
  • 网络law clerk
  1. 时至今日,无论是司法决策层,还是司法理论界,抑或是实践领域,对法官助理制度已经形成了改革的共识。

    Now , both judicial system of decision making and our theorists , or the practical field have already reached consensus in the law clerk systerm .

  2. 而雷切尔•法罗是法官助理。

    And Rachel Farrow is a law clerk at the courthouse .

  3. 第二章法官助理制度的基本功能。

    Chapter 2 judge the basic function of the assistant system .

  4. 中、美法官助理制度的比较研究

    The Judge of China and the United States Assistant the Comparision System

  5. 关于某区人民法院实行法官助理制度的调研报告

    Research Report on Judges Assistant System in a District People 's Court

  6. 第五,法官助理制度的建立,有利于审前准备程序功能实现。

    Fifthly , the setting-up of the system of judge assistant contributes to realize the functions of pretrial procedure .

  7. 我只知道我的教授们相当推崇法官助理的工作,并且鼓励我申请。

    What I did know was that my professors thought highly of clerkships , and they encouraged me to apply .

  8. 法官助理之遴聘事项及借调办法,由司法院定之。

    The rules governing selection and temporary transfer for the position of Judge Assistant shall be determined by Judicial Yuan .

  9. 该院法官助理制度的实施大致可以分为试行、推进、深化三个阶段。

    The operation of the Judges Assistant system in the court can be divided roughly into three phases : implementing , advancing , deepening .

  10. 笔者认为各个法院实行法官助理制度,不能采取同一标准,应从各个法院的实际情况出发,构建自身特色的审判模式。

    Each court must not be the same standard on the implement of Judges Assistant system . Proceeding from actual conditions , they can establish the model of trial with their own characteristics .

  11. 法官助理制度作为法官职业化的重要组成部分,在实践中是全新制度,必定存在改革的冲击力和阻力,故实践中必然存在困境。

    Implementing of the Judges Assistant system , which is an important part of Judges Professionalization and a new system in practice , will have impact and repulse , but also will to be in a bind .

  12. 笔者对试点过程中的经验进行了总结,并对出现的疑问进行了回答。第四部分笔者进一步分析了法官助理制度如何完善的问题。

    Author has carried on the summary to the experiment , and answered the questions which has appeared . The fourth part of author has further analyzed the questions which how to consummate the judge assistant system .

  13. 法官助理制度的建立,有利于法官中立,有利于当事人充分行使诉讼权利,有利于缓解法官工作压力,保证审判公正和效率提高。

    The setting-up of the system of judge assistant is favorable to judge 's neutrality , to help parties to fully exercise the lawsuit right , help to alleviate judge 's working pressure , and guarantee the justice of the try and raise the efficiency .

  14. 对法官助理及其职权的正确定位,妥善处理法官助理与法官、法官助理与当事人的关系,法官助理对审前准备程序结束的处置等,是实现审前准备程序功能不可缺少的内容。

    The confirming of judge assistant and his functions and powers , dealing carefully with the relations of judge assistant and judge , judge assistant and party , and handling of judge assistant to the end of pretrial procedure are the indispensable content of pretrial procedure .

  15. 他说这能保证我在一家大公司找到工作,或成为联邦法官的助理。

    He said it would guarantee me a job in a big firm or a clerkship with a federal judge .

  16. 去年,我荣幸地指定Kennedy法官的前任法官助理NeilGorsuch为最高法院法官人选。

    Last year , I was proud to appoint Justice Kennedy 's former law clerk , Neil Gorsuch , to the Supreme Court .

  17. 我国目前实行的审前准备模式有审判法官型、法官助理型、预审法官型三种。

    The current pre-trial pattern is divided into three types : trial judge pattern , judge assistant pattern , and pre-trial judge pattern .

  18. 海湾县巡回法院法官茱迪皮特曼比贝尔的司法助理金吉布森称,当天的听审在法庭会议厅的一间会议室里举行,过程十分简短,茱迪法官对案件进行了判决。

    The divorce was finalized by Bay County Circuit Judge Judy Pittman Biebel during a brief hearing in a conference room in her chambers , according to Biebel 's judicial assistant Kim Gibson .

  19. 这一审判组织由1名独任法官,4名法官助理和2名书记员组成。

    This trial group is composed of one judge , four judge assistants and two clerks .

  20. 这九位法官,一位大法官和8位助理法官,他们判定法律或者政府行为是否违反美国宪法。

    The nine justices , one chief and eight associate justices , rule on whether or not laws and government actions violate the U.S. Constitution .

  21. 法官制度改革的近期构想则是实行法官助理制度,这一制度正在全国部分法院试行,且取得了好的成效。

    The current design of reform of system of judges shall be to perform the assistance system of judges , and the system has been carried out in the part courts of the whole country and achieved good results .

  22. 其中对精简现有法官提出了实行法官数量的定编管理、设置法官助理等的构想,该部分笔者有一些大胆的思考与设想。

    Among these , in the field of reducing judges on hand , we have put forward ideas of practicing fixed-quantity administration of judges and setting up assistant judge etc.

  23. 按照法官职业化改革模式的要求,新的审判模式由法官、法官助理、书记员组成。

    According to the request of the reformation mode of judge professionalism , the new trial pattern is composed by judge , judge assistant and the clerk .