
  • 网络plumbing & drainage layout plan
  1. 另外还举例说明了水节点图在制浆造纸节水中的一些应用。

    In addition , some application examples of water pinch diagram are illustrated .

  2. 喷淋水轨迹图模拟了真实情况下水滴下降过程中的运行路线。(2)对流传质系数随着喷淋密度大增大而增大但是当喷淋水密度到达一个较大值时传值系数增加缓慢。

    The droplet trajectory figure shows the real situation of drop down . ( 2 ) Convective mass transfer coefficient enhance with the spray water flow . But it increase slowly when the spray water flow is high .

  3. 介绍了在工业微机上采用组态软件(FIX)对制水过程进行图形式操作、实现动态监控。

    It is introduced that the industrial microcomputer graphical operation and supervisory control by using FIX configuring software in water treatment process .

  4. 地下水水化学剖面图注水井暂堵酸化改善吸水剖面技术研究

    Research of improving technology profile by water injection well temporary acidizing

  5. 水下大样图测量平面定位方法实践

    Plain Positioning Method for Underwater Detail Dr-awing Measurement

  6. 贯流式水轮机锥形导水机构运动图计算机计算与绘图

    Computing and Plotting the Motion Diagram of Taper Distributor for Tubular Turbine With Computer

  7. 对水下试验图进行图像增强,实验分别用了直方图均衡化滤波和拉普拉斯锐化滤波两种方法。

    To experimental diagram of underwater image enhancement , experiments are used the histogram equalization filtering and Laplacian sharpening filtering .

  8. 由于缺少90年代海图资料,本研究利用遥感测深模型反演出1997年水下地形图,较好地满足了研究的需要。

    For lack of charts in the 90s , the study retrieve the water-depth map of 1997 using water-depth retrieval models .

  9. 分析也表明,利用水沙动态图法分析河流的水沙长期变化具有一定的优越性。

    It also shows that it has advantages using water-sediment diagram in analyzing the trends in water and sediment loads of rivers .

  10. 水氡动态图强震危险区预测法是一种地下流体的地震分析预报新方法。

    The method of prediction for the earthquake risk area is recently developed on the basis of the evolutionary diagrams of radon in ground water .

  11. 首次利用1:10000湖泊水下地形图,完成了湖区地形数字化,形成了符合实际地形条件网格系统。在此基础上,建立了洞庭湖二维水力学模型。

    By utilizing underwater topography map with the 1:10000 scale of Dongting Lake , the topography digitalization of the lake area , and established grid system coincident with actual topographic conditions and two-dimensional hydraulics model is set up .

  12. 该数据库有三个基本功能,即信息查询、检索、制作统计报表,制作专题图(如水资源分布图,人均耕地变化统计图)。

    This database has three main functions : ( 1 ) inquiring about information ( 2 ) preparing forms for reporting statistics ( 3 ) making special topic maps e.g. : water resources maps , per capita arable land map ) .

  13. 铜水体系电位-pH图与发电机内冷水pH调节防腐

    Potential-pH chart for copper-water system and controlling pH of internal cooling water to prevent generator from corrosion

  14. CWSE-E模型是基于CWSE模型和TERM模型的改进和拓展研究,包括改进水资源节点网络图和构建用于区域间一般均衡分析的水资源子模块。

    The CWSE-E model is the improvement and expansion of the CWSE model and TERM model , including the improving of water source node network diagram and the building the water sub-modules for regional general equilibrium model analysis .

  15. 水环境容量系列图编制方法探讨

    The Methods for Compiling the series Maps of Aquatic Environmental Capacity

  16. 四边形法绘制水下河床等深线图

    Drawing River-bed 's Depth Contour by the Quadrilateral Method

  17. 评价煤层顶板涌(突)水条件的三图-双预测法

    Three maps two predictions method to evaluate water bursting coditions on roof coal

  18. 葡萄糖酸钙溴化钙水体系的状态图

    The Ternary System of Calcium Gluconate Calcium Bromide Water

  19. 基于格点数字高程模型生成流域水沙运移路径图的研究

    Study for networks of runoff and sediment transport from grid digital elevation data

  20. 水下地形扫描图高程信息自动提取方法研究

    Study on Method for Automatic Extraction of Altitude Information from Scanned Underwater Topographic Map

  21. 1∶1万地形图高程注记点采集方法研究遥感水下地形成图技术

    Research on the Collection Method of Height Figures on 1 ∶ 10000 Topography Map

  22. 基于三维配筋的水工结构钢筋图自动标注研究

    Research on Automatic Dimensioning Detail Drawings of Hydraulic Structures Based on 3D Reinforcement Layout

  23. 图表给出的信息是关于澳大利亚现在与将来的水处理系统示意图。

    The diagram shows the water treatment system in Australia now and in the future .

  24. 城市水环境质量评价图的表示法探讨

    An initial research in the presentation methods on the maps of urban water environmental quality evaluation

  25. 方法:回顾性分析产前系统超声检查诊断的8例中晚期妊娠胎儿淋巴水囊瘤的声像图特点。

    Methods : Retrospectively analyzed ultrasonogram of8 cases diagnosed as advanced fetal cystic hygroma by prenatal examination .

  26. 水保设施的图斑管理是水保工程建设中的重要环节。

    Map spot management of water and soil conservation treatments is an important link in water and soil conservation construction .

  27. 介绍了水节点极限曲线图的作法,并分析了节点图。

    In this paper , the way of drawing water pinch diagram is introduced , and the water pinch diagram is analyzed .

  28. 通过数值计算得到了液-液水力旋流器内流体流动的速度矢量图、流线图和油相及水相等浓度分布图。

    The velocity vectograph and motion pattern of the flow in the hydrocyclone and the isoconcentration distribution diagram of the oil phase are calculated .

  29. 介绍了国外有关动态及技术,并简要探讨了实现交互式图形模拟技术的条件,为在微机上实施流域水环境规划的图模拟技术做好了准备。

    Some external trends and techniques abroad have been introduced , and the conditions to realize the interactive computer graphic simulation on a computer also discussed briefly .

  30. 平均粒子数量的原水,沙过滤水和超滤水给出了图。

    The average particle numbers of raw water , sand filtrated water and ultrafiltrated water are given in Fig.