
qì gēn
  • aerial root;air-root;clinging root
气根 [qì gēn]
  • [aerial root] 暴露于空气中的根;尤指一种生长在附生植物和与土壤不接触的攀缘植物上的根,但通常有将植物固定于支持物上并常常有光合作用的功能

气根[qì gēn]
  1. 文化气根现象与新移民文学心态&兼论澳门新移民文学中的文化气根现象

    Cultural Air-Root Phenomenon and the Literary Mentality of New Immigrant Literature : Also about the Phenomenon in Macau New Immigrant Literature

  2. 榕树有气根。

    The banyan tree has aerial roots .

  3. 用低压气根消灭炼油厂火炬

    Low Pressure Gas Tank Used for Putting out Refinery Torches

  4. 之前见过有榕树气根被剪,或者被人「扎辫」,觉得好痛心。

    BTW , do you think the aerial roots have been cut ?

  5. 较长时间的淹水可促进贮气根的数量增加和长度的增长。

    The number and length of aerating roots increased with the increase of waterlogging time .

  6. 这是中国本应下大力气根除的现象。中外法学家均认为造成此种现象的一个重要原因是中国警察刑讯逼供司空见惯。

    Chinese and foreign legal experts agree that an important cause of this , which China could do much more to eradicate , is the common police practice of extracting confessions through torture .