
  • 网络pressure gradient force;PGF;Air Pressure-Gradient Force
  1. 在有地形时,气压梯度力项采用在P坐标系计算的方法,即回插法。

    The pressure gradient force in a model with topography is calculated at the constant pressure surface , i. e. by using the so-called interpolation method .

  2. 地形坐标系数值模式中气压梯度力的计算

    Evaluation of pressure gradient force in coordinate system following the terrains

  3. 构造气压梯度力差分格式的目的正是为了减小这种第二类误差,而不是其他误差。

    It is the error that we construct special schemes to reduce .

  4. 数值模式中气压梯度力的算法试验

    Experiments of computational methods of pressure gradient force in numerical models with topography

  5. 中尺度非流体静力和流体静力气压梯度力理论。

    Mesoscale nonhydrostatic and hydrostatic pressure gradient forces theory .

  6. 地形区两种典型气压梯度力计算方法的比较

    A comparison of two typical schemes for pressure gradient force calculation in topographic area

  7. 温度初值确定之合理性与气压梯度力项的计算

    The rationality of the initialization of temperature and the calculation of pressure gradient term

  8. 水平气压梯度力差分格式误差的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of the Discretization Errors of the Horizontal Pressure Gradient Force over Sloping Terrain

  9. 云南中尺度数值预报模式中气压梯度力计算方法试验

    A Study of Computational Methods of Pressure Gradient Force in Yunnan Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction Model

  10. P-σ坐标系数值模式中气压梯度力的递推算法

    The Recurrent Computational Methods of Pressure Gradient Force in the P - σ Coordinate Numerical Models

  11. 地形跟随坐标下的中尺度模式气压梯度力计算误差分析及其改进方案

    The Errors of Pressure Gradient Force in High-Resolution Meso-Scale Model with Terrain-Following Coordinate and Its Revised Scheme

  12. 有地形数值模式中坐标变换和气压梯度力计算问题的讨论

    On the problems in the coordinate transformation and the calculation of the pressure gradient force in the numerical models with topography

  13. 本文设计了一个用于中尺度研究的非静力平暂数值模式。在垂直运动方程中考虑非静力项后,为了减小由气压梯度力和重力计算浮力时的误差,模式引进了浮力方程。

    A non-hydrostatic numerical model is constructed for mesoscale studies , buoyancy equation being introduced into the model to reduce computational error of buoyancy .

  14. 本文讨论数值试验中两个基本问题:温度初值确定和气压梯度力的计算。

    In this paper , two basic problems in numerical experiment , the initialization of temperature and the calculation of pressure gradient term , are discussed .

  15. 本文则用气候模式对作者提出的有地形数值模式中气压梯度力的误差扣除法进行了模拟检验。

    Modelling tests are made in this paper to check the error subtraction scheme of the pressure gradient force in models with topography developed by the authors .

  16. 在静力关系成立的条件下,推导出气压梯度力的递推算法,用以计算有地形P-σ坐标系模式中的气压梯度力。

    Under the condition of static equilibrium , recurrent computational methods have been developed to calculate pressure gradient force in the P - σ coordinate model with topography .

  17. 在数值预报模式中使用这种方法可较好地求得陡坡地区的气压梯度力,改进模式的性能。

    The method is also helpful for numerical weather prediction models in providing a better initial data set and improving the accuracy of calculation of pressure gradient force .

  18. 但是,湿空气块的加速并不仅仅是湿绝热上升过程中浮力的作用,动量收支的计算表明,中尺度水平气压梯度力对气块动量的增加也有贡献。

    But , the calculation of momentum budget shows that the increasing of momentum caused not only by the buoyancy force , but also by the horizontal pressure gradient force on meso-scale .

  19. 两垂直坐标下气压梯度力计算误差在低层两者相差不大,但是往高层高度坐标的气压梯度力误差要明显小于质量坐标。

    PGF errors are a little difference between the two coordinates in lower levels , but PGF errors of the height coordinate are obviously smaller than those of the mass coordinate in higher levels .

  20. 扰动气压梯度力在云的中上部为负力,它抑制了云的生长发展;在云的下部为正力,它使云向上的加速度增大。

    The perturbation pressure force is negative in the middle-upper parts of cloud , which suprces the growth of cloud , and is positive in the lower part which promotes the cloud upward acceleration .

  21. 通过分析发现地形坐标系中气压梯度力差分格式的计算误差应分为二类,其中,第二类误差在水平坐标面倾斜时出现。

    The analysis has demonstrated that the discretization errors of the horizontal pressure gradient force in terrain-following coordinate models should be divided into two kinds , one of which , the second kind Error-II , appears while the horizontal coordinate surface is inclined .

  22. 结果表明:由浮力项、平流项和拖曳力项触发引起的扰动气压垂直梯度力与各对应源项具有同等量级,但与其源项的作用力方向相反。

    The results show that the perturbation pressure forces induced by buoyancy , velocity advection and dray are of the same order of magnitude as the corresponding resource terms and act against them .