
  • 网络reservoir induced earthquake
  1. 水库地震的综合概率增益预测法研究

    The study on synthetic probability gain prediction method for reservoir induced earthquake

  2. 水库地震诱震区预测与强度评估

    Prediction and Intensity estimate of the reservoir induced earthquake belt

  3. 本文就库区的地层、岩性、构造、地下水特征进行分析,认为库区范围内可能发生岩溶型水库地震,但其最高震级超过纯岩溶型水库地震震级上限(Ms≥3.0)的可能性不大。

    In this paper , after analysed the stratum , lithological characters , structure and the characteristics of ground water , we think that earthquakes may occur in the reservoir area but it mey be impossible to excess the upper limit of reservoir earthquake of karst type .

  4. 我国近年水库地震监测综述

    Summary of recent survey about reservoir induced earthquakes in our country

  5. 中国大型水库地震对策研究

    The study on earthquake countermeasures for the LARGE-SCAIE reservoirs in China

  6. 水库地震研究现状及问题探讨

    Present State of Study on Reservoir-Induced Earthquakes and Several Problems Discussion

  7. 水库地震与地质构造的关系

    The relation between the reservoir induced earthquakes and geologic structures

  8. 新疆克孜尔水库地震风险分析及防范研究

    Seismic Risk Analysis of Kezier ( Xinjiang ) Reservoir and Anti-seismic Study

  9. 水在水库地震中的作用

    Effect s of water in the generation of reservoir earthquakes

  10. 大化水库地震分析

    A analysis of reservoir earthquake in Dahua a big cheater

  11. 水库地震的新震例&东江水库地震简介

    NEW EVENTS ABOUT RESERVOIR EARTHQUAKES & Brief Introduction of Dongjiang Reservoir Earthquakes

  12. 初探水库地震的形成机理及其诱发环境

    Preliminary study on the mechanism of reservoir earthquake and its environment factors

  13. 含水岩石的弱化与水库地震

    The weakening of water - saturated rock and reservoir earthquake

  14. 构造型水库地震的断裂力学分析

    Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Tectonic Reservoir - induced Earthquake

  15. 结合天然地震推导水库地震的建筑物易损性

    A study on vulnerability of buildings to reservoir earthquake

  16. 三峡水库地震孕震机理与未来地震趋势初探

    The study of Three Gorges Reservoir earthquake-fertilized mechanism and earthquake inducted by impoundment

  17. 水库地震震害、对策及经验教训

    Reservior earthquake hazard , countermeasures , experiences and lessons

  18. 水库地震在发震机理和活动规律上表现出和普通天然地震不同的特征。

    Reservoir-induced earthquake has different features with spontaneous earthquake .

  19. 皎口水库地震现场应急对策的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking on earthquake Countermeasures of Jiaokou reservoir

  20. 水库地震震级预测的回归模型

    Regression model in magnitude estimation of reservoir earthquake

  21. 中国的水库地震(综述)

    Reservoir-Induced Earthquakes in China ( An Overview )

  22. 龙滩水库地震危险性分析

    Analysis on potential seismic risk in Longtan Reservoir

  23. 水库地震,诱发还是触发?

    Reservoir earthquake , induced or triggered ?

  24. 水库地震的地震动特性

    Characteristic of ground motion of reservoir earthquake

  25. 龙羊峡水库地震诱发机制及危险性预测

    Trigger mechanism of reservoir-induced earthquakes and their risk prediction in the Longyang Gorge Reservoir Area

  26. 珊溪水库地震与构造地震波谱时-频特征的对比研究

    Contrast of time-frequency characteristics of wave spectrum between Shanxi reservoir induced earthquake and tectonic earthquake

  27. 库水压力作用下不同类型断层诱发水库地震的可能性分析

    Analysis of Probability of Different Kinds of Fault-induced Earthquake by the Pressure of Reservoir Water

  28. 论水库地震

    On the Earthquakes Induced by Impounding Reservoir

  29. 构造型水库地震高潮的出现明显滞后于非构造型水库地震;

    The climax of reservoir-induced earthquakes of tectonic type obviously lags behind those of nontectonic-type ;

  30. 岩溶塌陷型水库地震的形成条件分析

    Forming conditions of karst collapsing induced earthquake