
huì lǜ fēnɡ xiǎn
  • exchange rate risks
  1. 因此,提高汇率风险管理能力是非常关键的。

    So to enhance the ability of managing exchange rate risks is so vital .

  2. 利用日元贷款状况及其汇率风险分析

    Current status of foreign loans in Japanese Yen and analysis of exchange rate risks

  3. 管理汇率风险的前提是测度汇率风险,目前,国际流行的风险测度工具是VaR(ValueAtRisk)模型。

    Currently , the most popular risk measure tool in the world is VaR ( Value at Risk ) model .

  4. VaR模型在人民币汇率风险度量中的应用

    Application of the VaR Model in the Measurement of RMB Exchange Rate Risk

  5. 人民币汇率风险测度的实证研究&基于极值理论的VaR

    Empirical Study of CNY Exchange Rate Risk : Using VaR Based on Extreme Value Theory

  6. 本文探讨VaR模型在我国商业银行汇率风险管理中的应用。

    This thesis discusses the application of VaR to the Foreign Exchange Risk Management of commercial banks in China .

  7. 其中,VaR方法是比较先进的测定方法。其次介绍ARCH族模型和汇率风险测度模型。

    Among them , the VaR method is more advanced measuring method . Secondly , the article introduces the ARCH family models and exchange rate risk measurement models .

  8. 同时更新产品设计模式,规避QDII基金的汇率风险。

    At the same time update the design mode , to avoid exchange rate risk QDII fund .

  9. 但是在我国,VaR模型较多应用的领域是股票市场,针对人民币汇率风险的研究就相对较少了。

    But in our country , VaR model was more used in the stock market field , the study according to the RMB exchange rate risk is relatively less .

  10. 如果把一些其它较为重要的因素,如汇率风险、通胀风险、财富效应纳入trick模型,该模型就能得到进一步的完善。

    If we add some important factors , such as exchange rate risk , inflation risk , and treasure effect into this model , the model can get further perfect .

  11. 汇丰证券(HSBCSecurities)的汽车分析师克里斯•里克特(ChrisRichter)说,各大制造商已“采取了足够的安全措施,对远期汇率风险的套期保值措施已覆盖了全年”,以避免盈利滑坡。

    Chris Richter , car analyst at HSBC Securities , said the major manufacturers had " built in enough safety and hedged enough forward into the year " to avoid an earnings downgrade .

  12. 本文通过尝试着把主要用来衡量利率风险的VaR方法运用于对涉外企业的汇率风险衡量,以期来推动理论界对汇率风险度量问题的关注。

    In this article , I want try to measure the exchange rate exposure with VaR approach , which is commonly used in measuring other financial risk , hoping to attract the attention to exchange rate exposure measure problem .

  13. 随着中国的改革开放和加入WTO,国内金融市场逐步与国际接轨,经济市场化程度进一步加深,伴随而来的是国际金融风险的增加,而首当其冲的就是汇率风险。

    After China 's reform and opening , her domestic financial markets gradually go in line with the international practice . This trend of market inosculation accelerates after China 's entrance of the WTO , accompanied with an increment of international financial risks , especially of the exchange rate risk .

  14. 澳大利亚央行(RBA)副行长菲利普罗伊(PhilipLowe)本周表示,用于对冲人民币汇率风险的工具的可获得性和定价,是阻碍在双边贸易中采用人民币作为结算货币的最重要因素。

    Reserve Bank of Australia deputy governor Philip Lowe said this week that the availability and pricing of instruments to hedge renminbi currency risk was the most important factor that was slowing the uptake of renminbi invoicing in bilateral trade .

  15. 第二个方向是增加考虑因素,诸如交易费用、资金限制、最小交易单位限制,风险测度和国际组合证券的汇率风险,使Markowitz模型更贴近我国的实际;

    The second one is to add thinking factors about , such as transaction fee , fund limitation , lowest transaction unit 's limitation , risk measures and exchange rate risk of international portfolio securities , so as to make Markowitz model closer to our country 's practice .

  16. 我国财产保险企业面临着巨大的汇率风险。

    Insurance companies are facing with great foreign exchange risk recently .

  17. 中国汽车企业应积极防范汇率风险。

    Chinese auto enterprises should take precautions against exchange rate risk .

  18. 汇率风险下货币资产的优化组合及其算法

    Optimal Structure and Algorithm of Monetary Assets Under Exchange Rate Risk

  19. 中国投资匈牙利矿业的汇率风险分析

    Risk on exchange ratio for china 's investment in Hungary mining

  20. 商业银行国际贸易融资汇率风险防范研究

    Commercial bank international trade financing exchange rate risk prevention research

  21. 中国石油公司海外经营的汇率风险管理初探

    Exchange-rate Risk Management for Overseas Operations by Chinese Oil companies

  22. 从利率平价理论看人民币汇率风险

    Observe RMB Exchange Risk On The Basis Of Interest-Rate-Parity Theory

  23. 积极地开展学术交流,扩大了壮医药的影响。保值工具是汇率风险管理的有效手段。

    Hedging is an effective means of exchange - rate risk management .

  24. 我国国有控股商业银行汇率风险管理研究

    Study on Foreign Exchange Risk Management in Our State-owned Holding Commercial Bank

  25. 中国上市商业银行汇率风险实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Exchange Rate Exposure of Listed Chinese Banks

  26. 一是在购买力平价偏离的情况下加入汇率风险因素。

    First , adding foreign exchange rate risk factors while PPP deviation .

  27. 外贸企业如何防范汇率风险

    Ways for Foreign Trade Enterprises to Be on Guard Against Exchange Risk

  28. 论汇率风险防范原则及方法

    The Principle and Method about Keeping Away Exchange Rate Risk

  29. 完善中国商业银行汇率风险管理之对策

    Research on the Risk Management of Chinese Commercial Banks ' Exchange Rate

  30. 金融工程在汇率风险管理中的应用研究

    Applied Study of Financial Engineering on Managing Exchange Rate Risk