
  • 网络chinese thesaurus
  1. 《汉语主题词表》XML文档的自动生成研究

    Study on the Automatic Generation of XML Document for the Classified Chinese Thesaurus

  2. 最后,在分析分众分类法与《汉语主题词表》各自优势与不足的基础上,探讨了Delicious分众分类法与汉语主题词表的结合的必要性与可能性,以及两者结合的可能障碍。

    Finally , based on the analysis each advantages and disadvantages of Folksonomy and the " Chinese Thesaurus ", discussed the combination necessity and possibility of Delicious Folksonomy and Chinese Thesaurus , and possible obstacles because of the combination of the two .

  3. 进而通过Delicious中文标签与《汉语主题词表》数据库的覆盖率检测,探讨用户标签在多大程度上与《汉语主题词表》主题词重叠。

    And then through the coverage testing between the Delicious Chinese labels and " Chinese Thesaurus " database to explore the extent overlap of the user label and " Chinese Thesaurus " Key words .

  4. 用CDS/ISIS的词典功能辅助编制、更新汉语主题词表

    Construction and updating of Chinese Thesaurus with cds / isis ' dictionary function

  5. 《体育汉语主题词表》的研制

    Research and Compilation of a Chinese Thesaurus of Sports

  6. 微机机读汉语主题词表的设计

    Design of microcomputer based Chinese Thesaurus

  7. 新词汇增多,《体育汉语主题词表》没能及时修订,为标引工作带来不便。

    Increased new words .

  8. 《汉语主题词表》的不足与相应对策&兼谈我国叙词表发展方向

    The Deficiencies of Chinese Thesaurus and the Corresponding Counter measures Talking about the Development Trend of Thesaurus in China

  9. 并提出了一种基于汉语主题词表的用户标签优化模型及基于标签的《汉语主题词表》主题词的更新的方法。

    And presents a user label Optimization Model based on Chinese Thesaurus , and a tag-based " Chinese Thesaurus " Subject of the updates .

  10. 并通过分析标签在《汉语主题词表》中的分布形式,探讨其分布规律及用户标签表述的主题范围。

    And through the analysis distribution in forms of label in the " Chinese Thesaurus " to explore the distribution and presentation of the subject areas of the user label .

  11. 作为我国第一部大型综合性叙词表,网络环境下的新型《汉语主题词表》,其在表现形态、编制方式、功能定位和应用方式上都将发生根本性的变化。

    In the new information environment , new edition of " Chinese Thesaurus " is quite different from the old one in terms of presentation , construction methods , function orientation and application way .

  12. 文中认为会议文献除按照《汉语主题词表标引手册》一书中规定的标引规则进行标引外,还需根据会议文献的不同类型,采用不同的模式标引。

    In the paper , the author considers that the conference proceedings Should be indexed according to the different types of proceedings and model , as well as " The Indexing Manual of the Chinese Theseaurus " .