide method

  20. 直接法制取活性氧化锌与化学二氧化锰的研究

    Study on Preparation of zinc oxide activated and chemical manganese dioxide by direct process

  21. 用碳酸氢铵转型剂制备活性氧化锌的生产实践

    Preparing Active Zinc Oxide with Ammonium Bicarbonate Modifier

  22. 利用含砷氧化锌尘制备活性氧化锌

    Dust of Snow Preparation of Activated Zinc Oxide from Arsenic Containing Crude Zinc Oxide

  23. 氨法超细活性氧化锌工艺的中试

    The pilot test for the preparation of superfine active zinc oxide by ammonia method

  24. 利用菱锌矿、碳酸氢铵生产活性氧化锌的工艺研究

    Study on the process of smithsonite and ammonium bicarbonate to produce active zinc oxide

  25. 氨浸-碳化法制活性氧化锌

    Preparation of Active Zinc Oxide by Ammonia Immersion-Carbonization

  26. 本文对氨水-碳酸氢铵作浸取液以粗氧化锌为原料制活性氧化锌的除杂净化过程进行了研究。

    Active zinc oxide was produced from crude zinc oxide by using ammonia leaching technique .

  27. 氧化锌矿制备活性氧化锌的工艺研究

    Study on a Novel Technique for Preparation of Active Zinc Oxide from Zinc Oxide Ore

  28. 湿法制取活性氧化锌与重质碳酸锰新工艺

    A new technology for preparation of active zinc oxide and heavy manganese carbonate by hydrometallurgy

  29. 硝酸浸出锌浮渣制取超细活性氧化锌的新工艺研究

    Research on preparation of ultra-fine activated zinc oxide powder from zinc dross by nitric acid leaching

  30. 综合利用锌浮渣制备超细活性氧化锌的扩大试验研究

    Scale-up Test Study on Preparation of Ultra-fine Active Zinc Oxide by Comprehensive Utilization of Zinc Dross