
  • 网络activation analysis
  1. 核技术用于金矿勘查的方法主要有X射线荧光法、γ能谱法、氡(射气)法、中子活化分析法等。

    Nuclear techniques used for gold exploration mainly include X-ray fluorescence analysis , gamma-ray spectrometry , radon emanation method and neutron activation analysis , etc.

  2. 将超离心分离技术与中子活化分析法相结合,分析测定了正常人肝亚细胞组分中的微量元素。

    The concentration of 8 elements in subcellular fractions of normal human liver has been determined by a combination of differential centrifugation and neutron activation analysis .

  3. 用中子活化分析法测定~(238)U/~(235)U同位素丰度比

    Determination of ~ ( 238 ) u / ~ ( 235 ) u isotopic ratio by neutron activation analysis

  4. 中子活化分析法测定地质样品中铀的~(235)U/~(238)U比值

    NAA determination of the ( 235 ) ~ u / ( 238 ) ~ u ratio of uranium in Geological Samples

  5. 采用中子活化分析法(INAA)测定了28个古钧瓷、7个现代钧瓷、2个景德镇瓷样品中所含的36种微量与稀土元素(REE)含量以探讨其起源。

    A total of 28 old Jun porcelain , seven modern Chinese Jun porcelain and two Jingdezhen porcelain samples are analyzed with INAA method .

  6. 采用仪器中子活化分析法(INAA)测定了华北晚古生代石炭纪-二叠纪58个煤及煤层夹矸和顶底板样品的稀土元素含量。

    An INAA ( Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis ) method was used to determine the abundance of rare-earth elements in 58 Late Palaeozoic coals and related rocks in North China .

  7. 研究了应用252Cf中子源的中子活化分析法测定金含量的度量特性。

    Metrological parameters of the gold content determination by neutron activation analysis with californium 252 neutron source are investigated .

  8. 应用带电粒子活化分析法(CPAA)对硼薄膜中的氧含量进行了测量,并对利用厚标样分析薄样品中的元素含量的比较测量方法进行了研究。

    Using Charged Particle Activation Analysis ( CPAA ), the concentration of oxygen in a thin boron target was determined , and the method of analyzing the thin unknown sample in comparison with the thick standard was studied .

  9. 以网状玻璃体碳(RVC)为吸附剂,用中子活化分析法研究了在静态条件下,吸附温度和吸附时间对铯在RVC和液态钠中分配的影响。

    Reticulated vitreous carbon ( RVC ) is used as an adsorbent for cesium in this work . The influence of adsorption time and temperature on the distribution ratio of cesium between RVC and liquid sodium is investigated in the static condition by using neutron activation analysis ( NAA ) .

  10. 利用中子活化分析法研究高生物量富铬酵母的培养条件

    Neutron activation study of cultivation conditions for high biomass chromium-rich yeast

  11. 中子活化分析法测定硒酵母中硒含量

    Determination of the content of selenium in selenium yeast by NAA

  12. 中子活化分析法测定岩石和矿物中的痕量金

    Determination of trace gold in rocks and minerals by neutron activation analysis

  13. 中子活化分析法测定古瓷参考物质

    Determination of ancient ceramics reference material by neutron activation analysis

  14. 用中子活化分析法测定犀牛角和水牛角中的微量元素

    Neutron activation analysis of trace elements in horns of rhinoceros and buffalo

  15. 用活化分析法快速测定各种污染物质的含量。

    The amount of pollutant is rapidly determined by activation analysis method .

  16. 一种新的贵金属元素的放射化学中子活化分析法

    A New Radiochemical Neutron Activation Analysis Procedure for Noble Metals

  17. 用中子活化分析法研究古钧瓷和古汝瓷起源关系

    Originating relation studies on ancient porcelains of Chinese Ru and Jun by NAA

  18. 用中子活化分析法研究25种元素在人体肝脏亚细胞组分中的分布

    Subcellular Distribution of 25 Elements in the Human Liver by Neutron Activation Analysis

  19. 用仪器中子活化分析法检验环境土壤标样的均匀度

    Homogeneity test for environmental soil sample by INAA

  20. 用中子活化分析法测定人参中的微量元素

    Neutron activation analysis of trace elements in Ginseng

  21. 仪器中子活化分析法测定我国水系沉积物标准参考样中的稀土元素

    Determination of rare earth in Chinese drainage sediment standard samples by instrumental neutron activation analysis

  22. 质子活化分析法测定硅中微量碳

    Proton activation analysis of carbon in silicon

  23. 裂变径迹活化分析法测定湘江水的含铀量

    Determination of uranium concentration in Xiang Jiang-rever water by the fission track activation analysis technique

  24. 放化组分离中子活化分析法测定生物样品中多种微量元素

    Determination of multi-elements in biological materials by means of radiochemical group separation neutron activation analysis

  25. 运用活体中子活化分析法研究肿瘤患者体内氮氢元素

    Research of N and H Content in Tumor Patient Using In Vivo N A A

  26. 一种新的测定铱丰度及其化学形态的放射化学中子活化分析法

    A New Radiochemical Neutron Activation Analysis Technique for Determination of Iridium Abundance and Its Chemical Species

  27. 分子活化分析法研究地质样品中铂族元素的化学种态

    Study on the chemical species of platinum group elements in Geological Samples by molecular activation analysis

  28. 中子活化分析法测定人血中微量元素铜、铁和锌

    The determination of trace elements Cu , fe and Zn in blood by neutron activation analysis

  29. 用超热中子活化分析法测量地质、环境样品中铀、钍的含量

    Determination of uranium and thorium contents in geological and environmental samples by epithermal neutron activation analysis

  30. 利用中子活化分析法对富铬酵母中的铬进行了测定。

    The instrumental neutron activation analysis was used to determine Cr content in chromium-rich yeast cells .