
  1. 油荒会带给玩具行业什么?

    What happen to toys industry due to " Oil shortage "?

  2. 政府须为未来几个月中可能出现的油荒作好准备。

    The government has to provide against a possible oil shortage in the coming months .

  3. 最近几年出现的电荒、油荒等问题已敲响能源安全的警钟。

    Nowadays , the tight stage of electricity and oil has alarmed the clock of energy safety .

  4. 解析油荒

    Analysis of Oil Shortage

  5. 为应对可能的油荒,美国政府一直储备有7.27亿桶石油,可供应全国38天的石油需求。

    The U.S.government maintains a727 million-barrel oil reserve 38 days'worth at current levels of consumption to protect against potential supply disruptions .

  6. 研究的经济背景和问题的提出(1)研究的经济背景最近几年,我国不断出现民工荒、技工荒、煤荒、油荒、拉闸限电等现象。

    In recent years , many serious economic problems such as peasant workers shortage , technical workers shortage , oil shortage , coal shortage , constantly occurred .

  7. 然而,与此同时,这些公司会与政府玩猫捉老鼠的游戏,它们施行减产、对政府的政策表示不满,导致令人尴尬的“油荒”。

    In the meantime , however , the companies play cat-and-mouse with the government , cutting production , to register their displeasure with government policy , resulting in embarrassing shortages .

  8. 但是今年则不同,迄今为止,没有任何迹象表明油价出现典型的季节性上扬,这使得石油商们担心冬季来临时,全世界会处于油荒中。

    But so far this year , there has been no sign of the typical seasonal increase & prompting oil traders to worry that when winter sets in , the world will be short of oil .

  9. 2003年三季度后期从南方蔓延到全国大部分地区的电荒、油荒和煤荒为中国的能源供应安全敲响了警钟。

    The shortage of electricity , oil and coal was extended from the southern part of China to almost all parts of the country in the third quarters of 2003 , causing great concerns over China 's energy supply security .

  10. 2003年三季度末和四季度,全国大范围内出现油荒。分析表明,石油需求增长强劲是造成油品资源供应紧张的根本原因;

    There was a nationwide " oil shortage " in China in the third and fourth quarters of 2003 . Analysis shows the strong growth in demand for oil is the fundamental reason for the shortage in supply of oil products .

  11. 概述了单台油制气炉荒煤气流量检测方法的探索;

    And summerizes the testing method of crude oil gas of single reactor ;

  12. 分析了应用激光多普勒流速计检测单台油制气炉荒煤气流量的可行性。

    And analyzes the feasibility of the crude oil gas flow of the single reactor with laser Doppler speedometer .

  13. 石油行业职工的高收入如今倍受关注,成品油价格只涨不跌,油荒问题时有出现,民营炼厂、加油站生存空间日益狭小。

    The high-income of employee in petroleum industry has been taken greater attention now ; the prices of refined oil rose for several years ; " oil shortage " problems arise even often ; private refineries and gas stations has less living space .

  14. 更为严重的是,成品油的紧张造成了一系列的连锁反应,珠三角的油荒已经开始向物流业蔓延开来。

    What 's the worse , the huge shortage in petroleum products supply bring a series of consequent effects , the gap of oil supply in Zhujiang Delta Region had affected logistics industry .