
  • 网络hydrology and water resources
  1. GIS在水文水资源领域中的应用进展

    Application Development of GIS in Hydrology and Water Resources

  2. GIS技术在水文水资源领域中的应用现状与发展趋势

    The status of the application of GIS technology in the field of hydrology and water resources and development trend

  3. 基于模拟退火算法的BP网络在水文水资源中应用

    The BP Network Based on Simulated Annealing Algorithm and Application in Hydrology

  4. 详细地评述了MODIS在水文水资源中的应用和研究进展。总结了基于RS和GIS洪灾监测评估方法及研究进展。

    Advances in applications of MODIS data to hydrology and water resources were summarized .

  5. Bayes统计与经典统计方法及其在水文水资源中的应用

    Bayes and Classical Statistics and Their Application in Hydrology and Water Resource

  6. MODIS在水文水资源中的应用与展望

    Advances in applications of MODIS to hydrology and water resources

  7. MATLAB软件工具箱在水文水资源领域中具有很好的应用前景,值得推广。

    The author thinks that the MATLAB toolbox has good prospects in the areas of hydrology and water resources and is worth to popularize .

  8. CLIPS在黑河水文水资源决策支持系统中的集成研究

    Expert Knowledge Integration by Using CLIPS in Heihe Hydrological and Water Resource Decision Support System

  9. 在水文水资源领域内,应用gis技术,建立城市防洪减灾信息系统,水资源评价信息系统,以及相关的管理应用信息系统。

    Build GIS-based rban flood control and disaster diminishment information system , water resources assessment information system and related management information system in the field of hydrology and water resources .

  10. 应用结果表明,面向对象的GIS水文水资源数据模型为设计水文空间数据库提供了一个通用的结构框架,有助于推动GIS在水文学研究与水资源管理的深入应用。

    The application result shows that the object-oriented GIS hydro-data model provides a common structure frame for the hydrological spatial data and is helpful to promote the wide appli - cation of GIS to the hydrology .

  11. 经分析认为,GM(1.1)灰色预测模型对水文水资源要素预测具有重要的意义。

    Finally , it makes a conclusion that the GM ( 1.1 ) grey prediction model embraces a superiority over the prediction of the hydrographical factors and those of water resources .

  12. 简要地介绍MATLAB软件工具箱的特点和功能,探索了其在水文水资源领域中的应用,并就其中的关键技术问题进行了分析讨论。

    This paper introduces the characteristics and functions of the MATLAB toolbox and explores its application in the areas of hydrology and water resources . Meanwhile some key technical problems are also analyzed and discussed .

  13. 探讨了GIS在水文水资源领域研究中存在的问题,并对未来的发展趋势进行了展望,以便为GIS在我国水文水资源领域的发展提供借鉴。

    Finally the trends and remaining problems in the application area of GIS in hydrology and water resources are analyzed , thus to provide some suggestions for the future development of GIS application in this area in China are provided .

  14. 陈述了ISO9000质量管理体系在湖南省水文水资源勘测局的建立过程及带来的管理观念转变,分析了质量管理体系对本单位的利与弊。

    This paper has described the establishment of ISO quality management systems in Hunan Hydrology and Water Resources Survey Bureau , and its transformation of management idea . This paper has also analyzed the pros and cons of the quality management systems in the bureau .

  15. 提出了可塑性较强、无监督的A-K网络模型,阐述了其基本原理和算法,并将其用于水文水资源研究领域中。

    In this paper , the model of A-K neural network , which has plasticity , and is unsupervised , is worked out . The principle and algorithm are described .

  16. 秦岭生态保护区水文水资源特征

    Characteristics of Hydrology and Water Resources in Qinling Ecological Protection Area

  17. 地理信息系统及其在水文水资源方面的应用

    Geographic Information System and its Application for Hydrology and Water Resources

  18. 以隶属度为权重的加权回归模型及在水文水资源中的应用

    Weighted Regression Model and Its Application with Membership Function as Weight

  19. 可持续发展水文水资源信息共享探索及实践

    Investigation and practice of information sharing for sustainable development of water resources

  20. 非参数统计方法在水文水资源中的应用与展望

    Non-Parametric Statistic Approach : Application and Prospect in Hydrology and Water Resource

  21. 常用水文水资源分析软件的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Software on Usual Hydrology and Water Resource Analysis

  22. 气候变化对水文水资源影响评价的不确定性分析

    Uncertainty Analysis of Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology and Water Resources

  23. 集对分析在水文水资源应用的研究进展

    Application of Set Pair Analysis in Hydrology and Water Resource

  24. 水文水资源及水环境分析的若干进展

    Progress of Study on Hydrology Water Resource and Water Environment

  25. 最大熵原理在水文水资源科学中的应用

    Principle of Maximum Entropy and Its Application in Hydrology and Water Resources

  26. 黑河流域气候变化的水文水资源效应

    Hydrological and Water Resources Effects under Climate Change in Heihe River Basin

  27. 混沌优化算法在水文水资源中的应用研究

    Application of Chaos Optimization Algorithm in Hydrology and Water Resources

  28. 中小型水库坡面截流引水的几个水文水资源问题

    Some Resource Problems of Interception Diversion at Slope Face of Medium-Small-Sized Reservoirs

  29. 模糊神经网络在水文水资源应用中的研究进展

    Development of Fuzzy Neural Network in Application of Hydrology and Water Resources

  30. 水文水资源计算系统软件开发与应用

    Development and Application of the Computing System Software for Hydrology and Water Resources