
  • boil
  • water cooking
  1. 将去皮的马铃薯用水煮至熟软后,捣碎成马铃薯泥。

    Peel the potatoes , boil till soft and mash them .

  2. 第二步:将水煮开,水开后加入糖。

    The second : Boil water , boiling join sugar behind .

  3. 他早餐就吃了点水煮荷包蛋,喝了点茶。

    He had a light breakfast of poached eggs and tea .

  4. 水煮沸5分钟便可得到净化。

    Water can be purified by boiling for five minutes .

  5. 早餐我喝用水煮的麦片粥,还往里加葡萄干。

    For breakfast I have porridge made with water , to which I add raisins .

  6. 壶水煮得都溢出来了。

    The kettle is boiling over .

  7. 粉圆TapiocaPearls烤香肠Toastedsausage葡式焗扇贝Portuguese-stylebakedscallops豆腐蒸桂花鱼Steamedmandarinfishwithtofu金汤水煮鳜鱼Stewedmandarinfishinpumpkinsoup水煮海鲜Poachedseafood开封灌汤包Kaifengsoupdumplings

    Sweet-and-sour carp baked with noodles

  8. 水煮干了,锅也烧坏了。

    The water had all boiled away and the pan was burned .

  9. 绿色蔬菜:试试用鳄梨和水煮蛋做早餐沙拉。

    Greens and vegetables : Try a breakfast salad with avocado and hard-boiled eggs .

  10. 但草血竭水煮醇沉干浸膏与草血竭纯化部分能够明显杀灭病毒,即随药物浓度的增加,CPE特征逐渐减弱,病毒滴度也逐渐降低,而空斑减数率明显升高。

    As the dose of drugs increased , viral titers decreased and plaque inhibition rate increased correspondingly .

  11. 研究东北虎毛发DNA的水煮抽提法,并将传统的酚仿抽提法和水煮法进行比较。

    The DNA extraction from the hairs of the Panthera Tigris Altaica , cooking extraction method in water was studied , and the comparison with the traditional phenol and chloroform method was done .

  12. 方法:采用RP-HPLC法测定真空冷冻干燥法和传统的水煮烘干法加工后的天麻中的天麻素的含量,并比较两者的外观特征。

    METHODS : Vacuum freeze drying and oven drying were adopted . The content of gastrodin was determined by RP-HPLC .

  13. ChuckNorris用他的牙齿磨咖啡,然后用他的怒火把水煮开。

    Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage .

  14. 南北薇菜干灰分和K含量差异显著,水煮薇菜含量最低与两种菜干均有极显著差异;

    Ash content and K content of two dried Osmunds had prominent difference , but the Poached Osmund content was the lowest , it had extremely prominent difference compared with two kinds of dried Osmunds ;

  15. 专家建议水煮肉,烹调肉食时注意经常翻炒,或者用微波炉煮肉,可以减少对HCA的接触。

    To cut HCA exposure , experts suggest marinating meat , frequently flipping it while cooking , or microwaving it .

  16. 水煮6h后,AFRP的ILSS保留率为81.9%及84.0%。

    After 6 hour water - boiling , reservation ration of ILSS of AFRP are for 81.9 % and 84.0 % .

  17. 在厚靶分析中外标法的表面形状校正5.利用水煮时PA的吸水性和形成的通道,能实现厚制品内外一致的交联,开辟了应用这种交联材料的新领域、新方法、新途径。

    Surface Shape Correction in Thick Sample Measurement Using an Outer Mark Membrane 5 . The uniform crosslinking in the skin and core of thick sample could be obtained by the assimilation character of PA and the formation of routeway .

  18. 方法用免疫组化SABC法检测五种单克隆抗体,分别使用水煮法、微波法、高压法修复抗原,从中选出最佳修复方法。

    Methods Check five kinds of antibody with immunohistochemistry SABC method and chose the best antigen retrieval method among poach method , microwave method and high pressure method respectively .

