
  • 网络French music;La France musical
  1. 英国的研究人员发现,当播放法国音乐时,法国葡萄酒的销量会上升。

    Researchers in Britain found that when French music was played , sales of French wine went up .

  2. 虽然是在埃及演奏手风琴,但是El-Hawary将中东地区美妙的音乐旋律与法国音乐风格进行了平衡,将其结合起来。

    Although the instrument is played in Egypt , El-Hawary evokes French style that she balances with Middle Eastern melodies .

  3. 无论是他的思想观念,还是他那精致动人的作品,对于法国音乐乃至整个西方艺术音乐的发展而言,都有着永恒的价值。

    As far as French music and the western music are concerned , both his ideas and his works have everlasting values .

  4. 该作品表达了对库泊兰及整个18世纪法国音乐的赞颂,既保持了同传统的联系,又革新独创,融汇了现代作曲技术。

    This work expresses eulogy to Couperin and French music in the whole 18th century . With close connection with tradition as well as innovation , this work is involved in modern composition techniques .

  5. 在悠扬的法国音乐声中,吉恩•查尓斯先生绘声绘色地给他的客人们讲述着来自家乡的法国传统文化,盘中的美食仿佛变得更加香甜了。

    While listening to the gentle tones of French music , Jean Charles will be more than happy to talk about France and educate guests on the culture as well as traditions of his home .

  6. 他的创作植根于法国音乐传统,钟爱于异国民族色彩、美国爵士乐风格以及舞曲节奏,并将之融为一炉,运用于他的音乐作品中,形成他特有的音乐创作风格。

    He works rooted in the traditional French music , favorite color in the exotic nation , the U.S jazz dance styles and rhythm , and to a furnace for melting . He applied to the music , formed his unique style of music .

  7. 他是法国民族音乐协会的奠基人,为复兴法国民族音乐做出了巨大的贡献。

    He made great contributions to the revival of French National music .

  8. 法国印象主义音乐探微

    A Comparative Study of the French Impressionist Music

  9. 他的音乐创作中带有着新古典主义的倾向,又结合了法国传统音乐的民族因素,其中钢琴练习曲便很好地体现了他的这种独特的音乐风格。

    His music combine a tendency in neo-classical and ethnic factors of traditional French music , this unique musical style reflects on his piano etude .

  10. 在法国民族音乐和德奥古典派音乐的基础上,融合浪漫主义思想并将其创造发挥形成独有的艺术特色和音乐风格。

    In the French national music and them on the basis of the classical sent music , fusion and the romantic thoughts create formed unique artistic characteristics play with music style .

  11. 因为弗朗克同时也是法国民族音乐联盟的带头人之一,旨在宣传法国音乐作品,抗衡外来的音乐,推动法国乐器的复兴。

    Meanwhile , since Frank was one of the leaders of the French Folk Music Alliance , which aimed at promoting French musical works , resisting the extraneous music and pushing forward the revival of French instruments .

  12. 第四章着重介绍我国对于长笛演奏发展中起推动作用的法国长笛音乐作品的大量使用,特别是二十世纪法国长笛音乐盛世时期的作品。

    Chapter 4 , emphatically introduces the use of a large number of French flute works which promote the development of the flute playing in our country , especially the works of flourishing age of the 20th century .

  13. 据报道,他们俩将在周末的法国戛纳NRJ音乐颁奖典礼上重新团聚。

    They will reportedly seal their reunion at the NRJ Music Awards in Cannes , France , this weekend .

  14. 19世纪晚期法国的钢琴音乐

    French Piano Music in the Late Part of the 19th Century

  15. 美籍法国作曲家埃德加·瓦雷兹音乐观念研究

    American French Composer Edgar Varese Musical Concepts · Research

  16. 本文分为三个章节,第一章简略论述了法国流行手风琴音乐发展的背景及主要特色。

    The first chapter briefly presents development background and major features of French popular accordion music .

