
  • 网络Yongan
  1. 森林型园林城市概念评析&以永安市城市绿地系统规划为例

    Appraising the conception of " the forest type of garden city " & Yongan urban green space system planning for example

  2. 综述了永安市小水泥污染治理现状,分析了存在问题,提出了对策和建议。

    Analyzing comprehensively the small cement factory 's status and its existing problems of Yongan city , the paper puts forward the countermeasures .

  3. 永安市生态公益林建设现状分析与对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure on Ecologic Welfare Forest Construction of Yong'an City

  4. 永安市森林火险等级区划研究

    Study on the Forest Fire Danger Class Division of Yong ' an City

  5. 永安市建立林业要素市场透视

    Perspective of Forestry Factor Market Construction in Yong'an

  6. 永安市旅游开发战略探讨

    Exploration of Strategies for Yong An Tourism Development

  7. 永安市规模化畜禽养殖场污染现状与控制对策

    Current Situation of Pollution and Controling Countermeasures for Livestock and Poultry Breeding in Yong'an City

  8. 永安市旅游品牌战略研究

    Brand strategy of tourism in Yong'an

  9. 永安市毛竹叶螨种类调查及防治试验

    Investigations on Phyllostachys pubescens Tetranychid Species in Yong ' an City and Experiments of Controlling Them

  10. 征收林地使用费合理性分析&以福建省永安市为例

    Analysis on Reasonableness of the Collection of Usufructuary Fee for Woodland : Case Study of Yong ′ an City

  11. 国内外森林产权变革与永安市集体林权改革的探讨

    Study on the Changing of Forest Property Right in Abroad and Hometown and the Reforming of the Collectivity Forest-Property of Yong'an City

  12. 结果表明,永安市城市生态系统整体健康指数为0.750,总体上处于亚健康状态。

    The results showed that the health index of Yong ' an city ecosystem was 0.750 , which was close to health level .

  13. 林权改革后,永安市实施了商品林融资制度改革,取得了一定的成效。

    After the Forestry Property Rights reformed , Yong-an City implemented a system of commercial forest finance reform and had achieved some results .

  14. 南方山区县域森林可持续经营对策&以福建省永安市为例

    Countermeasures for the Sustainable Forest Management at County Level in Southern Mountain Area of China & A Case Study of Yong'an City , Fujian Province

  15. 在此基础上依据分析评价的结果,对永安市城区绿地系统景观生态规划进行了探讨。

    On the basis of the evaluation results , the ecological landscape planning of the urban green-land system in city districts in Yong ' an was discussed .

  16. 永安市地处闽中腹地、属于典型山区县,经济基础较好,资源、区位优势较为明显。

    Yong ' an City is located in central Fujian hinterland , is a typical mountain counties , economic base , good , resources and location advantages are obvious .

  17. 分析了永安市竹业品牌现状,提出永安竹业品牌战略目标,介绍了永安竹业品牌的策划与实施。

    This paper analysed the present situations of bamboo industry brands of Yong'an , raised the strategy objects of them , and introduced the plans and implementation of them .

  18. 综述了永安市工业固体废弃物的综合利用现状,对存在的问题进行了分析,因地制宜地提出了对策与建议。

    The paper summarizes the integrated utilization situation of Yongan city 's industrial solid waste , analyzes the existing questions and puts forward its countermeasures in the light of local condition .

  19. 通过对《永安市城市环境规划》实施十年来的回顾分析,对目前开展的环境规划修编提几点建议。

    Based on the review of civil environmental program of Yongan City which has been carried out for ten years , the paper puts forward the suggestion for its present revision .

  20. 自改革开放以来,永安市先后进行了林业股份合作制改革、集体林经营体制改革、集体林权制度改革等三个阶段的实践和探索。

    Since reform and opening , Yong'an has practiced and explored 3 phases of it-shareholding cooperative reform of forestry , collective forest operating system reform , and collective forest property system reform .

  21. 结果表明:永安市建成区各植物景观类型分布均匀,植物景观破碎度和分离度较小,但是五类植物景观中,道路植物景观不合理。

    The results showed that every plant landscape type was homogeneous distribution . The indexes of plant landscape isolation and fragmentation were much less in the build-up areas of Yong ' an , but among five types of plant landscape , the structure of roadside plant landscape was not reasonable .

  22. 可见,在永安绿地系统中,附属绿地和其他绿地占有明显的主体地位,这符合以旅游业为支柱产业的永安市的现实情况。

    Obviously , attached green-land and other green-land in Yong ' an dominated , which was in accord with the reality that tourism was the backbone industry of Yong ' an .