
  • 网络flooding
  1. 国内外的专家学者都在从各个角度、各个应用领域来深入研究如何利用计算机技术、虚拟现实技术、地理信息系统技术等高新技术快速、精确地预测和模拟洪水淹没的全过程。

    Experts both domestic and overseas with various respective are further studying how to use computer technology , virtual reality technology , and GIS technology to predict and simulate flooding in the quick and accurate way .

  2. 这不仅仅会把从墨西哥到安大略省的每个断层带撕裂,还将减低对密西西比州西部陆地的支持,降低该陆地的海拔高度,并且使其被洪水淹没。

    This will do more than rip every fault line from Mexico to Ontario , it will reduce the support under land to the West of the Mississippi , dropping this land in elevation and flooding it .

  3. 我们只得绕道避开被洪水淹没的田野。

    We had to make a detour around the flooded fields .

  4. 露营地被突发的洪水淹没。

    The campsite was deluged by a flash flood .

  5. 农田被洪水淹没了。

    The fields had been submerged by floodwater .

  6. 洪水淹没了整个地区。

    The flood inundated the whole district .

  7. 洪水淹没了河两岸的大片地区。

    The floods covered large areas on both banks of the river .

  8. 低洼地区被洪水淹没了。

    The low areas were inundated by floods .

  9. Rezwan正在搭建浮动连体,以取代被洪水淹没的道路和高速公路。

    Rezwan is creating floating connectivity to replace flooded roads and highways .

  10. 洪水淹没了东部沿海各州

    Floodwaters are inundating states up and down the Eastern Seaboard .

  11. 洪水淹没了整个山谷。

    The cataclysm flooded the entire valley .

  12. GIS支持下的洪水淹没范围模拟

    A method for flood submerged area simulation based on GIS

  13. 基于GIS和数学形态学的洪水淹没研究

    Study on flood submergence based on GIS and mathematical morphology

  14. GIS技术在洪水淹没分析中的应用

    Application of GIS technique in analysis of flood inundation

  15. 基于GIS城市洪水淹没模拟分析

    Urban flood submerging simulation analysis based on GIS

  16. 基于GIS的洪水淹没评估系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of GIS-based Flood Assessment System

  17. GIS技术在潖江滞洪区洪水淹没模型中的应用

    The Application of GIS Techique to the Development of Mathematic Flooding Model for Pajiang Detention Area

  18. 利用DEM的环形洪水淹没算法研究

    A " Ring " Method for Flood Submergence Based on DEM

  19. 基于DEM的洪水淹没计算机算法优化研究

    Optimization study on Algorithm of flood submergence based on DEM

  20. 然后根据数字高程地形资料和溃口流量,利用基于GIS的体积法洪水淹没范围模拟模型来模拟洪水淹没范围以及淹没水深。

    The flood submerging range and depth are simulated by using flood submerging model based on DEM and flux of break-dam .

  21. 基于渭河下游DEM的洪水淹没分析与模拟

    Flood Analysis and Simulation of Lower Reaches of Weihe River Based on DEM

  22. 其中一个地铁站曾因为飓风桑迪(HurricaneSandy)的袭击而被洪水淹没,科学家还在那里找到了海洋生物的DNA。

    One station that had been flooded during Hurricane Sandy still contained DNA associated with a marine environment .

  23. 结果表明,以GIS技术为支持,采用平面模拟方法进行洪水淹没范围和水深分布的模拟是可行的,使遥感监测与一般洪涝灾害损失评估模型比较好地结合,得出更准确的灾情损失评估结果。

    This method combines the remote sensing technology with the model for assessing the flood loss and gives the more precise assessment of the flood loss .

  24. 给出了基于数字高程模型的GRID结构,适合两种不同类型淹没区的计算方法,尤其是第2种洪水淹没类型方法较有特色。

    Two calculating methods of DEM-based Grid data structure for flood area have been proposed , and one of the calculating methods called " flood submersion " is quite characteristic .

  25. 本文通过分析洪水淹没灾害的属性特征,阐述了利用GIS和RS进行洪水淹没损失评估的基本原理。

    The attributes and features of the flood submerging disaster have been analysed in this paper , and the postulate of flood submerging disaster loss assessment is expressed with the GIS and RS technics .

  26. 近年来,将GIS技术与水文模型相结合,再根据数字高程模型DEM预测、模拟显示洪水淹没区,并进行灾害评估,已成为GIS应用和水利领域一个研究热点。

    It is a hot research issue to combine the GIS technology with hydrologic models in forecasting and simulating flood inundation area according to digital elevation models ( DEM ) and in making disaster evaluation .

  27. 亚当·米勒:DarkWaters是新战役设定的第一个模组,在这个世界里,文明被战火毁灭、洪水淹没了大陆,仅留下少数的幸存者,艰难地生活着。

    Dark Waters is the first module of a new campaign setting , a world where war has destroyed much of civilization , flooded the lands , and left only a few survivors struggling to get by .

  28. 基于数字高程模型的栅格结构,以渭河下游洪水淹没数据为基础,依据无源淹没和有源淹没的原理,并结合ERDAS8.5的虚拟GIS模块实现了无源淹没的三维可视化模拟。

    Based on grid of DEM , we take the lower reaches of Weihe flood data as a basis , and combined with Virtual GIS module of ERDAS 8.5 , to realize visualized simulation in 3D of non-fountainhead flood according to principle of fountainhead and non-fountainhead .

  29. 美国西海岸被洪水淹没出现在LoriToye联系渠道的地图上,而且是首先出版的地图。

    This flooding of the west coast appears in Lori Toye 's channeled map , the first to be published .

  30. 来自纽约Prattsville的图片显示救生艇正在从完全被洪水淹没的房屋中拯救居民。

    Images from Prattsville in New York showed lifeboats rescuing residents from homes completely swamped with water .