
  • 网络The Baltic Dry Index;bdi
  1. 占其营业收入略超过一半的干散货业务,需要波罗的海干散货指数在2009年平均达到3000点才能收支相抵。

    The dry bulk business just over half of revenues needs an average BDI of 3,000 in 2009 just to break even .

  2. 与此同时,反映船运成本的波罗的海干散货指数(balticdryindex)在不到两个月的时间内大跌60%。该指数在2008年出现暴跌,当时被一些人视为全球经济的晴雨表。

    At the same time , the Baltic Dry Index of freight costs , regarded by some as a barometer of the global economy when it plunged in 2008 , has fallen 60 per cent in less than two months .

  3. 波罗的海干散货指数(drybulkindex)最近出现回落,这显示运输船舶排放量监管规则的收紧不可能导致近期出现成本扭曲。

    The recent decline in the dry bulk index suggests that tighter emissions regulations on shipping vessel is unlikley to result in near-term cost distortions .

  4. 但是,在波罗的海干散货指数(balticdryindex)平均逾7000点以上达成的合约,在运费大跌后就显得很不明智了。

    But contracts struck when the Baltic Dry Index averaged over 7000 points looked a lot less clever after freight rates plunged , and the BDI touched 663 in early December .

  5. 航运股连续三天高踞表现榜首,波罗的海干散货指数显示铁矿及其它散货运费升上2005年5月以来最高位。

    Shipping was the best performing sector for3 days , as the Baltic Dry index , showing freight rates for iron ore and other bulk cargo , rose to its highest level since May2005 .

  6. 作为衡量大宗商品航运成本的关键指标,波罗的海干散货运价指数(balticdryindex)在过去一年里已上涨了一倍多。

    The Baltic Dry Index , a key measure of commodity shipping costs , has more than doubled in the past year .

  7. 至于全球贸易,波罗的海干散货运价指数(balticdryindex)较2008年最高水平下跌了三分之二,但仍高于过去10年的普遍水平。

    As for world trade , the Baltic Dry Index is two-thirds lower than its 2008 peak but higher than where it has generally traded over the past 10 years .

  8. 上周五,衡量大宗商品航运成本的“波罗的海干散货运价指数”(bdi)遭遇了其有史以来的最大跌幅,跌至2221点,跌幅为11%。

    The Baltic Dry Index , a measure of shipping costs for commodities , suffered its biggest drop on record on Friday , falling 11 per cent to 22211 .

  9. 全球大宗商品航运成本基准指数波罗的海干散货运价指数(bdi)已跌至4个月前水平的四分之一。

    The Baltic Dry Index ( BDI ) , the global benchmark for the cost of shipping commodities , has slumped to a quarter of its level four months ago .

  10. 此外,欧元区危机、美国经济复苏迟缓和中国经济增长放缓,导致波罗的海干散货运价指数(BDI)今年以来下跌56%。波罗的海干散货运价指数是衡量船运成本的行业基准。

    Also , the eurozone crisis , the slow recovery in the US and a slowdown in Chinese economic growth have sent the Baltic Dry index – an industry benchmark of shipping costs – down 56 per cent this year .

  11. 波罗的海干散货运价指数预测及实证分析

    Forecasting model of Baltic dry index and its application

  12. 作为衡量世界干散货航运价格的指标,波罗的海干散货运价指数持续下跌。

    The Baltic Exchange Dry index , which measures the cost of dry bulk shipping , continued to drop .

  13. 倍受关注的波罗的海干散货航运指数衡量全球航运原材料成本的指标在一周内跃升逾50%,因市场预计中国对大宗商品的需求将不断上升,同时几种金属的价格也大幅上涨。

    The Baltic Dry shipping index the much-watched measure of the cost of shipping raw materials around the world has jumped more than 50 per cent in a week on hopes of rising demand for commodities from China , while the prices of several metals have also risen sharply .

  14. 直到2008年初反应国际干散货海运价格的波罗的海干散货综合运价指数(BDI),从2004年的3000多点一路上涨到接近12000点。

    Until the beginning of 2008 , Baltic Dry Index ( BDI ) has risen to nearly 1,2000 points from more than 3000 points in 2004 .

  15. 以波罗的海国际干散货运价指数(BFI)为研究对象,分析其长期趋势性波动规律,得到BFI的长期波动服从幂函数模型。

    The fluctuation nature and forecasting model of Baltic freight index ( BFI ) are researched . Firstly the power function model is proved to match the long-term fluctuation of BFI through analysis of the tendency .

  16. 通过国际干散货航运市场综合评价值与波罗的海干散货综合运价指数的标准化值进行比较,发现前者可以全面地反映国际干散货航运市场的综合情况。

    Through the comparison to baltic freight index , it was pointed that the evaluation result can reflect the main trend of international dry bulk shipping market .