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hàn máo
  • down;fine hair on the human body
汗毛 [hàn máo]
  • (1) [down] ∶除头发、胡子外人体其余部分优质柔软的毛发

  • 晒黑的手臂上薄薄地覆盖着一层白色汗毛

  • (2) [fine hair on the human body]∶寒毛

汗毛[hàn máo]
  1. 听到开门声,我颈后汗毛倒竖。

    The hairs on the back of my neck prickled when I heard the door open .

  2. 他眼中的怒火吓得她汗毛倒竖。

    The rage in his eyes made her blood run cold

  3. 太阳会使你脸上的汗毛发白。

    The sun will bleach the hairs on your face

  4. 炙热烤焦了她手臂上的汗毛。

    The heat scorched the fine hairs on her arms

  5. 他那双巨手的手背上满是浓密的黑汗毛。

    The backs of his huge hands were covered in thick black hair .

  6. 吓得我汗毛直竖。

    My hair stood on end with fright .

  7. 突然婶婶在床上坐起来,眯着眼睛恶狠狠的瞪着他,他被看得汗毛都竖了起来,也觉得自己有点鲁莽了。

    He was beginning to think he was going mad when suddenly his aunt sat up in bed , narrowed her eyes , and gave him an evil look that made his flesh creep .

  8. 所以要说那一幕吓得我汗毛都立起来了,就可以讲thescenemademyhairstandonend。

    We say the scene made my hair stand on end .

  9. 在日落的余晖中,他感到自己汗毛直坚,浑身打战。

    His flesh crept and he shivered in the evening sun .

  10. 她感到手背上汗毛发出阵阵刺痛。

    The tiny hairs on the back of her hands tingled .

  11. 哈利脖子后面的汗毛都竖了起来。

    The hairs on the back of Harry 's neck prickled .

  12. 他发誓他从未动过那个孩子一根汗毛。

    He swore that he never laid a finger on that child .

  13. 詹姆斯开始讲鬼故事的时候,有点让人汗毛直竖。

    It got a bit spooky when James started telling ghost stories .

  14. 可是我跟吉娜保证过不会碰你一根汗毛。

    But I promised Gina I wouldn 't do anything with you .

  15. 如果美貌是肤浅的话,时髦连汗毛都没沾上。

    Beauty is only skin deep , fashion even shallower .

  16. 邓肯觉得他脖子后面的汗毛都直立起来了。

    Duncan felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck .

  17. 她看到蛇就汗毛直竖。

    The sight of the snake made her flesh creep .

  18. 我脖子后面的汗毛直立

    The hairs on the back of my neck all stood up .

  19. 你没机会接近我,动我一根汗毛。

    And you 're never going to get close enough to touch me .

  20. 你姐姐没让他碰一根汗毛。

    Your sister didn 't let him touch her .

  21. 至少降落的时候颇富戏剧性,让人汗毛倒竖。

    This at least had been dramatic and hair-raising .

  22. 这个老板娘是个希腊人,手臂上长满了汗毛。

    The proprietor was a Greek with hairy arms .

  23. 他的鬼怪故事使我汗毛直竖。

    His ghost story made my flesh creep .

  24. 我觉得起鸡皮疙瘩就是汗毛倒立。

    I thought goose bumps were just my body hairs trying to do handstands .

  25. 那小男孩的脸上渐渐长出了汗毛。

    The first down was beginning to appear on the young boy 's face .

  26. 现在我可有点汗毛直立了。

    Now that would give me the creeps .

  27. 如果有谁想打扰我们的家人,想动他们一根汗毛…得先过我这关

    anybody that messes with our families gets their asses kicked ... by me .

  28. 那真是一个让我汗毛倒竖的问题,象是我最大的秘密被揭穿了一样让我不安。

    This question made my hairs stand up like my biggest secret was widely opened .

  29. 顾恺之却把这三根汗毛画得特别突出,裴楷非常满意。

    Gu laid great emphasis on the three hairs , and Pei was very satisfied .

  30. 夜晚万籁俱寂时突然听到一声尖叫,吓得我汗毛直竖。

    My skin crawled when I heard a sudden shriek in the dead of night .