
  • 网络water sources selection;Water Resource Selecting
  1. 多年冻土地区供水水源选择及其评价&以大兴安岭西林吉造纸厂用水为例

    Selection and Evaluation of Water Supply Sources in the Permafrost Area

  2. 伊川二电厂二期工程水源选择及供水方案设计

    Water source selection and water supply plan of power plant in Yichuan

  3. 小城镇给水工程规划中需水量的预测及水源选择

    Prediction on water demand and water resources choice in water-supplying engineering planning in little towns

  4. 本文根据一些远距离供水工程的设计实践,对水源选择、输水方式和线路优选等问题提出了见解。

    This paper provides some suggestions concerning the selection of water resources , the method for water transportation and pipeline optimization on the basis of design practices .

  5. 本文探讨了景观水体中水体定位、面临问题、水量平衡计算、水源选择、水面高程及水深确定等几个问题,提出改善景观水体水质的措施。

    Focusing on the problems of water location , water quantity calculation , source selection , the water height and depth affirmance , which exited in waterscape design , the paper proposes the solutions to improve water quality .

  6. 北方中小城市供水水源优化选择

    Optimizing selection of supplying water resources in medium-sized and small city of the North

  7. 岩溶水动态、矿物饱和指数与水源地选择

    Karst water regime , mineral saturation index and the selection of water resource site

  8. 我国古代军事学家对军队给水卫生非常重视,历代兵书中多谈到水源的选择与保护。

    Ancient militarists paid extraordinary attention to hygiene of water supply in the army . Most military works mention about selection and protection of water sources .

  9. 农村供水工程规划设计应注意水源的选择,供水规模的确定以及供水系统与供水方式的选择。

    Rural water supply system design should pay more attention to water source selection , water supply scale and selection of water supply system and means of water supply .

  10. 研究了瓶装矿泉水生产中关键工艺点的控制方法,包括矿泉水水源的选择,绿藻和霉菌的控制,重碳酸钙沉淀的控制和设备的选型。

    To ensure the quality of bottled mineral water , selection of mineral water sources , controlling of algae and mildew and calcium carbonate precipitation technology and equipment are key procedures .

  11. 有些决定更加复杂,例如,在干旱时候应该到哪里去找食物和水源或者选择相对比较安全的路径。

    Other decisions are far more complex , such as deciding where to go to find food or water during a drought or choosing a travel route that avoids unnecessary danger .

  12. 太湖地区水质污染问题比较严重,西部丘陵区是主要来水区,部分丘陵区水库已成为饮用水源地,选择太湖地区典型小流域开展水文水质模拟具有重要意义。

    Water pollution problems in Taihu Lake region are comparison serious , and the western hilly region is main runoff-producing area .

  13. 由于资源、经济、技术等原因,地表水在农村地区难于利用,地下水因而成为绝大多数村镇饮水水源的唯一选择。

    For economic and technical reasons , surface water is difficult to be used and groundwater is the only option as drinking water source in most of the towns and villages .

  14. 提出了近自然水源涵养林树种选择标准、选择过程和选择方法;

    The scientific selection criterion of tree species , selection process and method are put forward ;

  15. 缓解水源紧缺的最佳选择&谈青岛市的海水直接利用

    A superlative policy for alleviating shortage of fresh water ── on direct utilization of seawater in Qingdao

  16. 本文结合山西的水资源特点,论述了煤矿给水水源和给水系统选择的原则。

    Considering the characteristics of water resource in Shanxi , the principles how to choose the coal mine water supply system are discussed .