
  • 网络Door;trap door
  1. 驾驶训练活动门模型构想

    Ideas of Movable Door Model for Drive Training

  2. 星载红外分光计在空间甚长工作寿命&III.活动门方法

    Very long life of a satellite-borne infrared spectrometer in space III movable door method

  3. 杀人犯威廉·帕默尔被公开执刑时,据说他看了看绞刑架上的活动门,然后问施刑者:“你确定那门安全吗?”

    For example : At his public execution , the murderer William Palmer is said to have looked at the trapdoor on the gallows and asked the hangman , " Are you sure it 's safe ? "

  4. 甲板驳货舱围板活动门相似模拟实验研究

    Physical Simulation Experimental Research on the Deck Barge Cargo Compartment Coaming Movable Gate

  5. 鸭嘴式穴播器活动门凸轮-平面四杆式开启机构的研究

    Design of the cam and planar four-bar linkage of the duck rostra opener

  6. 没有几个希腊人能料想到活动门会打开。

    Few Greeks can imagine the trapdoor opening .

  7. 在布宜诺斯艾利斯的时候,我每天都能听到有关中产阶级人士穿过活动门、跌入第三世界的故事。

    Every day in Buenos Aires I heard stories of middle-class people who had fallen through the trapdoor .

  8. 但是,许多被某种隐秘的力量推过活动门的人的确变成了阴谋论者。

    However , many people who get pushed through the trapdoor by some hidden force do become conspiracy theorists .

  9. 飞行器通常都是在起飞以后通过座舱底部的一个活动门放下去的。

    The bird is usually lowered through a trap door in the floor of the cabin after the takeoff .

  10. 从活动门跌落之后,你往往会失去对努力工作和攒钱等资本主义价值观的信仰。

    When you fall through the trapdoor you tend to lose your belief in capitalist values like hard work and saving .

  11. 箱体上开设有支架的进出口,该进出口处设置有活动门。

    An entrance and exit for the bracket is arranged on the box body and a movable door is provided at this entrance and exit .

  12. 由于床板上的贯穿孔结合活动门,活动门有开启机构,不但能封闭床板上的贯穿孔,而且操作方便。

    Because of the penetrative foramina of the soleplate incorporated the movable door with the open framework , it is very convenient to close the penetrative foramina of the soleplate .

  13. 测试项目包括活动门运动性能测试、系统测试、寿命试验、电磁兼容性能和绝缘试验。

    The test contents include 5 aspects , that is , the capability test of door movement , the system test , the fatigue test , the combined electric - magnetic capability and the insulation .

  14. 介绍了大型全纤维活动门退火炉的结构,通过计算说明该退火炉节能效果和经济效益显著,在国内同行业大型退火炉中处于领先水平。

    Introducing the struture about large annealer with Pure-fibre and active door , stating energy-saving effects and Marked economic benefits of this kind of annealer by calculating , and holding a lead in the same intemal trade .

  15. 假设我站在桥上,旁边有个胖子,我没有去推他,假设他站在一个活动门上,我只要转动转盘,就像这样。

    Suppose standing on the bridge next to the fat man , I didn 't have to push him , suppose he was standing over a trap door that I could open by turning a steering wheel like that .

  16. 在排粪区设置饮水器,平时打开活动门,利用猪只在饮水时有排粪尿的习性,将粪便集中于排粪区,便于清除。

    In the row of dung area set for drinking water , usually open door , using pigs activities in a row of feces drinking water , which will waste focused on row area , easy to remove dung .

  17. 一旦微处理器接收到信息,蜂鸣器就会嗡嗡作响,托比听到声音后奔过来,坐在喂食器装置下方的管道边等着。发动机开始工作,狗粮储存仓下面的活动门就会打开。

    When the mini-computer receives the message , the buzzer goes off and Toby comes running over and sits beneath a tube under his feeder contraption . Then the motor comes to life and pulls open a trap door which releases a serving of food .

  18. 好学的研究者;会上下活动的门使我惊奇不已。

    Curious investigators ; a trap door that made me curious .

  19. 在比赛开始前,使赛马位于线内的可以活动的门。

    A movable gate that keeps racehorses in line before the start of a race .

  20. (ⅰ)人事成本(研究活动中专门雇佣的研究人员、技术人员和其他辅助人员);

    ( I ) costs of personnel ( researchers , technicians and other supporting staff employed exclusively in the research activity );

  21. 通过底卸式矿车在卸载过程中活动车底门的受力分析与计算,认为车底门的开启角和卸载曲轨的形状是引起矿车跳动的主要原因。

    By analysing and computing the forces exerting on the bottom door of drop-bottom car during unloading , the paper concluded that the angle of the bottom door and the dump rail were the main causes of the car skip motion .

  22. 应用超声多普勒系统检测慢性活动型肝炎门静脉血流量的初步研究

    Studies on variations of portal venous flow in patients with chronic active hepatitis

  23. 通往家人活动室的门不够大,可以做得更宽吗?

    The door into the family room isn 't big enough . Could it be made wider ?

  24. 翻译活动是一门涉及作者,译者和读者的科学性工作。

    Translation activity is a scientific work in which the author , the translator and the reader are all concerned .

  25. 商务谈判是一门科学,是综合运用多学科知识于商务活动的一门艺术。

    Business negotiation is not only a science , but also an art to carry out business activities with the knowledge of multiple subjects .

  26. 综合实践活动是一门崭新的课程,是我国这次基础教育课程改革中结构性的突破。

    Comprehensive practical activities , as a new curriculum , is considered a break-through in the latest curriculum reform of elementary education in our country .

  27. 新课程理念下,课堂教学中的学生活动是一门全新的教学艺术。

    Under new curriculum , students ' activity is a brand-new teaching art , exploration and research in teaching of science in junior middle school .

  28. 总之,综合实践活动作为一门全新的课程,它在教学理念、教学方式等诸多方面为我国的基础教育开辟了崭新的天地,为学生个性化的全面发展创设了良好的环境空间。

    The Integrated Practice Activity Curriculum , on a whole , is a brand-new course , whose rationale , concept and pedagogy have broadened our educational horizons and created surroundings for the development of students ' individuality .

  29. 当竞技电玩和所有与之相关的五花八门的活动成为一门规模达10亿美元的全球产业(一些人估计,大约需要两年)时,滋庆学园可能已经把自己视为了“电子竞技”教学的元老。

    By the time competitive video gaming and all the associated razzmatazz becomes a $ 1bn global industry ( in about two years " time , according to some estimates ) , Tokyo 's Jikei Gakuen may already think of itself as a venerable seat of " e-sports " learning .

  30. 然后她受邀在许多重要的活动中展示这门艺术。

    And then she was invited to show the art in many important activities .