
  • 网络Oxidative bleaching;Oxygen bleach;oxidation bleeching
  1. 研究了百合淀粉氧化漂白的工艺条件,对影响百合淀粉氧化漂白的因素如氧化剂添加量、反应时间、反应温度和pH进行了探讨。

    PH 7.0 . ( 3 ) The influencing factors such as oxidant demand , starch concentration , reaction time and temperature , and pH were tested to determine the technics conditions for oxidation bleaching of lily starches .

  2. 氧化漂白后的淀粉通过SBD-1型数字白度计测量,其白度达到85.9,已超过目前市售的玉米淀粉与绿豆淀粉的白度。

    The whiteness of starch after oxidative bleaching reached 85.9 , higher than the whiteness of corn starch and mung bean starch sold in the market .

  3. 在该实验条件下氧化漂白的土豆淀粉,经SBD-2型数字白度计的测定,其白度达到86.2,超过了目前市售的玉米淀粉及甘薯淀粉的白度。

    In experimental spects , the potato starch is oxygenated and bleach , measure with the size quantity whiteness degree SBD-2 , the whiteness degree reaches to 86.2.The whiteness degree over the strach of corn and yam which are sold in market .

  4. 同样条件下膜的损伤快于叶绿素的氧化漂白程度。

    Membrane injury was more serious than oxidative bleaching of chlorophyll under the same condition .

  5. 高锰酸钾氧化漂白大豆分离蛋白

    Decoloration of soybean protein isolate by KMnO_4

  6. 马铃薯淀粉氧化漂白工艺研究

    Oxidation Bleaching Technics of Potato Starch

  7. 本文就饮水氯化消毒、城市污水氯化处理及纸浆氧化漂白废水,所能引起的环境问题进行了讨论。

    This paper reviews the environmental effects of chlorination used for drinking water disinfection , and municipal wastewater treatment as well as for pulp bleaching process .

  8. 在氧化漂白中,亚氯酸钠和双氧水/四乙酰乙二胺(反应生成过乙酸)的漂白效果很好;

    As for oxidation bleaching , the bleaching effect of sodium chlorite and hydrogen peroxide / tetraacetylethylenediamine ( peracetic acid as a resultant of reaction ) was much better .

  9. 通过对快速、浸渍、碱性和还原漂白工艺的对比试验,摸索出一条先进行氧化漂白,后进行还原漂白的新途径。

    After comparing various bleaching processes , such as shock , immersion , alkality and reduction ones , the author considers recommendable the oxidation bleaching followed by the reduction bleaching .

  10. 一种有毒盐,形成深紫色晶体,溶于水中呈紫红色,用作氧化漂白剂、消毒剂和杀菌剂。

    A poisonous salt that forms dark purple crystals and is purple-red when dissolved in water ; used as an oxidizing and bleaching agent and as a disinfectant and antiseptic .

  11. Beyond冷光美白与过氧化脲漂白四环素牙的疗效比较

    Effects of Beyond cold light tooth whitening kit on bleaching tetracycline teeth

  12. 麦草Soda-AQ浆的过氧化尿素漂白

    Bleaching of Wheat Straw Soda-AQ Pulp with Urea Peroxide

  13. ONP脱墨浆二氧化硫脲漂白研究

    Study on FAS Bleaching of ONP Deinking Pulp

  14. H2O2是一种常用的氧化性漂白剂,本研究对马尾松磨木浆(SGW)进行了单段H2O2漂白和两段H2O2漂白试验,确定了H2O2漂白的最佳工艺参数。

    Processing Parameters of H 2O 2 bleaching were selected based on one and two stage H 2O 2 bleaching of SGW from masson pine .

  15. 蚕蛹蛋白纤维过氧化尿素漂白研究

    Research of Urea Peroxide on the Bleaching of Pupa Protein Fiber

  16. 不同增稠载体过氧化脲漂白凝胶对口腔黏膜的刺激性

    Irritation of different urea peroxide bleaching agents to oral mucous membrane

  17. 过氧化脲漂白凝胶对牙釉质光学性质的影响

    Effects of carbamide peroxide bleaching gel on the optics property of enamel

  18. 大豆蛋白纤维针织物过氧化尿素漂白

    Bleaching of soybean protein fiber knitted fabrics with urea peroxide

  19. 棉织物过氧化尿素漂白研究

    Research on bleaching of cotton fabrics with urea peroxide

  20. 过氧化脲漂白剂对釉质表面粗糙度影响的实验研究

    Effect of carbamide peroxide bleaching agents on the surface roughness of enamel in vitro

  21. 方法:将重度色素牙先经过11%或16%的过氧化脲漂白,再行光敏固化贴面。

    Methods : the high pigment teeth were bleached by 11 % ~ 15 % carbamide peroxide , then apply to light curing microglass composite .

  22. 目的观察10%过氧化脲漂白对不同原因内源性着色活髓牙的漂白效果。

    Objective To clinically evaluate the effect of teeth whitening on three kinds of discolored vital teeth with different intrinsic reasons , using 10 % carbamide peroxide .

  23. 本研究选用较高浓度的过氧化脲漂白剂,应用扫描电镜和显微硬度测试,观察和评价了其在体情况下对人牙齿表面结构的影响;

    The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of 3 higher - concentration CP whitening solutions on the tooth surface in vivo with the scanning electron microscope and micro-hardness tester ;

  24. 关于毛皮在同浴氧化&还原漂白剩浴中继续染色的研究

    Study on Fur Dyeing Method in the Residual Bath of Sequential Oxidative-Reductive Bleaching

  25. 氧化和还原漂白对大豆纤维结构性能的影响

    Influence of oxidation and reduction bleaching on structure and properties of soybean fibers

  26. 研究了污渍羊毛用双氧水/硫脲进行氧化/还原漂白及连续低温&治染色的机理和主要工艺。

    In this paper , the mechanism and main technology of using hydrogen peroxide / citrol in oxidation / reduction bleaching and continuous low temperature one bath dyeing process for stained wool were studied .

  27. 比较蚕蛹蛋白纤维过氧化尿素和过氧化氢漂白的H2O2消耗速率、pH值变化、白度和失重率,结果表明,过氧化尿素的漂白效果优于过氧化氢。

    The consumption rate of H2O2 , the change of pH , whiteness and weight loss of pupa protein fiber are compared after bleaching with urea peroxide and hydrogen peroxide . The results show that the bleaching effect of urea peroxide is superior to that of hydrogen peroxide .

  28. 过氧化尿素及纸浆漂白

    Urea Peroxide and Its Application on Bleaching

  29. 研究过氧化尿素的制备及生产母液的循环利用情况,对过氧化尿素用于纺织品漂白时的浓度、时间、pH值等工艺条件进行筛选。

    In this article , the methods of preparing urea peroxide and reusing mother liquor were studied . Process parameters such as concentration of urea peroxide , bleaching time and pH value were approached .