
  • 网络Yau Ma Tei;YauMaTei
  1. 前往油麻地的列车即将到达。

    The train to Yau Ma Tei is arriving .

  2. 在油麻地,一块一平方米的玻璃自一座商业大厦脱落,跌在一辆车上。

    A 1-square-metre piece of gla dro ed from a commercial building in Yau Ma Tei onto a car .

  3. CARE工作人员以油麻地及柴湾作研习例子,引导参加者以社区规划角度进行地基分析,发掘社区特色和改善社区问题。

    Using Yaumatei and Chai Wan as cases , CARE staff shared the skills in site analysis and worked with participants in exploring community uniqueness and local problems .

  4. 油麻地社区老人服务中心〔救世军〕

    Yau Ma Tei Multi-service Centre for the Elderly [ The Salvation Army ]

  5. 联络地址:九龙油麻地弥敦道478号森基商业中心二字楼。

    Address : 2 / F. , S.B.Commercial Building , 478 Nathan Road , Kowloon .

  6. 昨日在葵涌和油麻地的公共屋村再发生两宗铝窗飞坠事件。

    Two more aluminium window frames fell from public housing blocks in Kwai Chung and Yau Ma Tei yesterday .

  7. 富辉鲜果有限公司位于香港九龙油麻地,是专门从事水果进出口贸易。

    Prime Orchards Limited ( Hong Kong ) is a trading company that connects our corporation to the world .

  8. 油麻地小轮拥有渡轮77艘,经营24条渡轮航线,包括载客、汽车渡轮及持牌渡轮服务。

    HYF owned 77 vessels and operated 24 ferry routes , including passenger and vehicular services and licensed services .

  9. 油麻地,这是观塘线的终点站,谢谢乘搭港铁。

    Yau Ma Tei , end of the Kwun Tong Line , thank you for travelling on the MTR .

  10. 每月其中一个星期日黄昏时份在山顶侨福道和新油麻地避风塘北岸进行麻鹰晚栖数目数算。

    Monthly kite survey is conducted on the first Sunday around sunset in Guildford Road of Mid-levels and New Yau Ma Tei Typhoon Shelter .

  11. 该隧道连接港岛西营盘与九龙油麻地附近的西九龙填海区。

    Opened in April 1997 , it links Sai Ying Pun on Hong Kong Island and the West Kowloon Reclamation near Yau Ma Tei in Kowloon .

  12. 另一方面,协会的中西区、油麻地、长洲、大屿山和西贡自助旅游路线依然广受游客欢迎。

    The association 's self-guided walking tours covering Central and Western District , Yau MaTei , Cheung Chau , Lantau and Sai Kung , continued to be popular .

  13. 除「信兴中心」总部外,本公司在中环、油麻地及观塘均设有维修服务分站,服务范围遍及港九新界。

    In addition to the Shun Hing centre headquarters , there are service stations , in such prime locations as central , Yaumatei and Kwuntong in order to have full service coverage throughout Hong kong , Kowloon and the new territories .