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  • 网络Bolt;Usain Bolt
  1. 波尔特刚刚打破了人类速度的极限。

    Usain Bolt may have just broken the human speed limit .

  2. 如果波尔特想看看他的比赛情况,他通常只能回头看。

    AZUZ : If Usain Bolt wants to keep an eye on his competition , he usually has to glance back over his shoulder .

  3. 卡丽突然大哭起来,并伸出双臂抱住卢宾的脖子,结果卢宾手里盛波尔特酒的杯子被碰翻,酒都洒在了他浅色的新裤子上。

    Carrie here burst out crying , and threw her arms round his neck , and in doing so , upset the glass of port he held in his hand all over his new light trousers .