
  • 网络Oxygen;oxygen bar
  1. 当然,有种新颖的氧吧创意。

    And , of course , there is the novelty value of the oxygen bar .

  2. 都市生活空间的压抑感,工作忙忙碌碌的紧张感,往往在乡村之旅中被这些“乡村氧吧”冲刷的干干净净。

    Depression in urban life and space , tenses of toil and moil are frequently rushed away by the so-called " Countryside Oxygen Bar " .

  3. 像一个天然氧吧。

    It 's like a natural oxygen bar .

  4. 更叫人心旷神怡的是那清新的空气,哦,大山氧吧,如此的慷慨!

    A very delightful is that fresh air , oh , big mountain Yangba , so generous !

  5. 氧吧因其能产生有益身体健康的负氧离子而成为家庭医疗与保健市场的新宠。

    Because of beneficial negative oxygen ions produced , oxygen-bar becomes a new favor of family medical service and health care market .

  6. 上海滨江度假中心是“天人合一,回归大自然,天然氧吧”的好场所。

    Shanghai Binjiang Entertainment Center is well-known as a natural oxygen bar , you will relax and enjoy the nature completely here .

  7. 城市郊区林地是城市的氧吧,小气候调节器,远离喧嚣且方便到达。

    Forest in city suburb is the city oxygen source and microclimate regulator , away from the noise and convenient to arrive .

  8. 室内景观的合理放置,对室内装饰起到柔化作用,不仅从色彩上,还可以从嗅觉上,对植物进行筛选。让室内景观成为了室内天然的小氧吧。

    Reasonable layout of interior landscape can soften the whole decoration effect both in color and smell and also make it a natural oxygen bar indoor .

  9. 新型冷等离子轿车氧吧,采用国外最新冷等离子技术,冷等离子是正离子和负离子的空气集合体。

    New type of cold plasma car oxygen bar , using the latest foreign cold plasma technology , cold plasma is a positive ion and negative ion air collection .

  10. 本文介绍了膜法富氧技术的分离机理及其在医疗保健仪、氧吧空调上的具体应用。

    In this paper , we mainly introduce separation of mechanism of membrane oxygen enrichment technology and application of membrane oxygen enrichment in medical care apparatus and oxygen bar air-condition .

  11. 此产品同时可用于学校微机室、电子多媒体教室、洁净车间、石油化工车间及医院的手术室、室、氧吧间等。

    It is also can used in computer lab , multimedia room of school and clean workshop , petrochemical plant and the hospital operating room , anesthesia room , Oxygen Bar , etc.

  12. 山地公园是城市的一道天然的绿色屏障和天然的氧吧,是人们离开喧嚣的城市去寻找一片净土的最佳场所。

    Mountain park is a natural green barrier and natural oxygen bar of a city , It is people away from the noisy cities to find the best place to a piece of pure land .

  13. 桐梓县作为“黔北门户”,是革命老区、夜郎故地、方竹笋之乡,资源丰富、气候凉爽,素有天然“氧吧”之称。

    As a " Gateway of North Guizhou ", Tongzi County is the old revolutionary base areas , Yelang old haunt , rich in resources , and climate is cool and it has long been known as natural " oxygen bar " .