
fàn líng lùn
  • animism
泛灵论[fàn líng lùn]
  1. 本文试探讨《老人与海》中所体现的泛灵论思想。

    This thesis explores the animism in The Old Man and the Sea .

  2. 没有一种理论能像泛灵论这样深入人心。

    There is no theory which could go deep into human 's mind except animism .

  3. 2011年,以基督徒和泛灵论者为主的南苏丹(SouthSudan)从以穆斯林为主的苏丹脱离出来,实现独立。

    In 2011 , the mostly Christian and animist South Sudan gained its independence from mostly Muslim Sudan .

  4. 渔夫桑提亚哥在与周围自然物象的精神交流中体现了积极的泛灵论思想,本文从兄弟关系、心灵观照和原始的泛灵论这三个方面来阐述这一思想。

    Positive animism is reflected in the spiritual communication between the fisherman Santiago and surrounding natural objects and illustrated in three aspects & brotherhood , mental reflection and primitive animism .

  5. 他们是为了逃避苏丹长期内战而背井离乡的。2005年1月,苏丹以穆斯林人口为主的北部地区和以基督徒和泛灵论人口为主的南部地区签署全面和平协议,内战结束。

    They fled from Sudan 's long-running civil war , which ended when the Comprehensive Peace Agreement or CPA was signed between the Muslim north and Christian and animist south in January 2005 .

  6. 但第九阶段和第一阶段的不同之处在于,它是一种动态的泛灵论,儿童在解释事物发展时会认为有一种力量在推动它。

    But the ninth stage and the first stage similarity lies in , it is one kind dynamic exudes works theory , child when explanation thing development can think has one strength to impel it .