  17. 法国大革命时期音乐

    Music in the French Revolution period

  18. 法国流行手风琴音乐的蓬勃发展为手风琴乐坛乃至世界流行音乐增添了一抹清新与朝气。

    The flourishing development of French popular accordion music has added to the entire accordion circle or even to the world popular music a subtle hint of crispness and vitality .

  19. 毕业后的十年间菲利普以一个职业钢琴家的身份巡演于欧洲各地,特别是作为一位法国名族音乐协会的成员,菲利普在宣扬法国本土音乐方面做出了不小的贡献。

    The 10 years after graduation Philipp to a professional pianist identity tour all over Europe , especially as a French of folk music members of the association , Philip in spreading the French local music made valuable contributions .

  20. 2002年2月,法国电台当代音乐节上,中国旅美作曲家谭盾的作品《卧虎藏龙》(音乐会版)在演出中收到法国观众的嘘声和倒彩,这个现象说明了什么?

    In February 2002 , the performance of the concert version Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon by Chinese American composer Tan Dun received booing and outcries from French audiences at the French Radio Contemporary Music Festival . What can we get from this phenomenon ?

  21. 法国作曲家、电子音乐领军人物让-米歇尔·雅尔与泄密者爱德华·斯诺登,携手打造了一支单曲《出口》。这首歌将被收录到雅尔即将发布的黑胶唱片《Electronica2:TheHeartofNoise》中。

    French composer Jean Michel Jarre and whistleblower Edward Snowden have collaborated on " Exit , " a track off the electronic music pioneer 's upcoming new LP Electronica 2 : The Heart of Noise .

  22. 说到法国的流行手风琴音乐,不得不提及有着荣誉的musette音乐。

    Said to French pop accordion music , have to mention the musette has " honor " music .

  23. 与此同时,还有一个重要的匿名人物在暗中支持他。不出几年,他发现自己已是法国国内外在新音乐方面最重要的作曲家。

    In a few years he found himself famous in France and abroad as the foremost composer of the new music .

  24. 你的钢琴老师也许听法国作曲家德彪西的音乐能静下心来,但爱尔兰的小红莓乐队可能会把你带回到一处类似90年代中期宁静的地方。

    Your piano teacher might chill out to Debussy , but maybe The Cranberries take you back to a relaxing , mid-90s kind of place .

  25. 今年上半年在欧洲,英国、法国和德国的音乐下载量分别增加了7%、13%和19%。

    In Europe , downloads rose 7 per cent in the UK , 13 per cent in France and 19 per cent in Germany in the first half of the year .

  26. 第二章则对法国文化概况、法国手风琴音乐的发展及作曲家进行了简要介绍,为下文对作品的分析和研究做了背景性的铺垫。

    The second chapter introduces briefly the French culture , the development of French accordion music and composers as the background of analysis and research of productions in the following text .

  27. 卡米尔·圣-桑(CamilleSaint-Saensl835&1921)是19世纪浪漫主义后期至20世纪初法国著名的作曲家、钢琴家、管风琴演奏家和指挥家,法国民族音乐协会创立者之一。

    Camille Saint-Saens , the famous French composer , pianist , organ performer and conductor in the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century , was one of the founders of French national music society .

  28. 法国已实行25年的文化例外法的主要目标是确保法国的语言、音乐和电影等文化产品不受输入的英语语言影响。

    The key objective of the country's25-year-old exception culturelle is ensuring that French-language music , film and other cultural products are not dominated by English-language imports .

  29. 法国作曲家卡米尔·圣·桑(CamilleSaintSaens,18351921),杰出的钢琴家和管风琴演奏家,是十九世纪晚期的作曲家,法国民族音乐协会最早的成员,法国民族乐派的代表人物之一。

    French composer Camille Saint-Saens ( 1835-1921 ), an outstanding pianist and organist , also is a composer in late 19th-century . He is one of the first French National Music Association members , and one representative of France ethnic music school .