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  1. 确定的最佳工艺条件为:水沉用量为原提取液体积的0.4倍,水沉时间为2h,水沉3次;

    The best result was as follows : the volume of water is 0.4 multiple of the raw extracting solution , water precipitation three times and 2h each time ;

  2. 结果:钩吻醇提水沉组分具有明显的抑制HL60细胞增殖的作用,且存在明显的剂量和时间-反应关系;

    Results Components of Gelsemium by ethanol extracting and water deposition obviously inhibited HL-60 cells proliferation , and there is a distinct relation between dose-effects and time-effects .

  3. 经钩吻醇提水沉组分处理的HL60细胞周期状态发生明显变化,表现为G0G1期细胞比例降低,S期细胞比例增加,并出现较明显的亚二倍体细胞峰型。

    The cells treated with the components of Gelsemium by ethanol extracting and water deposition appeared obviously cell cycle state changes , ratio of G0 / G1 phase increased and S phase decreased , a distinct sub-diploid peak can be seen .

  4. 木材入水沉深的模型试验研究

    Model experiment on sinking depth of logs into water

  5. 获得了表达钉螺静、动水沉速及起动流速的6个特征值;

    Six special values indicating dropping and start speed of snail in running water were obtained ;

  6. 在经过2次的水沉操作后,沉淀物中的齐墩果酸纯度提高到46.72%。

    After 2 times of water precipitation , the purity of the oleanolic acid was 46.72 % .

  7. 比较了索氏提取法、热回流法和冷浸法等提取方法;提出采用水沉法精制粗黄酮浸膏;

    In this paper , the methods of Soxhlet , hot-refluxing and cold-dipping were compared and the method of water-deposition to refine flavones was put forward .

  8. 方法用差示分光光度法对壳聚糖澄清法及水沉法沉淀后的药液所含的绿原酸含量进行测定。

    Methods Contents of chlorogenic acid in both of the refined decoction by the purified water sediment and the chitosan clarification method were determined by difference spectrophotometry .

  9. 正交试验结果表明醇浓度对非挥发性成分的提取效果影响显著,确定提取条件:10倍量95%乙醇提取2次,每次1小时,水沉使含醇量为70%。

    Non-volatile components : refluxing with 10-fold 95 % alcohol for 2 times and each for 1 hour , the condensed extractive was mixed with water to precipitate the impurity at a concentration of 70 % alcohol .

  10. 关于高浊度水预沉处理技术的实践与再认识

    The Operation and Recognition of the Pretreatment for High Turbidity Water

  11. 筒型基础和吸力锚筒水上沉桩装置

    Suction Anchor Bucket Device and Platform with Bucket Foundations for Piling Operation

  12. 喷气变形机理的实验研究水冲沉桩施工工艺

    The Research of Air - jet Process Construction Technology of Jet - Pile Driving

  13. 运用打桩船进行水冲沉桩

    Pile Jetting by Using Pile Driving Vessel

  14. 青蛙伤得很重,于是它们两个开始往水里沉。

    It hurt the frog very much , and they both began to sink under the water .

  15. 最后对木材入水最大沉深进行回归数据处理,得出试验结论。

    The maximum sinking depth of logs entering water from chutes is derived from regression data processing .

  16. 但是幽灵抓住了他并把他囚禁起来囚禁他的地方在慢慢的向水里沉。

    But the Phantom captured him and kept him in a prison which was slowly filling with water .

  17. 介绍水冲沉桩在长江沿岸砂层较厚的复杂地质条件下的应用。

    The application of jetted pile on the bank of the Yangtze River with the complicated geologic condition characterized by thick sand stratum is described .

  18. 通过一系列的实验和论证,现场施工成功地解决了上述各环节的相关问题,为超长预应力混凝土桩的预制及水上沉桩的施工等提供丰富的实践经验。

    According to a series of experiment and demonstration , problems above all have been solved successfully in construction , and prefabrication and marine piling of ultra-long piles become experience .

  19. 方法:采用95%乙醇脱脂、水提醇沉得粗多糖,Sephadex柱层析精制多糖;

    Method : Cistanche deserticola was defatted with 95 % ethanol , then extracted with water and refined by Sephadex column chromatography to obtain polysaccharide .

  20. 方法:利用水提醇沉得到粉防己粗多糖,再经DEAE纤维素和聚酰胺纯制。

    Methods : The Polysaccharide was extracted by water and precipitated by ethanol . It was further purified by DEAE-cellulose and polyamide .

  21. 最佳提取条件为:浸渍1h,煎煮3次,加8倍量水,醇沉浓度为70%。

    The optimum extraction condition obtained was : immersing for 1 hour , decocting the drug for 3 times , after adding 8 fold of water , utilizing concentration of ethanol for 70 % .

  22. 结果五种水蛭提取液抑制LEC生长的24h、72hID(50)介于20.56mg/ml至68.78mg/ml之间,其中水提醇沉液、渗滤液具有更明显生长抑制作用(P<0.05);

    Results The ID50 of these extracting solution exposed to LEC for 24h and 72h were between 20.56mg/ml to 68.78mg / ml , and inhibition of water extracting-alcohol precipitating solution and percolation filtration solution was more strongly ( P < 0.05 );

  23. 方法:以阿魏酸含量为考察指标,通过L9(34)正交试验设计优选水提醇沉的制备工艺条件,确定醒脑益智颗粒的最佳制备工艺。

    METHODS Using the content of ferulic acid as index , the optimum extraction conditions of water extraction and alcohol precipitation was studied with the orthogonal test of L9 ( 34 ) .

  24. 结果:优化水提醇沉提取条件为加水量8∶1,提取1.5h,提取4次,提取液浓缩后加4倍量无水乙醇沉淀。

    Result : The optimum extraction procedure was determined with 8 times of water decocting 1 . 5h and 4 times , and the polysaccharide was precipitated with 4 times alcohol .

  25. 方法:桑椹的提取采用水提醇沉法,其提取方法参数的优化采用比较不同参数下的桑椹多糖提取液的OD值或多糖百分含量的方法。

    Methods : The extraction of Fructus mori albae was done by extracting ethyl alcohol from distilled water and then sedimentation . The extraction method was chosen by comparing OD of the extraction liquid of Fructus mori albae polysaccharide or its percentage .

  26. 结论:五种水蛭不同方法提取液均能不同程度抑制体外培养LEC的生长,其中水提醇沉液、渗滤液作用更为明显。

    Conclusions : Five kinds of conventional extracting solution of Hirudo all can inhibit the proliferation of LEC cultivated in vitro , and inhibition of water extracting-alcohol precipitating solution and percolation filtration solution was more strong among them .

  27. 结果显示,用改良的苯酚-硫酸法测得桑枝中多糖含量为5.5%,提取物桑枝多糖(RMPS)中的含量为56.6%。多次水溶醇沉后,桑枝多糖含量可达70%以上;

    The results indicated that using modified phenol-sulfuric acid method , the content of polysaccharide was 5.5 % in Ramulus mori , and 56.6 % in RMPS , which exceeded 70 % in RMPS after purifying for a few times .

  28. 多糖的提取主要是通过水提醇沉的工艺。

    Polysaccharides are usually obtained by water extraction and alcohol precipitation .

  29. 龙胆洗液水煎醇沉工艺的正交实验研究

    Study on extraction and purification of Longdan Lotion by orthogonal design

  30. 结论:茜草水煎醇沉液对小鼠的凝血时间有明显缩短作用。

    Conclusion : RCL decoction could shorten the coagulation time obviously .