
  • 网络water right market;water market
  1. 银川市地下水资源水权市场的构思

    Conceiving of groundwater resources about water rights market in Yinchuan

  2. 刍议水权市场的建立

    A Brief Discussion About Establishment of Water Rights Market

  3. 水权市场的构建与运作体系研究

    Study on the construction and operation of water right market in China

  4. 建立了基于取水权市场的黄河水价体系。

    New Yellow River water price system is established .

  5. 济南市水权市场问题初探

    A study on water right market in Jinan City

  6. 美国的农用水质管理水权市场与河北省农用水资源管理研究

    The Study on Water Market and Agricultural Water Resources Management in Hebei Province

  7. 关于发展水权市场的思考

    Reflection on Development of Water Right Market

  8. 建立水权市场的三项制度性准备

    Three institutions for building water market

  9. 完善水权市场;

    Perfecting water right market ;

  10. 混合经济理论提供了跨流域调水管理引入水权市场的合理性。

    Mixed economic theory provides the rationality of water right market introduced by the interbasin water transfer management .

  11. 在水权市场发展成熟之后,可以考虑建立水权金融市场和水权租赁市场。

    After water right market gets ripeness , water right financial market and water right leasing market can be set up .

  12. 对水行业改造模式提出了两个方案:财政补贴价格放开方案,总量控制分配水权市场交易方案。

    Two proposals , fiscal subsidy plus free-pricing and , cap-and-trade system , are advanced based on the re-modeling of water industry .

  13. 并将水权市场应用到河流、水库和地下水的农用水资源配置中,形成具有实际应用价值和可操作性的相关经济政策,为实现农用水资源的有效利用提供指导。

    Using water market in the allocation of river , reservoir , and groundwater it offer guide for realizing agricultural water resources utilization .

  14. 本文首次就河流水权体系和黄河取水权市场进行了系统、深入地研究。

    The thesis makes a systematic and detailed study on river water rights system and Yellow River water market for the first time .

  15. 内部组织结构包括三个组成部分,即水权市场主体、交易中介组织和市场管理者。

    The former includes three parts . They are water right market subjects , water right trade agency , water right market supervisors .

  16. 水价是调节水权市场的杠杆,不同定价方法在解决实际问题时各有所长。

    Water price is a lever to adjust the water right market , and different pricing systems have their own strengths in solving practical problems .

  17. 通过水权市场交易,可以逐步实现水资源的优化配置,达到以水资源的可持续利用支持国民经济和社会的可持续发展。

    Trade of water right in the market can help to optimize water resources allocation and promote sustainable development of national economy and society by sustainable utilization of water resources .

  18. 学者们从不同视角展开对水权市场建设、跨流域调水水权管理的研究,缺乏将各要素、各组成部分集合为一种管理模式。

    Scholars from different perspectives set about studying the water right market building and the water right management of interbasin water transfer without taking each part and element as a whole .

  19. 本论文还利用定量分析的方法探讨了水权市场对于农用水资源优化配置的作用,提出了颇具新意农用水期权配置思想。

    Give the management frame of water market on the function of rational allocation of agricultural water resources ; have proposed quite new thought on the distribution of agricultural water rights .

  20. 通过发展水权市场,采取水权交易的方式来重新配置水资源正是缓解我国目前水资源短缺问题的有效途径之一。

    By means of developing water right market and adopting water right trade to re dispose water resources , is one of the most efficient ways to alleviate the problem of water shortage .

  21. 最后作者以水资源市场化配置较为成功的三个国家的成熟经验为借鉴,以国有土地使用权转让市场为现实参照,对水权市场从主体制度、行为制度和法律责任制度三个方面进行构建。

    And then the author compares with and use for reference to the mature experiences of three countries . Lastly , the author begins to construct the water market from main body system , behavior system and law responsibility system .

  22. 水权市场理论的探索是水资源开发、利用、保护、配置中最核心的问题之一是缓解我国用水矛盾、实现水资源优化配置的有效途径。

    Exploration of water right market theory is one of the heart issue of developing , utilizing , protecting and configuration of water resources , it is necessary to resolve the water contradictions and making the optimal allocation of water resources .

  23. 基于完美贝叶斯均衡建立了水权市场博弈模型,分析了买卖双方策略选择空间,阐述了三种市场均衡类型,指出了提高市场效率的方法。

    Based on perfect Bayesian equilibrium , a water right market game model is created . The model discusses water right buyers and sellers ' strategy spaces , sets forth three market equilibrium types , proposes ways to higher market efficiency .

  24. 水权市场健康运行和发展,必须明确水权制度的法律内涵、厘定水权交易原则、并完善相关法律体系,从而为水权市场提供约束或保障。

    The healthy operation and development of water right market rely on unambiguous legal connotation of water right system , stipulated trading principles of water right and improvement of relevant legal system , which provide constrains and guarantee for the water right market .

  25. 在跨流域调水水权市场建设过程中,政府制定合理、有效的分配政策,将水权以一定方式分配给跨流域调水沿线各用水地区。

    In the constructing process of water right market for interbasin water transfer , the government will formulate a reasonable and effective distribution policy , by which , the water right will be allocated to water use areas along the line of water transfer in certain way .

  26. 针对这种现象,从产权经济学的角度出发,提出构建地下水资源水权市场的设想,明晰水资源的产权,引入可交易的水权制度。

    According to this phenomenon , as far as property right economics is concerned , the author put forward the outline of the groundwater resource about water rights market , which ascertained the property right of water resource , and adopted the water rights system that could be exchanged .

  27. 水权准市场交易模型及市场均衡分析采用SRM准则设计的自适应均衡器

    Quasi-market design and its market equilibrium of tradable water rights ; An Adaptive Equalizer Based on Structural Risk Minimum Criterion

  28. 通过解决最优控制问题研究了中国水权交易市场均衡问题,求解得出水市场均衡Nash解,发现负外部性随自变量线性变化,邻近水用户之间的外部效应是递增的,而且越到下游地区越明显;

    The market equilibrium of tradable water rights in China is studied by solving the optimal control problem , and the Nash solution of the market equilibrium is obtained . It is found that the negative externalities of adjacent water user increase linearly from upstream to downstream .

  29. 基于合约化的水权交易市场分析

    An Analysis of Water Property Right Transaction Market Based on Contract

  30. 探讨了基于水权水市场理论的河流水资源配置体制改革问题。

    The reform of water resources allocation system is probed .