
  • 网络Communication;communication tool
  1. 76%的受访者表示,表情符号是促进团结、尊重和理解的重要沟通工具。

    Seventy-six percent of those surveyed said emojis are an important communication tool for creating unity , respect and understanding .

  2. 平衡计分卡(balancedscorecard,BSC)是一种兼具评价系统、战略管理系统和沟通工具多重功能的管理工具。

    The Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) is a multi-function management tool with evaluation system , strategic management system and communication tool .

  3. 伦敦商学院(londonbusinessschool)称社交媒体已经成为其管理硕士(mim)课程的重要沟通工具。

    London Business School says social media has become a key communications tool for its masters in management programme .

  4. 您考虑的东西要更为战略化,需要更为抽象地考虑问题,并使用沟通工具和技术(如UML)来全面描述希望团队实现的目标。

    You have to be more strategic , think more abstractly , and use communication tools and technologies ( such as UML ) to universally describe what you want from your team .

  5. Forrester的赫森写道,如果你认为通讯应用只是一种免费的沟通工具的话,那你就没有认识到它们的潜力。

    ' If you think messaging apps are just a free way to communicate , you 're missing their potential . '

  6. 如今,网络协作越来越多,因为Skype、谷歌硬盘和传统电子邮件等沟通工具让从未谋面的团队也能执行复杂项目。

    Online collaboration is on the rise , with tools like Skype , Google Drive and old-fashioned email enabling groups that never meet to execute complex projects .

  7. 2005、2006年博客在中国迅猛发展,博客已经成为继电子邮件、BBS和ICQ之后的第四种互联网沟通工具。

    In 2005 and 2006 , blog has developed promptly and become the forth network communication tool after e-mail , BBS and ICQ .

  8. SOA安全团队的HLD工作的主要目标是创建可作为沟通工具的文档:文档必须针对整个团队并代表整个团队的立场。

    The main goal of the SOA security team 's HLD effort should be to create a document that serves as a communications tool : It must speak to and for the entire team .

  9. 朴茨茅斯大学心理学博士克莱尔-威尔森说:“Facebook作为一种与他人的沟通工具推向市场,但该研究标明,也许当我们现在的自己需要安慰时,我们更喜欢使用Facebook与过去的自己联系。”

    Psychologist Dr Clare Wilson , also from the University of Portsmouth , said : " Facebook is marketed as a means of communicating with others , but this research shows we are more likely to use it to connect with our past selves , perhaps when our present selves need reassuring . "

  10. 英文是一种让您踏上国际舞台的最佳沟通工具,想学英文吗?

    English is a tool of communication that leads you to the International Stage .

  11. 像利尔这样的信件,在18世纪的美国,是最主要的沟通工具。

    Letters such as lear 's were an important form of communication in18th century america .

  12. 博客已经成为家庭、公司、部门和团队内部盛行的沟通工具。

    Blogs also become popular communication tools among family , company , department and team .

  13. 一般来说,人们在家里用的沟通工具希望在工作场合也能用得上。

    The same tools you use at home , you want to use at work .

  14. 企业快速响应能力和个人积极性是影响沟通工具选择的重要因素,任务复杂性是决定部分网络工具使用的重要因素;

    Quickly response and individual motivation are two stable factors that affect the use of media ;

  15. 专注是学习的重要关键,而语言能力是一项基本的沟通工具。

    Concentration is an important key for learning and language ability is a basic communication tool .

  16. 应当为从测量结果的分析所得到的信息提供适宜的沟通工具;

    Appropriate tools for the communication of information resulting from the analyses of the measurements should be implemented ;

  17. 促销作为营销的一个重要市场沟通工具,对品牌塑造有很大的影响。

    Sales promotion , as an important marketing communication tool , can have great influence on brand building .

  18. 绩效考核是你和上司之间就你的业绩展开对话的一个沟通工具。

    The review is a communication tool for you and your manager to begin the conversation about your performance .

  19. 除了感受和思维之外,我也用经验。这媒介来作为一个伟大的沟通工具。

    In addition to feelings and thoughts , I also use the vehicle of experience as a grand communicator .

  20. 它将促进爱尔兰语成为日常沟通工具&而不只是课堂上的教材。

    It facilitates the Irish language as a communications tool for every day & not just in the classroom .

  21. 她说,该玩具可谓老少咸宜的“沟通工具”。

    The toy can serve as " a communication tool " for the young and old , she said .

  22. 电子邮件之所以风靡全球,成为人们的一大沟通工具,是因为它快速,方便,又经济划算。

    Several reasons why email has become a great tool is that it is fast , convenient , and affordable .

  23. 随着物联网时代逐步到来,电子邮件仍然是最重要的沟通工具之一。

    Along with the era of Internet of Things , email still is the most important and popular mean of communication .

  24. 英语是为获取世界各种信息以及进行国际间交往的重要沟通工具。

    Nowadays English is an important tool in international communication and for getting all kinds of information all around the world .

  25. 如何使用诸如互联网这样的现代沟通工具已经成为近年来人们关注的热门话题。

    How to use modern communicating tools such as internet properly has becomes a hot issue among many people in recent years .

  26. 该研究试图以目前流行于个人使用的部落格为沟通工具,并从语言行动观点来强化部落格在协同工作上的功能,希望能改善企业的客户服务,进而提升关系行销。

    From the language-action perspective , blog has been applied to enhance the cooperation functions to improve customer services and relationship marketing .

  27. 摄影,作为一种强而有力的表达及沟通工具,提供了千变万化的感受、诠释及表现。

    Photography , as a powerful medium of expression and communications , offers an infinite variety of perception , interpretation and execution .

  28. 现代化传播媒介以其不可替代的优势,正日益成为世界政治舞台上重要的信息沟通工具。

    Modern media with its irreplaceable advantage tend to be the important means of information communication on the political stage in the world .

  29. 翻译是一种信息传递的过程,也就是语际间意义和信息的转换,是各国之间必要的沟通工具。

    Translation is a kind of message transfer , i.e. conversion between languages meaning and information . It is the necessary international communication tool .

  30. 图解是一种十分有用的思考和沟通工具,在商业、管理等领域已经有了广泛的运用和深入的研究。

    Diagram is a useful tool for communications , and in areas such as business , management has been widely used and in-depth research .