
bō wén
  • corrugation;ripple;moire;flow mark;cockles
波纹 [bō wén]
  • [ripple] 水面轻微起伏而形成的水纹

波纹[bō wén]
  1. DB决定以延长钢轨寿命、防止RCF和波纹磨损、尽量不妨碍正常的运输为目标,以应付这些问题的发生。

    To counteract these developments , DB aims to extend rail life , prevent RCF and corrugation and hinder regular traffic as little as possible .

  2. 定期使用该系统可以防止在RCF和波纹磨损的发生,同时优化铁路表面。

    Periodic use of the system prevents RCF and corrugation before they appear , while optimising the rail surface .

  3. 没有风,池塘的水面上几乎看不到波纹。

    The air was so still that there was hardly a ripple on the pond 's surface .

  4. 另一种空气温度传感器是充气波纹管。

    Another ambient temperature sensor is the vapor-filled bellows .

  5. 膜片可以是扁平的,或是波纹的。

    The diaphragms may be flat or corrugated .

  6. 微风吹来,湖面上略略起了点儿波纹。

    The lake rippled gently in the breeze .

  7. 附:将其它没有用上的热水进出口用堵头堵住或用波纹管短接

    ADD : Pulg up the remainder of the hot water inlets and outlets .

  8. 全波纹腹板H型钢腹板屈曲性能分析

    Bucking Strength Analysis of The Web of WCW H-beam

  9. 波纹膨胀节CAD技术

    Bellows Expansion Joints and CAD Technique

  10. 用ANSYS软件对U形波纹管的有限元分析

    The Finite Element Analysis to the U-shape Bellows by the ANSYS Program

  11. 电源波纹对PD雷达性能的影响

    The Effects of Power Supply Ripple on PD Radar Performance

  12. 在MATLAB环境下分别使用窗函数法、等波纹法设计了滤波器并对其进行了仿真。

    The filter is designed and simulated by window function and equivalent ripple manner on MATLAB .

  13. 阻燃PVC彩塑红泥波纹板的生产工艺浅析

    Production Technology of Flame-retardant , Coloured , Corrugated PVC Board of Red Putty

  14. 预应力混凝土用PVC塑料波纹管试验研究

    A research on tests of PVC plastic corrugated pipe used in prestressed concrete

  15. 高阻尼无加强U形减振波纹管研究

    Research for High-damping Unreinforced U-shaped Vibration Reducing Bellows

  16. PVC电线波纹管配方的正交设计

    Orthogonal Design for PVC Corrugated Pipe Compounds

  17. 而B组表现出波纹结构更多的断裂与间隙,前带、中间带的变化不如其他两组明显。

    Group B showed more breach and gap of the ripple structure . The anterior and middle changes are less evident than the others .

  18. HDPE双壁波纹管的性能与应用

    Performance and Application of HDPE Double - Wall Corrugated Pipe

  19. 基于MOTIF参数的零件表面波纹度评定方法

    The Judgment Method of Part Surface Waviness Based on MOTIF Parameters

  20. V形波纹多孔体太阳能空气集热器研究

    Augmentation of convective heat transfer by means of high porosity porous insert study on V corrugated porous absorber solar air heater

  21. GaAs/AlAs波纹超晶格中的激子局域化研究

    Exciton Localization in Corrugated GaAs / AlAs Superlattices Grown on ( 311 ) GaAs Substrates

  22. B.表皮细胞为不规则形,垂周壁浅波纹状。基于叶下表皮微形态并结合植物外部形态特征,将直立扁蓄P。

    Type 2 , the leaf epidermal cells are irregular in shape , with the undulate anticlinal walls .

  23. 将SiC泡沫陶瓷波纹填料应用于湿化器中,在很宽的操作范围内,对空气湿化过程进行了研究。

    The SiC ceramic corrugated packing was used in the humidifier . The air humidification process was investigated in a wide operation range .

  24. 本文最后阐述了采用多抽样率结构来设计窄带FIR滤波器的优点,即能够有效地从通带宽度、通带波纹、矩形系数、阻带衰减等方面对窄带FIR滤波器的性能进行控制。

    At last , this paper points out that this method can efficiently control the performance of narrow band FIR digital filters .

  25. 高压电力电缆用CPVC双壁波纹管的试制与应用

    Preparation of C-PVC Double-wall Corrugated Pipe for High Electric Power Cable

  26. FP型金属翅片波纹填料

    FP-type Metal Fin Ripple Packing

  27. 本文将SiC泡沫陶瓷波纹填料应用于湿化器中,并从理论和实验两个方面对填料湿化器进行研究。

    This paper had conducted theoretical and experimental research of the humidifier filled with SiC ceramic corrugated packing , which was used in the air humidification process .

  28. 文章结合工程实例介绍在实验室及现场同条件下预应力混凝土用PVC塑料波纹管的检测技术及试验方法。

    With some engineering examples , this article introduces some testing techniques and methods of PVC plastic corrugated pipe used in prestressed concrete , both in labs and on the spot .

  29. 为达到误差等波纹的设计结果,将迭代重加权技术应用到IIR滤波器的设计问题中。

    To obtain better design results with equiripple error , we apply iterative reweighted techniques to the design of IIR digital filters .

  30. 电解二氧化锰(EMD)用波纹状Ti-Mn复合阳极由波纹状Ti基Ti-Mn合金复合阳极大板、Ti加强筋及铝横担组成。

    The composite anode for production of electrolytic manganese dioxide ( EMD ) consists of Ti base corrugated panel covered with Ti-Mn alloys , Ti stiffening bars and Al hanger bar .