
  • 网络level bench
  1. 水平阶跃荷载作用下框架结构动力稳定性研究

    Study on Dynamic Stability of Frame Structure Under Step Load

  2. 在坡地上修建水平阶后,沿坡长土壤水分趋于均匀。

    The soil moisture along slope was well distributed after constructing horizontal stage .

  3. 元谋干热河谷植被恢复中水平阶整地对土壤蒸发的影响

    Effects of Level-terrace Site Preparation on Soil Evaporation in Recovering in Yuanmou Dry-hot River Valley

  4. 不同间距水平阶集水及造林效果的研究

    A Studying of the Effects of Water Storing and Afforestation on Terrace with Different Row Spacing

  5. 晋西黄土丘陵沟壑区水平阶造林减水减沙效益研究

    Study of Effects of Runoff and Sediment Reduction By Forestation on Leveling Steps in Rolling Gullied Loess Region in West Shanxi Province

  6. 水平阶面、阶间草坡和自然坡面的土壤蒸发量均随土壤含水率的增大而增大,随土壤含水率的减小而减小。

    The soil evaporation increased with the increasing of soil moisture in the level-terrace , the grass slope between level-terrace and the nature grass slope , vice versa .

  7. 结果表明:边坡开挖水平阶截持水分量是未处理的1.75倍,初始植株保存数量较未处理高82.5%;

    Results show , water retain for level steps is 1.75 times of that of non-treatment , while the original seedlings ' survival is 82.5 % higher than the latter .

  8. 水平阶整地可使土壤含水量比未整地高5%,生物地堰构成疏薄型防护林带后,光照平均减弱8%,风速平均降低20%以上,空气湿度平均提高18%。

    Level terrace site preparation can increase soil moisture capacity 5 % compared to original preparation . After ecological weir being composed of sparse protective forest , 8 % sunlight is weakened averagely , 20 % wind speed is droped on an average and 18 % air humidity is raised .

  9. 用相位多普勒颗粒测速仪(PDPA)测量了颗粒的平均与脉动速度,研究了壁面粗糙度对水平后台阶气粒两相流动的影响。

    The effect of wall roughness on gas-particle flows in a horizontal backward-facing step is studied using a phase-Doppler particle anemometer ( PDPA ) by measuring the mean and RMS particle velocities .

  10. 对飞行平台的高度阶跃响应和水平位移阶跃响应进行了仿真。

    Through simulation , the step response of height and horizontal displacement was obtained .

  11. 竖向一阶自振频率为水平一阶自振频率的15倍,接近于高频振动。

    The first vertical frequency is 15 times the first horizontal frequency ; it is close to high frequency vibration .

  12. 对山东省1∶50万航磁水平一阶导数轴向图进行计算机自动关联叠置、提取航磁解释构造轴线的研究。

    This model was used to connect the 1 ∶ 500 000 aeromagnetic horizontal first stage derivative map of Shandong province and extract structure axis of aeromagnetic interpretation map automatically .

  13. 该方法的基本原理是,首先用方向剖面法识别出地球物理位场水平一阶导数图象中的局部极大(极小)值点;

    The basic procedure of this method is as follows : First , the directional profile method is applied to recognizing local maximum ( or local minimum ) pixels from the field images .

  14. 本文系统综述了两者在不同分类水平(高级阶元、低级阶元)上的系统发育关系研究。

    In this article we reviewed the advances in phylogenetic relationships between aphids and Buchnera at different taxonomic levels ( from higher to lower ) .

  15. 背景:按照艾森克的人格理论,特质水平属于低阶人格,而低阶人格更能反映出个体习惯性行为反应的特点。

    BACKGROUND : According to Eysenck 's theory of personality , trait level belongs to low-grade personality , which can better reflect characteristics of individual habitual behavior reaction .

  16. 在三维溢油模型中增加了油滴的垂向紊动扩散和水平运动的二阶Stokes波导净输移,其基于的环境动力有风场、潮流场和波浪。

    The vertical turbulent diffusion and horizontal movement of the second Stokes induced net transport has been considered in the 3D oil spill model which is based on wind , current and wave .

  17. 水平扩散采用二阶形式和四阶形式相结合的方案,扩散系数是网格点位置和风场的函数;

    Two types of horizontal diffusion scheme , the second order form and the fourth order form , are used here .

  18. 研究摇摆基座上进行的惯导系统初始对准技术,提出了水平对准采用二阶调平、方位对准采用四元数补偿的初始对准方案。

    The initial alignment technique of Strapdown Inertial Navigation Systems ( SINS ) for Underwater Vehicle is studied in the paper , which adopts two-order horizontal alignment for level alignment and quaternion correction for azi - muth alignment .

  19. 根据某大口径望远镜水平轴系的结构设计方案,利用结构分析软件I-DEAS,建立了结构分析模型,求得了水平轴系前几阶固有频率和振型图。

    According to the structural design scheme for horizontal shafting of a large-aperture telescope , the structural analysis model is established by means of the structural analysis software I-DEAS . The natural frequency and the first ten vibration models of the horizontal shafting are obtained .