
  • 网络River landscape;riverine landscape
  1. 城市河流景观现状分析及综合规划

    Present Situation and Comprehensive Planning of Urban River Landscape

  2. 基于生态基础的河流景观改造研究

    Research Based on Ecosystem about River Landscape Transformation

  3. 城市季节性河流景观恢复性规划设计方法研究

    Study on the Ecology Restoration in Landscape Planing and Design of Urban Season Rivers

  4. 城市河流景观整治中的类自然化形态探析

    Approx-natural form in urban river landscape eco-environment improvement

  5. 城市河流景观设计之探析

    Investigation on landscape design for urban river

  6. 重庆市主城区次级河流景观综合整治策略研究

    Comprehensive City Renovation The Landscape Comprehensive Sub - River Regulation Research for the Main Districts of Chongqing

  7. 重视乡土植物的使用,使河流景观富有自然、野趣和地域特色。

    Using the local landscape plant enriched the river landscape to be natural , amusement and features . 5 .

  8. 最后,通过定量分析评价得到的河流景观生态优化策略将是河流景观规划生态设计导向的基础。

    Finally , it obtains that the river landscape ecology optimization strategies are the ecological design-oriented basis of river landscape planning through quantitative analysis .

  9. 通过景观格局指数的生态表征敏感性的探讨和河流景观格局指数与生态效应的关联性分析,提出河流景观生态格局优化策略。

    It proposes the river landscape ecological optimization strategies by landscape pattern indices ' ecological Characterization sensitivity and correlation analysis of landscape pattern indices and ecological effects .

  10. 着眼于河流景观规划研究,涌现了大量有关河流生态环境建设、水质控制保护及生态修复方面的研究理论。

    Based on the river landscape planning studies , there are a large number of research theories about river eco-environment construction , water quality control and protection , and ecosystem restoration .

  11. 感受与事实之间&宋人诗文所记汉水中下游河流景观及其解释

    Sensation And Reality : The Description of the River Landscape of the Middle and Lower Reaches of Han River in the Poems and Articles of the Song Dynasty as Well Its Explanations

  12. 城市河流景观是城市中不可多得的自然资源,然而,在城市化的进程中,河流流域生态系统受到了巨大的损害,进而影响了河流的景观形象。

    Urban river landscape is a rare natural resource in cities , but , as the urbanization going on , the basin ecosystem around the rivers is tremendously damaged , and then the river landscape is badly imaged .

  13. 分别阐述了与城市季节性河流景观恢复性规划设计相关理论和实际案例,确定了该理论在论文研究中所适用的范围,以及在实际案例中所获得的经验。

    It explains the relevant theories and real cases of the planning and design methods of urban seasonal river landscape restoration . It also confirms this theory applicable range among thesis research , and the experience winning in actual cases .

  14. 自然景观包括天然林地景观、天然水域景观、天然河流景观、天然草地景观等;半自然景观包括农田景观、园地景观、人工林地景观等;人工景观包括聚落景观、道路景观、农田水利景观等。

    Natural landscape includes natural forest landscape , natural water landscape , natural river landscape and natural lawn landscape . Semi-natural landscape includes farmland landscape , garden landscape , artificial forest landscape . Artificial landscape includes settlement landscape , road landscape , irrigation landscape .

  15. 1987 ̄2002年景观格局动态变化显著:河流景观、水浇地景观、林地景观和滩地景观类型的面积呈减小趋势,坑塘景观、稻田景观、旱地景观和建设用地景观类型面积则呈增加趋势。

    From 1987 to 2002 , the area of the river , irrigable land , forest and beach landscape types presented a decreasing trend while the area of landscape types of pools , paddy field , dry land and construction land presented an increasing trend .

  16. 我国城市河流堤岸景观规划模式初探

    Recreation area planning in river banks of cities in China

  17. 提出河流湿地景观的的设计方法及理论。

    Proposed river wetland landscape design methods and theories .

  18. 城市河流的景观生态学研究:概念框架

    A conceptual framework for the study of urban river based on landscape ecology

  19. 浅论城市河流生态景观设计

    On ecologic landscape design of urban river

  20. 城市河流浅水景观公园水质的富营养化灰色聚类法评价&以龙潭湖公园为例

    Application of Grey Clustering Method in Eutrophication Assessment for Shallow Landscape Park of City River

  21. 城市河流生态景观的建设成为城市尝试回归自然属性的重要载体。

    Stream ecological landscape constructions become an important carrier in urban returning to natural properties .

  22. 南宁市江北城区河流环境景观用水治理工程方案探讨

    Harnessing Proposal for environment and sight water utilization of rivers in Jiangbei zone of Nanning city

  23. 浅谈城市季节性河流滨水景观规划

    Waterfront landscape planning of seasonal river in city

  24. 景观河道自改造后正逐步形成区别于其它河流的独特景观河道水系特征。

    After the restoration of landscape rivers , the new water environment characteristics is being formed .

  25. 河流是城市景观的依托,也是城市发展的灵魂。

    Rivers are the cradle of the urban civilization , but also the soul of urban development .

  26. 塔里木河中下游河流廊道景观生态功能分区研究

    On the Ecological Functional Divisions of the River Corridor in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Tarim River

  27. 河流是城市景观的重要组成部分,它是城市环境和资源的重要载体,影响城市生态环境的重要因素。

    Rivers is an important part of urban landscape , bearer of city environment and resource and factor of city ecological environment .

  28. 文章从自然人本的视角对河流植被生态景观恢复性规划进行了定性研究。

    This article conducted a qualitative study from the perspective of " humanistic nature " to the river vegetation ecological landscape restorative planning .

  29. 从而对自然人本下的河流植被生态景观恢复性规划进行充实和较为具体的解释及证明。

    Through the above measures to provide the full and more specific explanation and proof about the river in the vegetation ecological landscape restorative planning under the perspective of " nature and humanism " .

  30. 同时将植物生态功能的运用,水生植物的生态净化,景观生态学,景观设计,环境艺术,景观区域规划等多方面融合起来,对河流湿地生态景观的设计进行了理论结合实际的研究。

    While the use of ecological functions of aquatic plants in ecological purification , multifaceted integration of landscape ecology , landscape design , environmental art , landscape and regional planning , river wetland ecological landscape design theory and practical research .