  19. 实验以转基因糙米、非转基因糙米和转基因精米为材料,选择传统的CTAB法、改良碱处理法和高温水煮法提取各样品中的DNA,每个处理设置6个重复。

    In this study , traditional CTAB method , improved alkali-treated method and boiling-treated method were used to extract DNA from transgenic brown rice , non-transgenic brown rice and transgenic milled rice samples . For each method , six biological replicates were prepared for each sample .

  20. 水煮法的最佳料液比为1:5(w/w),最佳加热时间为15min。

    As for water-boiling method , the ratio of meal to liquid was 1 : 5 ( w / w ); the optimal extraction period was 15 minutes .

  21. 结论:综合各因素水平,确定地黄等6味中药水煮提取工艺是加10倍量水煎煮2次(第1次3h,第2次2h);

    Conclusion : The extraction technique of the water decoction is 10 times of water and 2 times of decoction , 3 hours in first time and 2 hours in second for 6 Chinese drugs of Radix Rehmanniae and so on ;

  22. 耐湿热性实验表明,复合材料经100h水煮后吸水率仅有2.35%,层间剪切强度下降21.9%。

    The moist heat resistance testing shows that the water absorption being only ( 2.35 % ) and ILSS decreasing by 21.9 % after boiling for 100h .

  23. LucyLethbridge并没说战时是否有仆人为首相熨鞋带、洗零钱、确保餐桌上有水煮蛋蛋黄。

    Whether anyone ironed the wartime prime minister 's shoe laces , washed his loose change or made sure the yolks in his boiled eggs were centred , Lucy Lethbridge does not say .

  24. 方法:从颈内动脉推注干血悬液造模,以TTC病理染色法、迷宫实验对模型的成立进行验证,AA的测定采用反相高效液相色谱法,乌龙丹的制作采用水煮醇提法。

    [ WT5HZ ] Methods : [ WT5BZ ] The model is made by injecting dry blood liquid from internal carotid artery and tested by triphenyl tetrazolium chloride ( TTC ) pathological dying 、 maze experiments . The contents of AA were measured by HPLC .

  25. 由于传统的水煮工艺耗能耗时,生产效率较低,本文通过在硅烷接枝LLDPE中引入产水剂,制得了免水煮的硅烷自交联LLDPE材料。

    The silane self-crosslinked LLDPE material without boiling was made in this paper by introducing the water-carrying agent into the silane grafted LLDPE , which overcome the disadvantage including the time and energy consumption , lower production efficiency of the traditional boiled process .

  26. 通过不同温度下沥青Brookfield旋转粘度试验和不同沥青与不同石料之间的水煮粘附性试验分析表明:沥青的粘度对它与集料的粘附性没有明显的相关性;

    Compared the results of Brookfield viscosity experiments with that of Water-boiling experiments , the conclusion can be obtained : The relationship between the viscosity and the adhesion of asphalts is not apparent ;

  27. FRP-PVC复合界面,经水煮试验、冷热交替及声发射测试,表明粘合状态良好。

    State Painting After boiling testing , circulating heating and cooling testing , and acoustic testing , the interface of PVC-FRP shows very good adhesion .

  28. 结果:最佳醇提的工艺条件为90%乙醇8倍量浸渍72h,最优水煮工艺为加水量14倍煎煮3次(2h,1h,1h)。

    Results : The optimum alcohol extraction factors were 8 times of 90 % ethanol , infusing up to 72 hours . The optimum process of water decoction was to add 14 times amount of water , decocting for 3 times ( 2h , 1h , 1h in turn ) .

  29. 方法采用水煮&乙醇沉淀法从新鲜当归中提取当归总多糖AP-0;

    METHODS Hot water extracting and ethanol precipitating method was employed to isolate total polysaccharide ( named AP 0 ) from fresh roots of Angelica sinensis .

  30. 值得注意的是,PEI/BD/CE树脂较BD/CE树脂具有更低的吸水率及介电损耗,且水煮100h后的PEI/BD/CE树脂仍保持较好的介电性能。

    It is worthy pointing out that PEI / BD / CE resins possess lower water absorption and dielectric loss than BD / CE resin , and PEI / BD / CE resins after stayed in boiling water for 100 h still maintain good dielectric properties .