
  • 网络Yangshan Free Trade Port Area
  1. 离岸账户(洋山保税港区):允许企业开设离岸账户,为其境外业务提供资金结算便利。

    Offshore Account ( Yangshan Free Trade Port Area ): Enterprises in YSFTPA can open offshore account in the bank inside YSFTPA for payment settlement of oversea business .

  2. 我国第一个保税港区是2005年设立的上海洋山保税港区,是国务院顺应国际、国内经济形势,运用区港联动政策的成果、参照国外成功经验而设立的。

    Yangshan Bonded Port in Shanghai is the first bonded port of China , which was established by the state council in 2005 under the international and domestic economic situation , complying with the " Zone-port Interaction " policy and referring to the successful experiences abroad .