- hydrogen bridge

The neodymium atom is coordinated by three η ~ 5-cyclopentadienyls , and two ( C_5H_5 ) _3Nd species are connected by one hydrogen bridge to form the anion with Nd-H 0.218 ( 1 ) nm .
We show that the surface metallization arises from a novel mechanism of n-type doping of surface band via formation of hydrogen bridgebonds ( i.e. , Si-H-Si complex ) .
It is demonstrated by means of quantum-chemical ab initio method , with the Dunning 's basis set , that , owing to the cr-conjugation . effect , the two three-center hydrogen-bridge bonds have been fused into a four-center bond .
Hydrogen bonds from the H atoms of Asp and bridging-O atoms on the surface also contribute to the adsorption .